
Found you.


Sorry for the long wait… I shall not give out  any excuses, aye? Let’s go on with the story ><”


< 3 years back >

-Your/ Estelle’s P.O.V-

“Mail!” I shrieked. With my hands full with letters, I pushed the door open using my legs. You know how to do it, right?

I entered the house sideways. A smile came to my face when I saw the rest of my family - Dad, Umma and Baekhyun oppa- all sitting together on the couch. When I came closer to them though, my wide smile immediately disappeared.

My dad was emailing someone on his iPad. An important business partner, I assume. He took the iPad away when Umma peeked at it. She rolled her eyes.

"Immature," she said. Dad gave her a hard look.

When  Umma turned around, he continued typing. Umma then stood up and sat near my brother. It was blatant that he was her favourite child, but who am I to complain?

“Estelle! I didn’t realise you came back,” Umma said to me. I gave her a sweet smile. My dad just made a forced smile then walked up to his room. All I can think was,

Workaholic much?

But I’ve gotten so used to this that I don’t even bother and just leave him be. Besides, who needs a workaholic dad when you’ve got a wonderful brother? And a mom?

The tension in the room left together with my dad, making the mood happy.

“Estelle! I missed you, what took you so long?” oppa said while pouting.

“Eww. Stop. Mail.” I replied at tossed the letters on the coffee table. I sank into the soft couch. A whole lot of the letters were for dad, one for Baek oppa and Umma got none.

“Aigoo. I’m old,” Umma commented before leaving and going to the kitchen to cook. Or something. That involves being in the kitchen. What-ev.

I looked through the letters again. Baekhyun oppa wasn’t really interested in the letters, he just sat there watching the television.

“Dad, business. Dad, business. Dad, business. Dad, business, yet again. Byun Baekhyun, SM Enter-

“GIVE IT!” Baekhyun oppa stood up and fished the letter out of my hands. He ran up to his room.

I am confusedeu.

/Oh Well/. I shrugged, then went to take a bath.

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There will be probably 1 or 2 more chapters until the [3 years ago] 'large flashback' ends. Wait for it! ^^


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WHAT?!? LOLOL! Estelle is forever alone! :( PLEASE MAKE SEQUEL THEN!!! PLZZZZZZZZZ???!!
Hhehe Minhyuk is so cute! :) YAY!!! YOURE BACK!! :D Get some rest though! I bet you feel tiredfrom all the studying and testing. Update soon! :)
Academics before fun stuff!!! Don't worry! We'll still be her!! :) Good luck on your tests!
kikwang32 #4
omg can't wait! Update soon!
I love it!!! I feel so bad for her! </3 update soon!
I LOL-ed at the ball kicking part. XD BUT OMG. <////3 POOR ESTELLE AND BACON. ;w; GVFDTYRFTUYHJG BASTARD APPA! D:<
The nut kicking was wicked. :) update soon!
WisdomJade #8
How does a wife do that to her husband O.O LOL epic. Anyways update soon! Bacon must get better~ T~T
Alice-tvxq #9
so wonderful , please update soon .
OMG IKR?!? DONGHAE WAS FREAKING HAWWWWTTTTT!! <3 my bias Yesunggie was looking good too. ;) update soon!!! Their dad is so mean!!!! My dad stopped beating me up when I was 12 now he just womps me on my head.....HARD.