A Part Of Seunghyun's Past

Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13

Btw, this is still Jonghyun's POV .. continue (:

I awoke in a dark room seeing nothing but the dim light shining above me .. I felt myself lying on a cold, hard surface unaware of what I was laying upon ..

I squinted my eyes and blocked the light with my hand as I tried to sit up, but I just leaned over to the side supporting myself up with my elbow .. I scanned the room and still couldn't see anything .. nothing but plain black ..

Where am I? ..

I turned around and saw a wooden shelf with many stacked papers on it .. the light coming up from the ceiling shined on it making it easy for me to see what it was ..

" .. photos? .. " I said as I turned my whole body around to face the shelf. "It's that Seunghyun guy with pictures of .. a girl but she's blurred out?" I got up from the cold, hard table I was apparently resting on .. 

I stood up and walked over to the shelf .. I took a pile of photos and started to look through them one by one .. all these photos were just Seunghyun and a girl? .. plus that girl looks familiar ..

As I was holding the stack of photos in my hands I saw something white fall down fading into the darkness of the floor .. I bent down and looked for the thing I dropped and saw that it was a white paper .. an envelope .. hmm, should I open it? ..

Yes I shall ..

I stood back up once again and placed the photos back onto the shelf. I sat on top of the table behind me and opened the envelope carefully as I ripped the sides .. Seunghyun won't know that I opened this letter.

I looked inside the envelope and saw a note within it .. a hand written note .. well, whoever wrote this is a failure at sending mail this letter was written like ten years ago.

I took the note from inside and began to read it .. before I started to read I noticed a name that I now for sure knew who it was .. I saw the name "Eun-Ae" .. 

"Dear Eun-Ae?" I said to myself as I was puzzled to why there was a letter for Eun-Ae here .. I searched through the letter again and saw more names that I knew .. "Mee-Yon" .. is this guy a freak? Writing notes about girls and then hiding it in your not-so-secretive secret stash?

Love Seunghyun? I thought to myself .. was he too shy to send this to Eun-Ae or what? Plus, no one sends mail that's so old, that's why we all have cell phones now.

Ignoring my ranting in my head about how ridiculous this letter was I began to read the really long letter quietly to myself ...

"Dear Eun-Ae,

I've now come to realize that I was wrong and how sorry I am for breaking your heart .. it was my fault who tore up our wonderful relationship and now that your gone I feel as if I have nothing to look forward to anymore ... I remember how people at our school used to make fun of me or run away whenever I was within ten feet near them and I didn't care .. but ever since you pointed those things out to me I've noticed how much of a threat I was to people .. when I wasn't trying to be ..

The first time I saw you I already saw the difference between you and other girls at school .. not just looks, or the brains, or the stylish fashion, but I've seen the difference in your personality .. 

Remember how I used to be with girls all the time? The ty ones? .. Well that was back when I thought I had no reason to find anyone to be with .. I thought it was a waste of time to be with someone for longer than a week and there was no point in long lasting relationships ... but ever since we connected and talked between classes I've felt the need to be with someone special .. someone that looked a lot like you ..

I apologize if I'm writing this in a cheesy way but I want to write down all of the things that are popping up in my head, and what feelings I feel towards you .. 

I remember how I tried to hit on you and be the selfish jerk I was to you just to get your attention but you seemed to ignore me most of the time which I thought was really cute. There was only one way for me to get to you and that was through your best friend Mee-Yon .. I thought she was pretty cute too but I still kept an eye on you no matter how many girls try and come at me ..

Ever since the jealousy you had on Mee-Yon and me that was when I sensed that you had a feeling for me too ..

I broke up with her just to be with you and lucky for me Mee-Yon understood that .. you finally agreed to go on a date with me and it was the best time I've spent with anybody else in a long time .. there was an obvious attachment between us and I loved the feeling of having someone close right by my side .. I also loved the day how you were afraid of everyone talking about us at school and how girls made fun of you for going out with the "er" .. I comforted you and asked you a simple question .. remember the question I asked you? 

"If you really love me then you wouldn't care about anyone else who tried break us apart .. you wouldn't be embarrassed of true love .. are you still willing to be with me even if many people kept judging us?" 

and then you replied ..

"I'd choose to be with you even if the world kept shouting at us that we weren't destined to be together, I choose you Seunghyun" 

From that day on we continued our lives as a happy couple .. until the day that came .. the day in which I regret every moment of .. wishing you wouldn't forget me or hate me .. but I had to do it ..

I know we promised to be with each other even if the world shunned us .. we wouldn't care about anyone else and would still be together .. but I had to let you go only because my mother was dying and she forbid us to be together .. I swear I didn't want to lose you but I just wanted to give my mother her wish before she died .. so I had to think of something tragic for you to hate which I really did not want to do ..

Here I am with only one way to apologize to you .. I hope this letter made you understand what really happened .. I hope you know that I'll always love you .. I promise I'll never forget you .. never a day would I miss of not remembering what happened and how badly I screwed up .. I'm sorry .. I just want you back .. please forgive me ..

Love, Seunghyun"

I closed the letter and placed it back in the envelope .. so .. the things Seunghyun told me in the forest about him and Mee-Yon .. it was actually him and Eun-Ae? .. 

Wait was he trying to make me jealous!? .. Ugh .. that just made me hate him more ..

Anyways, I can't believe he didn't send this letter .. What held him back into not sending this? Eun-Ae has to understand somehow .. I bet this was killing him .. maybe I should give this letter to Eun-Ae ..

Wait no Key would destroy me if he found out it was my fault for bringing back Eun-Ae and Seunghyun together ... never mind ..

As I was about to put the envelope back onto the shelf I heard a large, heavy door swing open from behind me letting in an amount of light to make me blind. I turned around trying to block the light with my arm and saw a figure of a man standing in front of it .. my eyes widened as I noticed it was Seunghyun .. aish, and I'm still holding his letter ..

I hurriedly placed it behind my back pocket and stuffed it in there making sure it wasn't popping out .. 

"Jonghyun" he spoke, "Come here if you want to see Mee-Yon and Eun-Ae and .. this other girl" Seunghyun said as he walked near me to lead me out .. wait there was another girl that came with us? .. Ohh .. hahahha he must be talking about Key.

I just nodded and followed him out of the dark room .. I wonder why he put me in a dark room? ..

We walked towards this big building next to the small building I was in .. He grabbed the handle of the door and was about to pull it open but then paused and turned to me .. I stared at him in confusion because he was just staring at me not saying a word ..

"What? .. What are you staring at?" I said to him interrupting his thoughts of some sort .. He blinked, looked up at the sky, and then looked back at me .. 

"Nothing, It's just I still can't believe Mee-Yon would fall for something like you" He smirked and then opened the door. .. Freakin' extremely hate that son of a ---

"SURPRISE!!!!!" Maybe about three to four people shouted as loud as they could once me and Seunghyun entered the room. Very little, not even a hand full of people were here surrounding this tiny living room .. surprise? .. I wonder what event is taking place ..

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much" Seunghyun bowed smiling .. smiling? .. in front of the people surrounding this hangout place .. whaaaat, is going on?

"Happy Birthday Seungiee~ Hope this party cheered you up!"

"Thank you unnie~" Seunghyun said as he hugged his unnie .. HUH? BIRTHDAY? WHAT THE HELL?

I tapped Seunghyun on the shoulder being astonished from this random unexpected out of no where surprise birthday party. He turned around and I saw the nervous look on his face .. okay so there was a plan ... I thought he was going to kill us or murder and Mee-Yon and Eun-Ae .. thought he was going to torture me to death until I leave Mee-Yon .. my baby Key is gone .. this was his plan .. for what exactly?

"Let's talk away from the building .." Seunghyun said as he walked away from the party room .. I followed behind as we stepped onto the dirt ground and continued to walk along the pathway leading into the forest .. I looked up to him to ask where we were going but as I saw this blank but serious expression .. I just remained quiet until he spoke ..

"Reasons for bringing you here are understandable, so don't think that what I'm about to tell you is foolish" He said in a cold tone which made me want to shut my mouth the whole way of walking ..

"I'm guessing you just figured out that it was my birthday?" He asked. I just nodded.

"It is, you don't even know me and I don't even know you but I think you should say something" He said and turned to me. We both stopped walking .. I looked at him still confused .. s-should I talk? .. oh wait .. respect .. I forgot ..

"Oh, Happy Birthday Seunghyun!" I said a little uncomfortable that I'm greeting a random person a happy birthday .. he half smiled and continued to walk again. Again, I just followed him from behind ...

"So back to my reasons why I brought You, Mee-Yon and Eun-Ae .. and that girl here .." He said skipping the subject .. all I can say is that, the last two minutes were very very awkward .. and just saying, that girl is Key. He's a male not a female Seunghyun get it right! ... I probably shouldn't say this out loud ..

"Yeah, why did you bring us here exactly?" I asked being curious. We were kidnapped, I have the right to know why we were brought here.

I was still walking and looked to the side of me noticing Seunghyun wasn't there anymore .. uhmm .. I turned around and saw him standing in place just looking at me walking ahead and talking to myself like an idiot .. aigoo .. what's wrong with him .. 

"Yah! No more games tell me why you brought us here and tell me where you hid everyone else!" I shouted back. He walked forward and stood right in front of me .. we had an intense staring contest and he gave up and spoke ..

"One, we're walking over to them right now .. Two, you will know why I brought you here once you let me finish" He said, turned forward, and began to walk again leaving me behind .. again .. I rolled my eyes and followed him and listened to our footsteps scratching on the dirt until he told me ..

"Listen, I brought.. all of you here for a fair amount of reasons .. I admit .. it's pretty selfish of me .. b-but I had no other choice .." He stuttered and looked off somewhere to the side .. I didn't decide to talk and just kept on listening ..

"One of the reasons .. is that .. I brought you guys more specifically .. to see Eun-Ae"

I KNEW IT HE STILL LOVES EUN-AE!! Poor guy, Eun-Ae already has a boyfriend .. I wonder if he knows ..

"You want to see Eun-Ae?"

"Yes, I have to let her understand something .. I can't tell you though it's personal" He said.

"Ohh, that you and Eun-Ae dated back in highschool and you broke up with her because of your m--- .." 


I closed my mouth really tightly because I just realized that I blurted out a personal secret of his .. WHY!? He's going to beat me up now just great .. I blinked several times hoping I said that out loud in my head .. but apparently not once I heard Seunghyun speak again ..

"How the hell did you know that!?" He said as I saw him form fists .. 

" .. I -- .. I uhh .. well --" I stopped myself from speaking once I heard something fall behind me .. We both turned around and saw the white envelope laying on the ground .. no no .. how did it fall out!?

"YOU READ MY LETTER!??!" He yelled in my face about to punch me but I blocked it with both my arms.

"A letter you haven't sent in years!" I yelled back making him quiet.

"So? It's a letter. A PERSONAL letter that you should not be allowed to read!"

"It was on the shelf in a stack of photos in the room you prisoned me in! Of course any person would be curious to why an envelope that has never been sent before be failed hidden in dusty photos" I said as he squinted his eyes at me ..

"So .." He mumbled.

"So? Seriously, why didn't you send that letter anyways? It's been so long .. you wrote a two page letter for nothing?" I asked as he looked up to me ..

"I wrote it for Eun-Ae .. a letter that should be forgiven .. but I couldn't send it to her .." He said and deeply sighed.

"Why couldn't you send it to her?" I said trying to keep this conversation going .. 

"Why should I tell you?" He scoffed and walked faster. I walked even faster and stopped right in front of him making him stop too.

"Because .. you have to let all your feelings out even when you next to someone you don't know .. keeping your feelings inside isn't such a good thing .. especially since were walking over to Eun-Ae and them right now .." I said which made him close his eyes and sigh in defeat.

"Fine, I'll tell you .. " I nodded my head in response and he began talking again, " I couldn't send that letter because the day I was walking to the postal office .. I .. saw her with another guy .."  He mumbled the last part but I still understood him .. Since Eun-Ae won't be able to hear this I'll say it in my head ...


"I was obviously heartbroken by seeing my only love go off with another man .. but what am I to do she's gone and I guarantee she'll never take me back .." 

His situation kind of reminded me with my situation .. I love Mee-Yon but .. what if she chooses to run off with Jiyong? .. What if I end up like Seunghyun? ... bitter and alone .. that's a sad life right there .. wait a minute .. he saw Eun-Ae with another guy .. that was possibly Key .. Wasn't Key with us today? .. Why didn't Seunghyun do anything .. or did he forget his image already?

"Just a question, but do you remember what her boyfriend looked like?" I asked not sure what I'm hoping for .. do I want him to remember Key or not? .. because even if he doesn't remember Key he might remember him once he sees him next to Eun-Ae .. unless their in seperate rooms .. oh yeah why were we kidnapped again? ..

"Well, not really. I remember that he had really fashionable clothing on and Eun-Ae likes that type .." He said being serious and upset again. You know, I thought he was a man the first time I met him ... now I was proved wrong ..

"Okay I understand the first situation, you came kidnapped us because of Eun-Ae, but what's the second reason? Why are WE in this plan of yours?"

He looked down at the ground and put his hands in his pockets. He sighed and took a glance at me making me feel uncomfortable again .. enough with the staring sheesh ..

"Should I really tell you?" He replied. 

"Yes, yes you should tell me because I'm still freaked by the fact that I was kidnapped for no reason at all but for this random guy that I just met to see my friend" I said starting to panic a little more ..

"Argh, okay fine I guess I should tell you .." He grumbled as I sighed relieved. Instead of replying back, because that might start another conversation, I kept quieting waiting for a reasonable explanation to why I was kidnapped.

"Well, it is my birthday .. and I'm guessing you saw like a couple people in the room earlier .." He said quietly .. I nodded and he continued to speak again.

"Those people ... are all my friends .." He slightly turned his head and looked at me .. "All of it .."

Those are ALL of his friends? .. he only has five to six friends? wow .. that's .. crazy .. throughout his, I'm guessing twenty years of life, he only accomplished to make that amount of friends? .. The more I get to know Seunghyun the more depressing it is to hear his sad lonely life ..

"Laugh all you want, but the reason why I brought you guys here was for my own benefit ... I thought if I invited more people to my party then I wouldn't look as pathetic .. but I guess forcing you to come is pathetic ... I'm sorry for .. troubling you all" He said as he walked up to this platform and into a rusty looking warehouse ... he left me behind feeling guilty .. judged the guy for nothing ... all he wanted was more friends and what do I do? I punch him unconsciously ..

I walked up the stairs and walked inside the broken down warehouse .. I saw Seunghyun unlocking this door with a key .. I have another question .. if he brought us here to be hanging out at the party ... why did he lock us up in abandon rooms? .. Sigh, never mind about the questions let's just make this guy a happy forgivable man again.

As soon as he pulled the key awake from the lock the door came bursting open leaving Eun-Ae, Mee-Yon, and Key together laying on the ground. I was pretty scared once I saw them breathing heavily and glaring at Seunghyun .. so I stepped in and saved him by explaining everything ..

"Alright guys, there's a reason why we were brought here so listen" I said and got everyone to look at me.

"Yeah! We were kidnapped here because Seunghyun wanted to kill us!" Key said growling under his breath.

"What?" Seunghyun said shocked looking back at Key and then me and then Key again.

"No, we were not going to get murdered .." I said. Key was about to say something but I interrupted him, "or or tortured or eaten"

Everyone slowly got up and dusted the dirt off their clothing. They all stood up straight and looked at me waiting for my explanation. 

"Speak doggy" Key randomly said.

What the hell? .. 

"You guys probably didn't know but today is Seunghyun's birthday" I said.

They all were quiet for awhile and looked over at him. Seunghyun shyly bowed his head and turned away from all of us ..

"Even so, I don't feel like greeting him a happy birthday" Mee-Yon mumbled under her breath. 

"Doesn't deserve a cheerful greeting" Eun-Ae scoffed.

"Lame, we were brought here because of a birthday party?" Key said and folded his arms.

I looked at at Seunghyun who wasn't standing near us anymore .. I turned around and saw him walking to the entrance .. 

"Wait Seunghyun! I didn't finish telling them everything!" I said loudly which made it echo through the warehouse. Seunghyun turned around but stayed quiet and looked down at the ground. I turned back around and noticed Key, Eun-Ae, and Mee-Yon impatiently waiting for what I had to say .. 

"He brought us here for a reason .. you'd pity him after I finish explaining everything ... Seunghyun brought us here because he wanted more friends at his party ... you know he only has five friends right now celebrating his birthday!? That's all of his friends!" I yelled which still remained quiet .. 

"I thought he was a jerk the first time I saw him in the forest earlier today ... but if you really get to know him .. he's not that bad ... might as well let him have his day and be happy for once ..."

Everone was serious for a moment .. no movement .. no yelling .. nothing but complete silence which I thought was good .. hopefully they're thinking this through ..

"You kidnapped us because you wanted more 'friends' at your party?" Key said and quoted friends with his fingers. I saw Seunghyun nod and that made Key step up to him and held out his hand .. I was startled from what he was doing .. but that's Key for you, I guess?

"I forgive you" Key said and held out his hand for a handshake. Seunghyun looked at it for awhile but instead he stepped up closer to Key and gave him a big tight hug.

"Thank you so much for understanding! You really are awesome!" Seunghyun said swishing Key side to side in his arms suffocating Key in his tight hug .. everyone just laughed at the two and apologized to Seunghyun .. well this is a start .. everyone forgave him and it ended this day as a great one! Thanks to me and my amazing persuading.

Well, I thought it was a good day until Seunghyun asked us for his favor ...


I wanted to make this longer but I got tired -.- haha sooo .. GROUP FAMILY HUG! SEEE seunghyun isn't that bad (: ... well, for now .. hehe that gives a hint ish for next chapter (;

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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to subscribe...now i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha