Is It Him?

Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13


After me and Eun-Ae laughed out butts off just watching Jonghyun glare at Onew and Key we decided to call it a day and slept. She walked back to her room upstairs and I walked into the room next to it. I shut the door and sighed looking at the room .. I know I'm supposed to be forgetting .. Jiyong .. for a bit but.. seeing this room just reminded me of him. The big king sized bed we shared, the big window that lead to the balcony outside, the tint of darkness that shadowed the room giving it a deep dark feeling that I was used to feeling when I would come home and notice Jiyong left to see his 'lover'.

All of these emotions are suddenly coming back to me .. I smiled to myself to the thought of Jiyong's face. How much he cared for me when I was hurt, when he told me to be safe, his smiling face on our first real date ... I really miss seeing him ..

I wonder what he's doing right now .. I hope he's doing well at Youngbae's house. Should I call him? .. Ani, that's a bad idea .. he told me to think about Jonghyun .. make a decision within my two months with him ... but how can I decide between the two? Jiyong's making me feel more bad for him .. that day when I left our house .. how I hugged his back and smelt his cologne ..  I couldn't let him go ... when I turned around once more to take a last glimpse of the house .. seeing the lights turn off and he didn't dare to come out .. I just wanted to break down crying .. I don't want to hurt his heart ... I want to be by his side to make sure he's doing well .. but no matter how much I try and comfort him it seems like he's pushing me away .. 

I forced my legs to walk to the bed. I stood by it and grazed the bed sheets and pillows. I sighed when I thought of Jiyong again falling asleep next to me ... How I would wake up before him just to look at his sweet, soft baby like face .. 

I pulled open the heavy blanket so that I could lay down. I pulled it over me and turned to the side .. I rested my hand on the cold and empty space beside me .. a place when Jonghyun would sleep on instead of Jiyong ... How come when I'm with one guy I end up thinking about the other? .. It's just too hard to decide .. 

I closed my eyes about to rest until I heard the door creak open. I opened one of my eyes and saw Jonghyun slowly tip-toe in. I  assume he's trying to stay as quiet as possible by his swift movements but he just failed in the end and woke me up as he threw himself on the bed.

"Mmmm .. be quieter next time .." I grumbled and turned over to the other side of me facing the window.

"Oh, mianhe .. did I wake you?" He said positioning himself to get comfortable.

"Hmm .. what do you think?" 

"Okay .. next time I'll just glide into bed" He said as he breathed out a deep sigh.

"Whatever .. just let me sleep" I said annoyed.

It was finally quiet and I felt my eyes getting heavier. I smiled to myself because of the peace and quiet until I frowned when I heard Jonghyun speak up again.

"Mee-Yon? Are you still awake?" He whispered.

"I WAS sleeping! What do you want?" I said speaking into the pillow.

"I .. have to ask you something" he said nervously.

I turned over to face him.

"Ask me what?" I said with full attention. He's making me worried by the tone of his voice .. Oh please don't rant about Key and Onew it was just a one time thing ..

"Well .. remember that one time when I first came to visit your house and asked you that question in the room before your went all violent on me?" He said.

"Which question?" I said still thinking about that day .. wow, I can't believe I was that violent over simple words .. oh great he's making me feel more guilty right when I was trying to sleep.

"The one that made you angry" 

I had to think to myself for awhile .. the one that made me angry? Right when the question hit me I had flashback that appeared into my head ..



"Do you love me?"

I did't know how to reply .. I can't do this ..

"Ani .."

His eyes widened and started to water. 

".. Wae? .."

"Because! You said it yourself! You didn't want to break me and Jiyong apart! After that I started thinking .. and you were right .. I need to stay by Jiyong's side .. we had a chance .. but that was the past .." I slowly walked away until he grabbed my hand.

"Let go of me Jonghyun!! We're friends! That's it! .. Your leaving tomorrow .."

"I WONT LEAVE YOU!" He hugged me from behind and started to tear up again.

How could I break two hearts in the same day .. Why is Jonghyun making this so hard for me ..


I snapped back into reality and looked at Jonghyun's frozen face waiting for me to reply ..

"The .. one where you asked if ... you loved me?" I stuttered hoping he wouldn't ask that question again ..

"You were lying weren't you?" he replied.

How could I not lie .. does he want me to hurt Jiyong so that I could be with him? It won't work that way .. I still have to think things through .. how could I make both happy but leaving one behind? .. That's a tough question that I'll never be able to answer ..

"W-Why are you suddenly asking this question? You need more sleep" I laughed and closed my eyes.

"Why dont you love me anymore?" 

I heard him whisper those words while my eyes were still closed tight .. I can't look at his face ... how do I answer this?

"What do you mean? I still love you" I said with my eyes still shut.

"Not compared to Jiyong .." 

"Yah. You two can't be compared to each other!" I said coldly and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Why not!? We're both human! Yes you can!" He said with tension in his voice.

"Why do you have to know all of a sudden!? Do you not know how hard it is for me to decide! I love him,  I love you!" I spat back.

"But eventually you have to pick one!"

I froze when I heard his sentence .. he's right .. but I still have time to decide.

"I will! Just not now! Can't you wait?" 

"Why can't you just pick one now? I already have my answer to the question!" 

I'm sure you do Jonghyun ... I already know what it is .. you've been committed to that answer ever since we parted at the airport .. I don't want to talk about this .. It's too much to think about two guys in one night .. 

"I just want to sleep. We'll discuss this again in two months from now. Goodnight" I said and turned over with my back facing him. I heard him shuffle in the bed. I guess we're both back to back now .. I don't want him to get so upset over this .. he'll find out sooner or later .. the problem is, is that how will he take my decision? ... What if I pick Jiyong?


N e x t d a y ..


I woke up and stretched my arms out. Ugh, what a bad night ..

I sat up and looked to the side of me seeing an empty space again .. Why is he acting so demanding? I thought he understood already what I have to go through .. If he keeps this up maybe I won't pick him.

I brushed my hair and washed my face in the bathroom. After I finished freshening up I walked downstairs only to see an empty apartment? .. Did they ditch me? What jerks.

"Oh, your awake?" I heard Eun-Ae say already dressed to go out somewhere. I looked around the apartment and saw her walking downstairs.

"Where is everyone?"

"Waiting in the car" She said walking to the kitchen getting a drink from the fridge.

"YAH! WHY ARE YOU GUYS LEAVING WITHOUT TELLING ME!" I said angry staring at her. Did Jonghyun tell them what we talked about last night? Why are they leaving me alone? 

"Ani! Jonghyun said you looked restless last night so that's why we wanted to give you more sleeping time!" She said a little scared.

Aish that Pabo. I'm perfectly fine.

"Well I'm awake now! Where are you guys going?"

"Going out to eat lunch" She said.

"Call them! I'm going too I don't want to be left here all alone"

"Okay, well hurry up!"

I glared at her ..

"Oh, I mean .. take your time .." she said backing away pulling out her phone.

I hurried up the stairs and got ready. I packed everything I needed in my bag and headed downstairs. I saw Eun-Ae sipping on a cup of tea and sitting down on the couch.

"You made tea?"

"Yeah, you were taking too long" she said and stood up from the couch.

I ignored her and we walked down the long hallway seeing Key and Jonghyun in the car waiting for us. I saw Jonghyun's face a little sheepish. Yeah, feel the guilt Jonghyun you thought you could leave me alone upset and get away with it?

We got into the car and drove off. It took awhile before we reached the restaurant. It was pretty close to the beach which was a happy thing to look forward to. I loved feeling the beach breeze it feels so relaxing and calming!

Jonghyun parked the car and we all got out at the same time. I glanced around the place and it looked a familiar .. I shook the thought off my head and walked with Eun-Ae. 

"We're going to go reserve for lunch, you guys can just walk around the place until we call you" Key said and headed for the doors.

"Alright sweetie I'll mis--" 

"Let's go Eun-Ae" I said interrupting her. Her gushy talk makes me want to hurl when I see her pout her lips and give kissy faces to Key. Seriously, we'll see them in like ten minutes, you'll survive!

We walked around the place and admired the waves up the beach. We looked around and started to talk for a bit.

"So how are you with Jonghyun? He seemed upset when he walked into the living room this morning" She said.

"Oh, I'm fine. He's just getting on my nerves" 

"How? .. Wait .. you can't possibly start thinking about Jiyong right now?" She said alarmed.

It scares me sometimes when she can read my mind .. telling you, best friend telepathy. It's a freaky thing.

"Maybe .." I said and looked away from her staring at the stores we pass by.

She smacked me in the head which made me squeal  and whimper .. Gosh dang Eun-Ae! I didn't know you give such serious slaps! Just like how Jonghyun gives serious punches ..


"For making Jonghyun upset! How dare you talk about other guys in front of a person who's too shy to admit he loves you!" She yelled back.

"W-What?" Did I just hear what I thought I heard? .. I knew he loved me but .. I didn't know he'd still feel that way over all these years .. I only treated him like a friend ... I thought he only saw me as a close friend from then on .. what happened?

"Crap .. Did I just say that out loud?" Eun-Ae mumbled to herself.

"Nice one .. I knew that already though" I said.

"You knew that already and you still continue to torture him!?" She said and smacked me on the head again .. Freakin' bully ..

"I should also be mad at you!" I shouted.

"For what? What did I do?"

I grabbed her bag and started feeling around for her phone. Once I found it I carelessly threw her bag at her and waved her phone in her face.

"What? Are you mad at me that I have a better phone than you?" She said seriously but I found it offensive. Bi ... I mean jerk.

"Remember at the mall the first time I found you? We were in the photo booth and I told you my whole life story and you were shocked? Well remember how I told you I called your A BILLION TIMES because I needed your support! But you never even picked up your cellphone! Not once! It being such a loner with no one to help you along the way! You freakin' made me worried I thought you died! But no you ignored my calls and instead paid attention to your boyfriend. I guess he's more important than your best friend .." I trailed off and carelessly tossed her phone back in her bag.

"I-I didn't realized you felt that way .. but I in fact DID call" 

"WHEN!? I WAS WAITING!" I choked almost crying since I had my mind set on thinking about her dying.

"Like a month ago! I messaged Jonghyun on Facebook saying we should meet up and I waited for a response but no one even called. I tried calling you so many times but there was always a beeping on the other line and a lady saying your phone was disconnected or something! So I was worried too!"

I just realized something ... a month ago? .. Could it be that one time when I was depressed about Jiyong? I was crying and sitting on the floor and took the battery off my phone and threw it at the wall? .. That it pure coincidence right there ... Weird.

Eun-Ae was looking at me waiting for an answer but thankfully my phone rang and it was Jonghyun. Hmm, I guess I should owe him one for today.


"Our tables ready so hurry up before we eat all the food!" 

"Freakin' pig I'll kill you if you eat everything! We're coming!"

I told Eun-Ae they were ready so we headed back to the restaurant. Luckily, she forgot what we were talking about. Haha, Oh, I forgot she has a ten second memory loss! .. No, I'm just joking she doesn't. But it seems like she does, she gets easily distracted..

After all the laughing from our random conversation she stopped walking.

"Eun-Ae what are you stopping for I'm star---"

She slapped my arm and turned my body to where she was looking at .. I stared at the two and started crying .. I fell to the floor and covered my mouth with my hands .. I thought he made a promise that he wouldn't see her ever again ...


I a m s o s o r r y . . .

I said the teaser would be in this chapter but ... I couldn't just write it randomly ?


So what you think of this chapter? WHO THE HECK IS IT? If your thinking that ..

Well .. it's the person that hasn't been mentioned in the story for awhile </3

i just gave it away ...

Well, yeah I missed that character. haha so I wanna add that character back in

thank you all for reading my story and subscribing and commenting ! I enjoy reading every single comment and seeing the little orange font that says 'new subscribers!' 'new comments!' and all that :DD


Please wait patiently for the next update (; 

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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha