Day 17 (Thursday): Jaebum & Sohee

Love Is A Trick





I saw Sohee a few paces away and a smile appeared on my face. My smile quickly disappeared as I realized something was terribly wrong. Her steps were unsteady and her cheeks were unnaturally red. I quickened my steps and reached her in a few seconds.

“You alright?” I asked worriedly, putting an arm around her shoulders. She was really unsteady on her feet.

“I feel kinda… dizzy,” she replied, stumbling into my arms. I cupped her cheeks to make her face me and I realized she was burning up. Badly.

“We need to get you to the nurse,” I said, bending down and easily lifting her small figure into my arms. Her breath was uneven as I quickly carried her to the nurse. Soon, I realized her uniform was damp and the wetness was seeping into my own uniform.

Also… We attracted way too much attention as I walked through the hallways. But more importantly, why were Sohee’s clothes so wet? Was that why she had such a bad fever?

“She has a fever,” I quickly explained as I entered the nurse’s office. As soon as I said that, I realized the place was empty. I groaned as I remembered that this was the nurse’s lunch hour. I carried Sohee into the far back room, lay her down on the bed, and closed the door behind me. I glanced up at the clock; forty minutes till the nurse returned.

I sighed, trying to decide what to do. Sohee’s clothes were still wet and I really needed to get her out of them. But… the only one here to do that was… me.


 So my choices were,

A)    Strip Sohee.

B)    Leave her in her wet clothes and risk worsening her fever.


I sighed, realizing… choice A was the best for Sohee. I rummaged around the cabinets and drawers and found an AJ Arts t-shirt. I approached Sohee’s bed and stood above her, hesitating.

God, what was wrong with me. It wasn’t like this was my first time undressing a girl. Why did I always turn into an innocent little kid when it came to Sohee.

I began with ing her blazer, then her button up. I got them off of her, trying my best to not notice her rather not-so-small chest and quickly got the t-shirt on her.

I sighed loudly and slumped into the chair when I finished. That had been a lot harder than I had thought it would be.



Although my fever had gone down increasingly, thanks to Jaebum, my parents still insisted that I visited the hospital. Because they were both at work, Jaebum accompanied me to the hospital. The motorcycle part was a secret from them of course. If they knew I rode on a motorcycle while having a mild fever, they would’ve flipped a . Jaebum hadn’t liked the idea either but I had easily convinced him with a little aegyo. Gross.

“So, what exactly happened?” Jaebum asked as he parked his bike. “How did your clothes get so wet?”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me how I got out of my uniform and into that t-shirt,” I said. I obviously knew that he must’ve taken off my clothes since the nurse had been off duty when I had passed out, but I knew that it would take a lot to make him actually say that, especially to me. And I had my reasons for not wanting to tell Jaebum what happened.

“You’re really not gonna tell me?” Jaebum asked me, his voice quiet and serious.

“I will when you tell me what happened in the nurse’s office,” I said, keeping my tone light.

“I stripped off your clothes, got a good look at your s, and put that shirt on you,” Jaebum said, his voice calm. He had his poker face on. The face he used with my dad. I hated that face. It always meant he was serious and I didn’t like it when Jaebum wasn’t his usual happy, playful self.

I sighed, “Don’t get mad. Promise me you won't do anything impulsive after hearing this story.”

“I promise,” Jaebum said.

I stopped walking and stepped in front of him, looking at him in the eye, “No really promise me that you won't do anything stupid.”

“I promise I won't do anything stupid,” Jaebum said solemnly.

“Okay,” I said, walking again. “Today… some girls decided to dump some water on me while I was outside, walking from the academic wing to the music wing. I didn’t want to make a scene about it so I stayed quiet.”

Jaebum’s jaw tightened and his eyes were dark.

“Can you promise me something?” Jaebum said softly after a while.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Be more careful from now on,” Jaebum said. “Please.”

I smiled and held Jaebum’s hand, “Of course.”

Bull. The real reason why I made Jaebum promise not to do something stupid? So that I could do something stupid. I was going to beat the out of those girls. Just wait until I get my hands on them.

We reached Dr. Baek’s office and Jaebum sat down outside while I entered the office.

“Miss me that much? You came back so soon,” Dr. Baek said, his friendly tone never changing. “I heard you had a fever toay?”

I shrugged, “It was no big deal. Mom and Dad are just being their paranoid selves.”

“Mm, well let me still do my job,” Dr. Baek said, quickly doing a few checks. “Well, I think you’re fine. Just continue with some over the counter fever medicine for a few more days and you’ll be fine.”

“Well that was nice and fast,” I smiled, standing up to get up.

"Wait a moment," Dr. Baek said. He nervously looked around the empty room, seeming to be worried he would be overheard. "Sohee, I there's something I need to tell you. I think you deserve to know."

"Yes?" I asked, confused. I'd never seen Dr. Baek like this. He'd always been the calm and kind, grandfatherly figure.

"Sohee..." Dr. Baek started. He leaned close to my ear and said, "You're amnesia wasn't caused by the car accident. There was never a head injury. Someone erased your memories on purpose."

Wow. Life sure is full of . 

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Chapter 28: I sorta like Jb.
Chapter 28: JAEBUM HOW COULD YOU?! NOOOOOO ;____; I wonder what president Ahn is gonna do now... Sohee's gonna be in danger >____<
hellopanda23 #3
Chapter 28: Wahhhh he saw it! Omg so dramatic!
moodymuppet #4
Chapter 28: New reader! This story is AMAZING
Chapter 27: I was like surprised throughout the whole chapter!!
Update soon! :D
Chapter 27: omg omg omg ;-; i'm dying >.<
update soon ;-;
xyper_crash21 #7
Chapter 26: You're killen' meh. Update ^.^
Chapter 26: OMG. Love triangle!! ^0^ I just love this story, its so good!
Hope you update soon!! :)
Please update!! I just loved your story and want to read more!!
Chapter 25: I like your story,now i am officialy myungso-sohee shipers!!!
i ike the way your write about all the incident happen,where did you get all those idea??? i inda feeling so sad to JB caused sohee is her first love~~~i want to know what will hppen at the end of this amazing story