Day 16 (Wednesday): Myungsoo & Yongguk

Love Is A Trick



During third period, I watched as two black cars parked in front of our school. Half a dozen men in suits and sunglasses stepped out of the cars and entered the building.


“Ahyoung,” I said under my breath. From the desk next to me, she lifted an eyebrow without turning her face.

“If I get called down to the office… I might need a little help,” I said while the teacher continued his lecture. Thankfully, we were in the back of the class. “You saw the men who walked in, right? They’re probably looking for me. Help me escape.”

She gave a small nod. I waited tensely in my desk, thinking of all the possibilities. The men were most likely from AJ. Would they bring guns? Unlikely… it was in the middle of the day. My only chance would be to escape out the locker room exit, a door that was hidden by trees from the outside eye.

Kim Myungsoo, please come down to the office, the intercom said. The teacher nodded at me, giving me permission to leave. As I left, Ahyoung and I exchanged looks. Once out of the classroom, I waited outside the door. A couple minutes later, Ahyoung asked to go to the bathroom and she came out.

“So, what’s going on?” Ahyoung asked as we made our way to the gym. “I called a handful of guys. They’re bringing a few bikes and they’ll help out if things get messy.”

“Someone wants me out of the picture,” I muttered. “And thanks a ton. I seriously owe you too much.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ahyoung said. We quickly entered the boys’ locker room and carefully opened the door. In front of the door, Ahyoung’s gang was waiting with a few motorcycles.

“Where do you need to go?” Ahyoung asked me, swinging a leg over a motorcycle.

“CC Ent building,” I said, putting on the helmet Ahyoung handed me. I jumped on a motorcycle also. Just as we were about to start the engines, a few of the guys in suits appeared around the corner. They saw us and quickly processed what was going on.

“HEY!” they yelled, sprinting towards me. I kicked the engine to life and it revved loudly as I raced off campus. Ahyoung and a her friends followed close behind. Soon, we were on the streets, avoiding traffic and going past the speed limit. In my review mirror, I could see the black cars chasing us, catching up to us fast.

“Turn left into the ally!” Ahyoung yelled at me. I took a sharp left and entered an ally, closely missing an electric pole. Sounds of traffic died away and it was just the roaring of our bikes. I stepped harder on the gas, increasing my speed. I was almost there, just a little less than a mile away.

Just as I reached the end of the ally, a black car appeared, blocking the exit. We slowed down to a stop and the men got out of their cars, holding metal poles and bats. No guns in sight. If it stayed that way, we could over power them.

“Kim Myungsoo, if you just hand yourself over, no one gets hurt,” said one of the men.

“Yeah, if I did that, you guys wouldn’t get hurt,” I smirked. From behind, Ahyoung handed me a metal bat and as she gave it to me, she muttered under her breath, “As soon as you get a chance, just run. You can make it on foot.”

I slowly stepped closer to the men. One of them suddenly lunged forward, wildly swinging his bat at my head. I easily dodged it and hit him in the head hard. He instantly collapsed to the ground.

All of hell broke loose. We charged each other. In the mess, I got punched in the jaw, but I managed to knock down two guys. As their numbers dwindled, I broke through their line and began sprinting towards the CC building. There were a couple men following me from close behind, but as I got closer to CC, they slowed down.

I banged the doors open and fell onto my knees in the lobby. One of the secretaries rushed towards me, asking what happened. She was one of the older workers and knew me.

“Is… Yongguk hyung here?” I asked, still out of breath.

“He is. He’s in his office,” she said, helping me up.

“I need to go visit him,” I said, stumbling a little on my feet. The secretary helped me up to hyung’s office.

“What happened?!” hyung demanded when he saw me. I could taste blood in my mouth and I could feel my lip starting to swell.

“Hyung…” I groaned, collapsing onto the couch. “They came after me. Seven thugs. They came to my school.

“Are you serious?” Yongguk hyung asked, sitting down across from me. “How’d you get away?”

“I have a friend… who’s a gang leader and she helped me get away,” I explained.

“She?” hyung mused, then sobered up quickly. “I can't believe they came to your school. So quickly. We’re running out of time. They must want to eliminate all the people Sohee cares about.”

“Well… all that’re alive are just you and me,” I said. “I can't tell if that’s a good thing or sad thing.”

“Let’s just think it’s a good thing,” Yongguk sighed. “We only need to protect ourselves. Just until we have Sohee back with us.”

That actually motivated me to stay alive. A lot. The hope of being able to see Sohee again. To be able to talk to her again. It made me want to stay alive with a burning passion.



“So the second attack happened today?” Dr. Baek mused over the phone. “They decided to attack Myungsoo?”

“Yep…” I said, looking out the window at the night scenery of Gangnam.

“Oh, well don’t worry. Sohee’s memory’s coming back real fast. She’s really smart. And cunning and sly. Good sister you have there,” Dr. Baek said. “Anyways, she’s scheduled for an appointment on Sunday for a check up. I plan on breaking the ‘fake concussion’ news to her then.”

“Alright…” I sighed. “Anything else I should know?”

“Nope,” he said. “I’ll contact you again if something comes up.”

I set down my phone and sighed, massaging my temples. Everything was happening so fast. My hand instinctively went to my collarbone and I found the familiar puzzle piece, now warm from my body heat.

The puzzle was slowly being pieced together. 

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Chapter 28: I sorta like Jb.
Chapter 28: JAEBUM HOW COULD YOU?! NOOOOOO ;____; I wonder what president Ahn is gonna do now... Sohee's gonna be in danger >____<
hellopanda23 #3
Chapter 28: Wahhhh he saw it! Omg so dramatic!
moodymuppet #4
Chapter 28: New reader! This story is AMAZING
Chapter 27: I was like surprised throughout the whole chapter!!
Update soon! :D
Chapter 27: omg omg omg ;-; i'm dying >.<
update soon ;-;
xyper_crash21 #7
Chapter 26: You're killen' meh. Update ^.^
Chapter 26: OMG. Love triangle!! ^0^ I just love this story, its so good!
Hope you update soon!! :)
Please update!! I just loved your story and want to read more!!
Chapter 25: I like your story,now i am officialy myungso-sohee shipers!!!
i ike the way your write about all the incident happen,where did you get all those idea??? i inda feeling so sad to JB caused sohee is her first love~~~i want to know what will hppen at the end of this amazing story