o4 - Hidden Deal

A Love Twist

¶ Jung Jihyun ¶


I put a cup of coffee on the table, and take a seat besides him.

He takes the coffee, “You’re suppose to working, not accompany your customer like this.” He chuckles and take a sip of the coffee.

Sunggyu oppa!” I slap his arm lightly, “I’m not suppose to working all day on my own café shop. Besides, I’m not accompany a customer, I’m accompany my own boyfriend.”

He gives me a small smile and ruffles my hair. I love his smile and I love when he ruffles my hair.

He takes another sip, “So, how was Myungsoo?”  

As he mention Myungsoo name, I just remember what I have done.



“Ya! Wait for me!” I yelled to him as I try to catch his steps.  

As we arrived at the bus stop, he quickly get down and start walking faster. By his expression, I could assume this is his first time take a bus.

He looks pissed off, and I couldn’t help but hold my laughter at the bus.

“What do you want from me?” He crossed his arm, and sit at the living room. “You’ve pick me, and we’ve went home. So, now what? Quit following me!”

I taken a back. Surprise by his statement. Wait! How dare he spoke to me like that? I’m a Noona to him! He must respect me!

“Ya! Who do you think you’re? How can you shout at me! I’m your sister-in-law to be. Please at least respect me!” I shout at him. This boy really gets my nerves.

He looks surprised too with my respond. Huh, Kim Myungsoo. Don’t think I get bullied easily.

“Whatever.” He gives up, and walk pass me.

I know he bumps his shoulder on purpose, but my body couldn’t bear his strength. I fall down and hit a vase.

Crash! The vase breaks into pieces.

My eyes widen, so did him. “I-I’m sorry. I… I…“

“Ya! What’re you doing? It’s my mother favorite vase. You know how much it cost?” He frowns with annoyed face.

“I told you. I’m sorry!” I try to gather the pieces, a tear escapes from my eyes. I quickly wipe it away.

A hand reaches out and take a piece of the vase. “Let me.” He takes over the pieces from my hand and gathering the others pieces.

Well, so there’s a gentle side too in him.

“Myungsoo, I’m sorry.” I told him, sincerely. “I’ll do everything for paid it back.” I try to compromise.

He stands up and facing me, and thinking for a while. “Everything?” He raises his eyebrow.

By his expression, I was not sure, but… I look at the vase. “Y-Yes, everything.”

“Alright. Come again tomorrow, and I’ll tel you what to do.”


“Jihyun?” Sunggyu waves his hand. “Are you okay?”

My senses back. “Ah, nothing, nothing.” I shook my head. I don’t have to tell Sunggyu what I’ve done with Myungsoo, right? I broke his mother favorite vase, and I don’t want this to be our topic.

Sunggyu look at his wristwatch. “Ah, come on. It’s night already. I’ll take you home.” He takes a long ship of the coffe and grab his keys.

I nod, “Just wait for me outside, oppa. I have to get my bag first.” 


¶ Kim Myungsoo ¶


I ruffle my hair for the 1245 times. I can't get my concentration.

I put my guitar at the edge of my bed and lay down on my bed. I close my eyes and remember this afternoon incident.




“What do you want from me?” I crossed his arm, and sit at the living room as we arrived my home. “You’ve pick me, and we’ve went home. So, now what? Quit following me!”

Aish, why this girl keep following me until my home!

She looks surprises with my dare thought. “Ya! Who do you think you’re? How can you shout at me! I’m your sister-in-law to be. Please at least respect me!” She shouts at me.

It's my turn to get surprise, sometimes she looks so calm, but her fierce and brave side can appear anytime.

“Whatever.” I retort and walk away.

I decided to shown her my annoyed by bump my edge of my shoulder, but looks like I'm too strong for her, she falls down and breaks a vase.

My eyes widen, not because the vase was broken, but how can she falls easily. And I didn't mean it to make her falls like this.

“I-I’m sorry. I… I…“ Her voices trembly come out.

Ah! So she feels guilty? Well, I think I can now.

“Ya! What’re you doing? It’s my mother favorite vase. You know how much it cost?” I lied. I try my best to make it real enough.

Actually it's not my mom favorite vase. It's not so much cost, it's just to decorates the room.

“I told you. I’m sorry!” She quickly bend down and put the pieces.

Wait. Is that a tear? Yes, I'm sure it is, but she quickly wipes it away.

Well, I'm a man too. I've my gentle side. Seeing this view is not worth to me. As she is annoying, but she is still a girl.

I reach out my hand and take a piece of the vase. “Let me.” I take over the pieces from her hand and gathering the others pieces.

“Myungsoo, I’m sorry. I’ll do everything for paid it back.” She try to make an apologize.

Ah, I didn't expect this will coming. But... “Everything?” I ask him back. Maybe this teasing game can play further.

“Y-Yes, everything.” She muttered.

Actually, I still don't know what I have to told her to do. So I said, “Alright. Come again tomorrow, and I’ll tel you what to do.”


And now I still didn't know what I have to told her to do. I decided to sleep first, maybe tomorrow I will know the answer.

Yes, maybe.




Author's Note.

I know some of you maybe thought :

Why just she didn't paid for the vase? Besides she has money from his cafe.
Well, first because her cafe is not really a huge cafe, it's a small one.
And the 70% for the apartment rent, 10% for saving, and 10% for etc etc.
Please understand.
And the secon reason is...

Because this is a fanfics. you know, "fiction"Yeay! Another chapter again.

Lately, I've been in passion to write.
And actually, maybe I can't update tomorrow, since I have to visit my collage-to-be.
I have to ask for this and that and look for my mom birthday present.
I hope you still loving my story and this chapter.


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Norsyafika #1
Chapter 23: Really love it authotnim...
i like your story! I found Bahasa too in chapter 11 or 12 u . u
@champions27 : Ah, can you tell me where is it? ^^ Because I'm an Indonesian. Kekeke.
The story is happy in the beginning, sad in the middle and funny in the end.
And.. why there's Indonesian words in it??
I know what it's mean tough.
See you soon!! ;)
@nirayoonyul : haha, actually I want to write one more chapter, but it seems interesting if the reader can put some imagination on the ending ^^
@beautyinfinity : Ah, thank you. You make me happy to for reading ^^
@syazwina : come on, follow me ;p and mention me and I'll followback, okay? :D
woahhh your story omg speechless loves it :) heyy this is my twitter syazwinashafiewe can talk talk then hihihi
@magnae_ : Thanks for the support ^^
Omg, hangover? Guess i need more T_T haha but thats enuf actually. I like hangover stories hehe.... Thanks for your nice story!! ^^