1o - Breakfast

A Love Twist

¶ Jung Jihyun ¶


I pull out the keys and set it into the key hole. In a twist, the door open.
My jaw dropped as I enter the house. This is not a house, it's a mess!
Clothes on the couch, scattered chips on the table, some cutlery and cola cans on the floor, even the tv is still on. 
Aish! How could this be?
I walk to Myungsoo's bedroom and put my hand on the doorknob. But, remembering what happend last week, i don't think I will break through the door and saw Myungsoo half-.
So, I decided to knock first.
After some knocks. He hasn't open the door. Does she still sleeping?
I open the door slowly and take a peek. Ah, he is still sleeping. Maybe I should done some clean-up first. 
I walk to the kitchen as I finished my duty. I'm used to it, but still, it's a tiring activity and worms on my stomatch is having world war III, they're waiting to be fed.
I made fried rice for me and coffee plus sandwich. I put the dish on the table and about to spun a full spoon of rice. I used to eat much. It's mean you're wealthy, right?
Out of nowhere, a mouth chop to my spoon and makes it empty. I blink for seconds. Myungsoo sits besides me and take my spoon and plates to his place and begin to eat it.
"Ya! What are you doing? That's mine and that is yours!" I point his at breakfast when my senses back.
"But I want to eat fried rice for today." He pouts without  looking at me. Can't this kid looking at someone who is he talking with? Besides, I'm older!
Aish, I don't think arguing in the morning will makes my day better. I take the sandwich and coffee to my place. When I about to take the sandwhich, a hand grabs it rapidly.
"Ah, looks like I'm really hungry this morning." He smiles at the sandwich and began to eat it. For godsakes! His friedrice haven't even finished yet.
It's alright Jihyun. A coffee in the morning will be okay. I assured myself.
But before I could touch the coffee, again, his hand grabs it swiftly. This time I can't take it anymore.
"Sheesh! Why you being like this? I need to eat too! Stop taking all my food! " I glare at him in disbelief.
Myungsoo puts his coffee on the table and look at me. "Alright, Jihyun. We've to clear 2 things here." He clear his thorat. "First, for the fried rice I told you I was hungry. And second, you told me that is my 
breakfast. So what's the problem?" He smirks.
This kid is really good at words. I shook my head and walk to the kitchen to make a breakfast  for me.
¶ Kim Myungsoo ¶
I giggling and chuckling at Jihyun reaction. I want to laugh when I see her angry face because I took all the food.But, I can't help 
myself. My mischievous sides told me to .
I shook my head to stop chuckling and take the coffee. Just for my note, Jihyun is good at cooking. But I won't never ever told 
her directly. I didn't want her head explodes.
Before I take a sip from my coffee, I find something on it. "Jihyun!!"
"What again?" She answers back from the kitchen.
"There's a dead fly in my coffee!" I  squeaked
"Really? Nah, so the poison works." She answers like a scientist find out new discovery.
"What?" I start coughing, is she really intend to poison me and make me die young?
I could heard she laughing from the kitchen. Ah, so she is teasing me? Wait for my revenge, then. I walk to the living room and 
turn on the TV.
Jihyun comes fromt he kitchen with a sandwich and take a seat besides me. "Don't you dare!" She narrow her eyes and take her 
sandwich to her back
"Oh please, I'm full now." I stuck out my tongue. It's true, I'm full.
"So, can you please explain what happened last night?" She asks me.
Last night? "What happened last night?" I questioned her back.
"Oh please, you don't want to see what I see this morning. It's a mess! Last time I came here everything is on its place." I sigh.
Ah! So that's what she means.
I chuckle, "Last time you came here is Friday,right? It's my brother turns to clean-up. So-"
"So you told me to comes on Monday to Thursday because-"
"Because I have my tasks on that days and I only have course on Friday and Sunday." I explained.
"Thank you for your information, Mr. Kim. But please, don't cut my words. Let me finished it first next time, okay?" She grumbles and stands up.
"You start it first." I stuck out my tongue.
She shows me her first and walk to the kitchen.
Author's Note
This is an update for today~~
Its a bit late, isn't it?
It's because someone is watching me. I can't do the writting. Hehehe.
Please love it ♥
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Norsyafika #1
Chapter 23: Really love it authotnim...
i like your story! I found Bahasa too in chapter 11 or 12 u . u
@champions27 : Ah, can you tell me where is it? ^^ Because I'm an Indonesian. Kekeke.
The story is happy in the beginning, sad in the middle and funny in the end.
And.. why there's Indonesian words in it??
I know what it's mean tough.
See you soon!! ;)
@nirayoonyul : haha, actually I want to write one more chapter, but it seems interesting if the reader can put some imagination on the ending ^^
@beautyinfinity : Ah, thank you. You make me happy to for reading ^^
@syazwina : come on, follow me ;p and mention me and I'll followback, okay? :D
woahhh your story omg speechless loves it :) heyy this is my twitter syazwinashafiewe can talk talk then hihihi
@magnae_ : Thanks for the support ^^
Omg, hangover? Guess i need more T_T haha but thats enuf actually. I like hangover stories hehe.... Thanks for your nice story!! ^^