17 - Yellow Rose

A Love Twist

¶ Jung Jihyun ¶


I get up with a heavy head. If two days ago was my bad day, yesterday was my worse day, and I didn't expect something bad again. My whole body is aches.

I should break up with Sunggyu, which I can't do last night because I'm too busy crying on my bed. I still can't accept the fact that sunggyu and Hyerim cheating behind me.

Thanks for Myungsoo who comfort me last night.

Strange enough, why I feel protected on Myungsoo arm last night. I cried on his hug last night.

Thinking about it. I remember Myungsoo said that he do care about me. It is not a confession, right? 

He just said he is care about me. That means it can be friend care or sister care. But, of course my heart fluttered because of his statement. Maybe I should ask him about it later.

My feeling about Myungsoo is not clear yet. If you ask me do I care about him, yes i do. Do I like him? Yes, I do. But, do I love him? I don't know, yet.

Suddenly, I heard my door bell ringing.

Who is coming so early? Is it... Myungsoo?

I quickly went off from my bed and head off to the door. But, what I regret the most is, I don't peek through the hole first. I regret to open the door and find the person that I don't even thinking will see me, today.

He didn't even often see me lately, moreover he comes to my apartment. I'm a bit surprise.

"...Sunggyu oppa?" I still call him oppa, even though he cheated behind me, yet I still have status as his girlfriend. Maybe now I can said the break up words.

But, I just can't when I see his smile. I do admit, I have missed his smile. His smile vanish all my thought, and he ruffles my bangs."Good morning, Jihyun-yah."

At first I froze on my place, my seconds later I realize that it's not ethic if we talk in like this so I let him in. "No, Jihyun. You have to remember what he did to you. Remember." I remind myself in thought.

I let him sit on my sofa and I telling him I'll make coffee for him. I go back and take a seat on another sofa. He thanked me and take a sip of the coffee as I put it on the table.

"So, Sunggyu oppa. Did you have something to tell me about last night?" I quickly blurt out before I change my mind. I really have to do this. For my best, for his best and our best.

Sunggyu looks a bit shocked with my sudden question, "You saw it?"

I light up my head and see his eyes. Is that sadness what I see? What he should sad about, the one who is here, I am. I quickly looked down and nod, "Yes, I saw. Everything."

He stands up and stand in front of me and give me another smile.

A smile with hundreds means.


¶ Kim Myungsoo ¶


"Thank you." The cashier bows and give me a gratitude smile. I smile back and went off from the shop.

When I was on my way to Jihyun apartment, I passed a flower shop. Maybe I can cheer her up with some gifts. So, I decided to stop and went to the shop.

I smell the flower on my hand. I bought a yellow rose.

A single yellow rose means that you are happy with your love and relationship, but in another hand it can means jealousy. It's obvious that I mean the first meaning.

What I supposed to jealous now?

Last night, I've told her about my feeling. That I do care about her, I'm a bit regret actually. I want to say that I like her. I love her.

But, I also have to respect her feeling, he just saw her boyfriend cheating and how can I confess her just like that? She must be very confused. Besides, I do have many chances, right?

For what I observe, Jihyun will break up with Sunggyu hyung. I feel a bit sorry for pleased on my brother relationship, but all of that, he is the one who started that first.

Actually I'm going to ask Sunggyu hyung a few questions, but last night when I arrived home, he is sleeping. And this morning he left first. Maybe to his work.

I quickly hop on to my bike and went to Jihyun place, as my first purpose.

As I arrived the apartment building, I park my bike and enter the building. I run a bit to the elevator and press the number I already know very well.

The elevator opens and I step out from it. I quickly walk to her room, I'm a bit little impatient to meet her. I'm a bit surprise when I see the door is open slightly.

Is she forget to close the door?

Aish. I need to warn her later. What if someone else find it like this? He/She can did something bad.

I decided to open the door slowly without making any noise, maybe she is in the kitchen or sleeping and I don't want to disturb any of her activity.

But she is not at the kitchen. She is not sleeping in her room. She is in the living room. 

And, I could clearly watch the view.

Sunggyu hyung and Jihyun, huh? They're hugging.

So this is what she feel last night? Watching someone who you loved with other person that you really know. It feel like betrayal. Humiliation. Pathetic.

The different is, Sunggyu hyung was still Jihyun's last night and yet I'm nobody for her. That's it.

I quietly close the door back again as if it never open. "Ya, Kim Myungsoo. You're nobody but her boyfriend brother. Maybe he is only threat you like her dongsaeng. And about last night, he just need a shoulder to cry on. Don't you think too much. Don't you hope to much." I blame myself for my foolishness, silliness.

I bend down and put the rose on the ground near her door. I didn't know it will belong to, more over I indeed want to give her the rose. But maybe the meaning is different now. I prefer number two.

With thousands thoughts and feelings, I walk back to the elevator. I didn't realize there's a person that I bump to.

"Ah, sorry." I apologizes and bow to the person, "I didn't k-"

"Ya! Kim Myungsoo!" A pair of arm wrapping around my neck, "My Ice cold prince."


Author's Note.


A chapter again.~~ hope you like it.

why they are hugging?

and who is that person??

~ meow ♥

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Norsyafika #1
Chapter 23: Really love it authotnim...
i like your story! I found Bahasa too in chapter 11 or 12 u . u
@champions27 : Ah, can you tell me where is it? ^^ Because I'm an Indonesian. Kekeke.
The story is happy in the beginning, sad in the middle and funny in the end.
And.. why there's Indonesian words in it??
I know what it's mean tough.
See you soon!! ;)
@nirayoonyul : haha, actually I want to write one more chapter, but it seems interesting if the reader can put some imagination on the ending ^^
@beautyinfinity : Ah, thank you. You make me happy to for reading ^^
@syazwina : come on, follow me ;p and mention me and I'll followback, okay? :D
woahhh your story omg speechless loves it :) heyy this is my twitter syazwinashafiewe can talk talk then hihihi
@magnae_ : Thanks for the support ^^
Omg, hangover? Guess i need more T_T haha but thats enuf actually. I like hangover stories hehe.... Thanks for your nice story!! ^^