Lee Joon Learns A Lesson???

My Unexpected Husband (FIX & REVISE)

I woke up from somebody's voice. 

"Good morning, Lee Joon," I said and I opened my slowly. Shockingly...It was Lee Joon. 

"Good morning, sweety," he said. I looked at the clock and it was 6 am and we go to school at 9. 

"Why did you wake me up?" 

"I want to spend time with my girlfriend. Is that a crime?" 

"Ani but, what are we going to do for 3 hours?" 

"It's suprise! Go get dress and I will wait for you in your living room." I nodded and walked him out. I closed my door and smiled. He called me sweety! Hehehe... I couldn't stop smiling. I got my clothes and shoes. I picked the outfit that I loved. My Umma saved this for me when I older. So I decided to us this. I also love the color. 

After shower, put on my clothes, make up and more of my mornig routing, I did my hair last. I let it down, blow dry it and just curled it. As I finished, I started to head down. I saw him talking to Jonghyun. 

"I'm ready," I screamed. They both looked at me and stood there. I walked and look at them .They were still staring. I waved my hands in front of Jonghyun and Lee Joon face. NO reaction! So I took Lee Joon car keys and Jonghyun wallet. Hehehehe...I know it's bad. I jsut want to see their reaction. When I stepped outside the house then they rellized what thier missing. 

"Give it back," screamed Jonghyun. 

"Come and get it," I said, taking of my hells and ran. We ran aorund the car and fountin and ran up and down the hill. He finally caught me by catching me my waist. 

"Let me go," I said. 

"Only if you give me back my wallet," he said squeezing my waist.

"Fine." I gave him back his wallet and started to walk back to Lee Joon.

"Did you have fun," He asked. I nooded. I put on my shoes and he showed me the way of his car. His car is silver and it has everything you imagined. 

He started the car and we were off. 

We went to the beach, resturant and many stores. He bought matching couple clothes for us. I think that was sweet and adorable. Also we got to school in time too. He dropped me off first. 

"I'll pick you up, here, at 2. Okay?" I nodded. 

"Wait," I said. 

"What is it?" I went up to him and kissed his cheek. 

"Gomawo, oppa!" He smiled and drove away. 

*After Class. 3:00*

What is he taking so long? I kept looking  Where are you Lee Joon? 

*Lee Joon's POV*

I'm getting being beat up by this cheater. It doesn't hurt just yet. Boom! I kicked his face. Jonghyun wiped his blood from his lip and smirked. 

"Oh! Your going get that," he said. He punched my face alot and my stomach. I try to miss Jonghun's punch but it was hard. I kicked Minho and Key side so they can let go of me. Then I did a sidekick to Jonghyun's stomach. I wiped up the blood from my nose and mouth. And whenever I spit, blood comes out. 

"That was for Ji Woo," I said. All of them tried to stand up and then Onew came running into me. He kicked and punched and I punched his nose and kicked his but. Then Key tried to punch me but I stopped it. I pushed it back and ad punched his face. 

I heard a calling. It sounds like...Ji Woo. 

*Ji Woo's POV*

"Lee Joon, Where are you," I screamed. I kept screaming over and over. I looked everywhere. Then I heard trash cans crash and things rustling around. I can run to the destination. I see Lee Joon and the whole SHINee. 

"STOP," I screamed. Jonghyun hold Lee Joon on his collar and was about to hit him. All of them looked at me. 

"Ji Woo," said Lee Joon losing his breath. I was about to run up to Lee Joon but Minho grabbed my wrist. I tried pulling away and kicking him but I kept missing. I stop for second. When he was close enough, I kicked him in the crouth. He went down . I stick my tongue out. 

"Don't ever touch me ever again," I said. I tried to get pass thorugh Onew and Taemin, but I couldn't. They hold my arms back. 

"Jonghyun, leave him alone," I screamed. 

"It's okay, Ji Woo. This sh*it cannot hurt me," Lee Joon said smirking. 

"That's it," said Jonghyun and punched Lee Joon twice in the face. 

"Stop it," I cried, "Why are you acting like this Jonghyun? Leave him alone." Jonghyun dropped Lee Joon hard and step over him. Then, he came up to me. He looked at me and then...he kissed me. Taemin didn't hold my right arm tight so I was able to get lose and push back Jonghyun. I wipe my mouth. 

"Let her go and go help out Key and Minho," said Jonghyun and he started to walk. I dropped to my knees and came running to Lee Joon. I pick up his half body and put it gently down on my thighs. I wipe all of his sweat and hair out of the way. I begin to cry. 

"Lee Joon why did get into this mess," I said crying. He put up hand and toched my hand and smiled. "Are you okay?" He nodded. I took out a towel out of my bag. I wiped off the blood from the coner of his mouth. Then, wiped of the blood from his forehead. We just stood there for about 30 mintues. Then, I helped up and I told him to lean on me. We started to walk and ended up at Jonghyun house. 

"Is it okay to bring me here this late at night," he asked in pain.

"Yes and shhh," I whispered. I unlocked and opened the door. We went in and it was silent like a library.

"Is anybody home," I screamed. No answer. I bring up Lee Joon to my room and put him down on the bed.

"You can change if you want," I said giving him some of short pants and color t-shirt. "I'm going to get the first aid kit, a bolw of water and many things. So, I'm gonig in and out okay?" He nodded and smiled. I closed the door. I got the frist aid kit and  set up the bowl with water. Next, I got towels and then I saw a note in the ktichen table. It says: 

Dear Ji Woo, 

           We'll be comming hoe lare or not even come home unti lthe moring. Me and my husband got stuck with alot of paperwork to do. Just call me if you have an questions. Okay? There is food in the fridge, if you get any hungry. Sorry about this. 

Its okay auntie. I got the aid kit and put under my arm, the other arm is the towel and hold the big bowl with my 2 hands. I carfully climbed the stairs and I kicked the door wide open. I startled Lee Joon. Also was the worng timing because Lee Joon was still puting his shirt. 

"I'm sorry," I said looking away and puting the water full of bowl on the night stand. 

"It's okay," said Lee Joon chuckling. I still faced the wall. "It's okay now, I'm done." 

"Okay! Sit down on the bed. I want to clean up the cuts and bruises." He nodded and sat down. I sat next to him and I grabbed the towel. I dabbed it on the bowl of water and then his cuts. You can tell its hurts because he making noises and kept moving his head a little bit. "It's okay. It's a cut it will heal but when a heart a cut or bruise it will never heal." He looked at me like he felt that pain. I came back to dab more but instanly hug me. 

"Promise, you won't bruise my heart," he said unexpectedly. I pat his head. 

"Lee Joon," I said softly, "I will never hurt heart because dangshin uhl saranghabinda (I love you)." He was suprise what I said. 

"Dangshin uhl saranghabinda," he kept reapeating over and over. 

"Lee Joon, I get it," I said placing my hand on his face. He smiled and then he started to come close and puckering his lips. I stood there and I let him. His kiss was like sparks. Then, his tongue got into my mouth, corner to corner, and we slowly got down to the bed. He stopped. Then he got into top of the bed and patted the bed. I went to him and sat next to him. I got the towel and I wiped off the rest of the cuts. As I finished, he got more comfortable and cuddle me warm. Then eventually we fell asleep. 

Here is a UPDATE!!! Sorry for an late one. 

Do you Love it or hate it??? Tell me??? 

Thank you for the support!!!! :D 


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Will Fix and Revise


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kealohilani3 #1
Chapter 19: Is her name Ji Woo or Jwi so?
crazyKpopGirl #2
if you love someone kingka or not go for it!!!!!go go go
StayLeeForever #3
Kyaaa!!! I was like, key what are you teaching an innocent girl?! But then it ended up as that game:) AHAHAHAHAH
XxtaerilxX #4
OMG!!! this so nice.. haha.. update soon~~!!
Love the special chapter!
and I don't know why, but I kept on replaying that video over and over again :O
Update soon~! Uwaahhhh I can't believe it's almost done!!!
:O that first special chapter was good ;D I would have done the same as her if that ever happened to me :O
WHAT THE?! okay seriously if this is in real life i would hunt lee joo--head DOWN.......
Omg...pls be ok...jwi so