



"Don't play with me! Why would anybody want that?" Charlene asked suddenly, then her expression grew tired and sickened after the words were out . 
"So you wouldn't hesitate to kill your next victim. So you would feel as if you already did it once, why not again? So your hope in rebelling US would be diminished. So you would stop TRYING. Well, Charlene Choi, I can think of many reasons, can you not?" Danson replied. 
Charlene felt as if she was carrying twelve thousand pounds as she walked through, yet another stone door, and into the familiar wooden hallway. 
"I see you guys found her." Said Cherron, almost too smugly. "Into the room for a meeting." 
Charlene didn't even bother to pick up her feet, she just dragged them on. They didn't want to move. Even worse, someone had died FOR her. 
Even though Hebe and the rest of them couldn't read minds like Jiro, they could still take once glance at Charlene and know something is terribly wrong. They instantly knew what it was: They had all killed their target today. Their bloody hands didn't even feel connected to their body...but they did it. They had killed. 
"Well, are you all not feeling better now? With death in your system?" Cherron attempted to joke, though no laughter echoed back. 
No one COULD laugh.
Sure, death had been what they craved, and having it was excellent, but they had KILLED. Nobody could laugh at this. 
"As I believe ALL of you know," Cherron started, looking sharply at Charlene, "The unloving ones shall start off young...and where else to find young ones than in the high schools in which you all went to? Your new mission, and first, is to find out all the other YOUNG generations of us. And to kill all those that I have mentioned before. The ones that inspire others, the ones that save, and the ones that actually learn. You are all admitted into the highschool 'C.Y High' and for those that are over the age of 18, well, we have provided you a fake I.D. Go, and bring us more soldiers...more of us." 
"I'm not killi-" 
"Well, Charlene, you just did today didn't you? What's another time? And a third...fourth?" Said Cherron, a sneer stretching across his face. 
Charlene bit her lip for one second...she could say everything, and have another person killed in the process of making her loyal...or play stupid and let her father continue to be smug...for now. 
Charlene stared at the ground and tears of shame filled her eyes. 
Cherron played on that and believed Charlene really thought she killed the man. A little too stupid for a TEACHER, don't ya think? 
Danson almost grinned. Charlene Choi was finally getting the idea of holding back until the time was right. Charlene Choi finally realizes that the predator waits for the prey, not the other way around. A series of images floated past Danson's eyes...he closed his eyes and desperately tried to stop the power point presentation in his head. 
He had to forget. 
Jiro smiled freely. Charlene was setting her father up. 
"Alright, if no questions, you will return to your rooms, which we assigned you, and find school supplies. You start tomorrow. And no point in trying to expose us, Charlene, because nobody will believe, and even if they do, they'll just put you in the mental ward." Said Cherron. 
Cherron thought THAT was Charlene's plan, to tell the world. Charlene wasn't THAT stupid. Maybe she was little impatient, and tom-boyish, but in no way was she someone that was NOT good at planning for destruction.
Charlene bowed her head as if all hope was stolen from her. 
"Well, go." Said Cherron. "Goodbye Young Master." Was what he said to Danson Tang though. 
Without another word, Danson walked silently to his room. 
"We don't know where our rooms are." Ella pointed out. 
"Fine, Newton, bring them to their rooms." Said Cherron, before leaving himself. 
"This way, young masters." Said The Bow Tie man, his hand indicating the right direction. 
Charlene nearly growled when The Bow Tie man showed them their rooms. 
They had to share. And not even with the girl with girl, dude with dude code, but instead, they had to sleep with their partners. 
"No. Way." Charlene said, every syllable loud and clear. 
"I'm sorry Young Miss, no change in the room assignments." Said the Bow Tie Man. 
"Look, just live with it. It's not like they're watching to make sure you DO IT with him, right? Just, like, divide up to area. That's what I'm doing." Said Jiro, his innocence showing. He was older than Charlene, but a lot more naive...he was just so innocent. 
Charlene gave Jiro a simple, weak smile. 
Charlene took one deep breath and walked into the room, letting the door slam close behind her. 
" you want the bed or the ground?" Jiro asked politely, trying hard to be polite with the girl he actually feared of. 
"The point of this is so we SHARE the bed." Ariel said, her voice soft, but attracting. 
Ariel walked towards Jiro in her mini black skirt and dark red blouse. Jiro nearly fell off the chair when he felt her weight on top of him. Her bare legs gave warmth to his legs even through the layer of his pants.
Ariel's eyes lured Jiro as she tried to make a move on him. 
Jiro's reaction was unexpected. 
Jiro sat up and touched her cheek. Layers of blush and powder was rubbed off as he took his hand away. 
"I don't need someone that's hiding behind a mask." Jiro said calmly. He was the first guy to not be attracted to the seductive Ariel. The beautiful, glamorous Ariel. With strength that didn't seem Jiro, Jiro pushed Ariel off and stood up. "The bed or the ground?" 
"..." Ariel didn't answer as she stared at the cold ground...she had lost. With probably the easiest target that she's just supposed to DO IT with. 
"You can have the bed...I'm going to go ask Arron something." Jiro said coldly before walking out the door and into Arron's room. 
Jiro's first impression of Arron's room was that this was where world war 2 had taken place. Stuff clung from almost everything, the room was messy and there stood Arron and Hebe, both holding a side of the mattress. 
"It's MINE." Hebe said, nagging as a child would. 
"No, I GOT HERE FIRST." Arron said calmly. 
"I'm a GIRL! Can't you be a little more gentleman?" Hebe fired back. 
"No, you're being unreasonable...and a ist." Arron glared. 
Hebe pouted as she pulled on the mattress. "Please..." Hebe whined, her puppy dog face softening Arron. 
"Ugh, fine. I give up. I'll sleep on the FLOOR." Said Arron, his smile actually lighting up his face. 
'If only all roommate problems were this easy to solve.' Jiro thought. 
"Why don't you just share it?" Jiro asked. 
"Ugh...I don't think we LIKE each other THAT way..."Hebe said weirdly, but peered accidentally in Arron's direction. Arron was staring at her too. Both gazes dropped, but no one forgot it. 
Hebe couldn't stand the awkwardness and the weird feeling , so dismissed herself to go check on Ella. 
Jiro's suspicious gaze made Arron sigh and start go..."Fine...I admit it." 

Ella's room was icy cold-atmosphere wise. No words were exchanged, no smiles shared. Hebe ran in and instantly froze, the place was magnificent! All wood walls had beautifully carved pictures on it, making one never forgetting this place once seen. 
Big, comfy sofas were spread out across the room, in such a design that it was...NICE. Although so, only ONE bed stood at the inner corner of the room. It was nicely decorated, but no one could forget that there's only ONE bed. 
On one of the icy blue sofas, Danson sat with his arm on the rest, reading a book. He didn't even look up when Hebe entered.
Hebe gasped. 
Her eyes flickered with a bright light as she looked, no, stared at Danson Tang sitting there. His skin so pale, his features so perfect, his smile so mysterious...Hebe instantly fell in love. Danson's black vest and white dress shirt was the next of Hebe's thoughts...he looked so perfect. Hebe shyly thought of how he'd look without his shirt. Probably just as perfect.
"Ummmmm...Hi Ella, hi...Danson." Hebe muttered when she finally found her voice. But her voice came out squeaky and high-pitched. 
Danson didn't seem to acknowledge her, but Ella's annoyed expression instantly changed to a more relieved expression when Hebe came in. Ella hated being ignored, and Danson was the only one with enough guts to ignore her, besides Charlene Choi of course. 
Ella had mistaken Hebe's squeak as a squeak of fear...which it was not. 
"WHY CAN'T YOU AT LEAST SAY SOMETHING?" Ella roared, her voice demanding. Danson didn't even flinch. Danson didn't say anything back. 
"You-" Ella went up and grabbed Danson by the wrist, his ice cold skin gave her a shock. It was as is electricity floated through his skin into her's. Danson had stood up so quickly that Ella didn't notice it. 
Danson's dark, brown orbs met Ella's startled ones. 
"I'll do what I want." Danson proclaimed before almost floating out the door. 
'soooooooooooo mannnnnnnnnnnn....." Hebe thought dreamily, temporarily forgetting about her friend, who was fuming. As Ella thought back to Danson's eyes, her shoulder suddenly shook and suddenly she was scared. There was something beyond the brown eyes.


Selina sat in the middle of the room and meditated. Her partner would be arriving shortly...but she was not interested. 
There was knock at the door as Selina opened her eyes. 
"Ummm...sorry to disturb you, young miss, but a problem has occurred, and your partner will meet you tomorrow at C.Y High, alright Miss?" Said The Bow Tie Man.
Selina nodded silently, totally keeping herself in "Zen" Mode. 
The bow Tie Man bowed away and Selina sighed heavily. She was thinking about him again.


Charlene and Zun both sat at opposite sides of the room. It was settled, Charlene would take the floor along with blankets, while Zun takes the bed. Charlene had insisted she slept on the ground. But Zun, not wanting to lose Gentleman-ness, said she should take the bed. So they argued until a compromise was made...
"Here." Zun Said as he passed her the blankets. 
"Thanks." Charlene replied. 
"Ya sure?" Zun said, hoping she would take the bed. This made him NOT feel like a MAN. 
"Yep." Charlene replied. 
"Why are we talking like this?" 
"Why are we talking like this?" Charlene and Zun both asked at the same time. Unexpectedly, both laughed. 
"Jinx." Charlene said jokingly. 
"Huh?" Zun asked, sitting down next to her. 
"Hahaha, when people say the same things at the same time...then one of them can say Jinx before the other, which will result in the other person not being able to say anything. If they do, then they have to but the other person a sundae. I prefer mine an extra large with a lot of chocolate sprinkles." Charlene said. 
Zun laughed as he ruffled Charlene's hair. 
Charlene looked back at Zun with a 'no you didn't?' look. Charlene's hand made it to Zun's hair but laughed when the gel he put into his hair did it's duty, Charlene almost SCRATCHED his head, and not one hair of Zun's moved. 
"My girlfriend used to try that too." Zun said, smiling bitterly, indicating Charlene ruffling his hair. 
"Oh..." Charlene's hand dropped and her expression grew serious. Charlene could tell from his body language that this was a sensitive topic. 
"I killed her." He whispered. "Last year, when I decided to tell her what I was. I-I got tempted... She was smiling when she died."
Charlene didn't even know how to respond...but she sympathized. She listened and soon began talking herself...


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
grace_leeu #9
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