



The sun was bright, the sky blue...but who would've guessed that it was the first day of school for a bunch of...MONSTERS? 
Charlene, Jiro, Arron, Hebe, Selina and Ella walked silently to school. Danson was not among them. 
"Bet HE gets to ride here in a LIMOUSINE." Charlene sighed. 
"Ya guys, ya know, Danson isn't as evil as you guys think he is. After all, Charlene, he helped us find you." Jiro said. 
"Yeah, don't judge him, guys." Said Hebe, sticking up for her love. 
"He's the reason we're trapped like this, having to kill." Charlene said quietly, not wanting other people to overhear. 
"Char, we were BORN like this, they just had to make our hearts stop beating to activate it. Well, they had to tear YOUR heart away from you, since you're human, but yeah." 
"He poisoned us." Charlene pointed out, stubborn was Charlene's middle name. 
"He might have had a reason." Hebe said innocently. 
Charlene rolled her eyes. "Do you guys have like, some secret love affair with him or something?" 
Jiro whacked the back of Charlene's head. "I'm straight." He said, laughing and pretending to walk like a girl. 
Nobody noticed Hebe's gaze go straight towards the ground. Hebe was guilty. She did like him. 
"Ummm...guys, yeah, umm, we're LATE." Said Arron. 
They all ran full speed towards the school. 
"We have two new students today, class." Said Ms. Mason, a smile lighting up her kind face. 
Ms. Mason waved at the door, and Charlene, seeing the gesture, moved forward and into the class. 
The temptation was deathly. Her whole body craved for each and every one of the students inside that classroom.
Danson followed Charlene silently into the room. 
The girls in the class instantly sat straighter, their smiles bigger. 
Charlene peered over at Danson. He didn't look like he had much trouble keeping himself calm and collected-he looked as if there was no craving at all. 
"Hi, I'm Charlene Choi." Charlene muttered to the ground, suddenly, she wasn't as confident as she usually was. She felt as if she couldn't look the other people in the eyes. She wanted to kill them, how could she? 
"Well, hello Charlene. Why did you take this course?" Asked Ms. Mason, her smile kind, as if encouraging a shy, nerdy girl to participate more. 
Charlene took a deep breath and took one more sneak peek at Danson. Charlene thought about the man that was killed. Her insides suddenly started squirming. 
The craving lessened by an incredible amount. 
"I took debate class because I believe that it is a class where all students have the ability to exercise their minds and think a way AROUND the main concept to produce an idea that helps their side win, yet is probably against their own beliefs. It is a class where only the smartest may stand." Charlene answered professionally. Charlene had taken Debate in her other school too. 
Ms. Mason smiled, showing a row of pure white teeth. "And you are?" She said, nodding at Danson. 
"Danson Tang. And there were no other classes available." Danson said coldly, not caring for the teacher's calm smile. 
"Alright, well, do you no each other?" Asked Ms. Manson. 
"No." Charlene and Danson instantly replied.
"Ok, well, do you mind sitting next to each other?" Ms. Mason asked kindly. 
"Yes." They both answered at the same time. 
"I'll share a desk with Danson, Ms.!" Screamed Gillian loudly. 
"Sure, thank you Gillian!" Ms. Mason said. Gillian was the teacher's pet. Gillian was nice, perky, and loved to volunteer/participate in class, obviously then making the teacher love her. With the grade of 94%, she was top in this class.
Danson walked towards Gillian table, both hands tucked inside his jeans pocket. 
"Hi Danson!" Said all the girls, practically drooling in their seats. 
Danson didn't even bother to say hi back. 
"Well...Charlene, you can sit beside Show." Said Ms. Mason. 
A guy with a happy face and black, messy hair raised his tanned hand.
"Hi Charlene, I'm Show." Said Show, a welcoming smile on his face. 
Charlene smiled comfortably back, she was already feeling at ease with this guy. 
Gillian's small, delicate hand kept brushing past Danson's leg, trying to get him to notice her. 
Guess the innocent Gillian isn't as innocent as everybody thinks she is. 
"So far into the unit, we are discussing the topic of racism. Hmmm...I would like all of you to work on your own and create a table of pros and cons of this serious topic. You may begin." Said Ms. Mason. "You will get 5 minutes." 
As the 5 minutes slowly passed along, Charlene's habit of tapping her pencil soon got on Show's nerves. 
"Sheesh, alright..." 
Charlene looked up to see if anyone was finished and saw Danson sit back. Charlene couldn't think, she couldn't focus. Usually, the opportunity to debate was something Charlene found extremely fun...but right now, it seemed more of nuisance. Charlene would rather hide aways from the world. 
"Ok, now, Charlene, I picked out of random, but your opponent is Danson, may you two stand up?" Ms. Mason said. 
Charlene got clumsily to her feet. Gillian giggled. Gillian blushed when Danson stood up, both hands still stuck inside his pockets. 
"Make your way to the front of the classroom. I will give each of you a topic-Charlene, Racism is not good. Danson, you will get the side of it being good. Begin." 
Before all this, Charlene felt a certain thrill go through her system whenever she was called up to debate...but now? Yeah, right.
Danson stared at Charlene. Charlene stared at Danson. 
"Go." Charlene ushered. 
"No thank you, I don't have to pee." Danson replied. 
"You-" Charlene began, but suddenly thought what Danson said was funny, and started laughing. Wow...what a mood swing. 
"Would you like to begin anytime soon?" Asked Ms. Mason. "Ok, Danson, since you are the gentleman, how about you go first." 
Danson tried to ignore Charlene with a huge smile on her face as he turned to the class. "Racism is a concept, or topic that is often discussed in MANY of my classes. The usual, Whites are wrong for discriminating the blacks...The usual 'we have to stop it' Is it really a huge issue if we don't make it so overly dramatic? What really is it?" 
"Opponent, Are you then saying that the discrimination and inequality between two kinds of people due to their colour or race is not something that is wrong? Are you saying that we should ENCOURAGE this behavior?" Charlene rebutted. 
"I don't think you are listening to my exact words, Opponent. I have said that it is usual, not right. Our views on this is just a little...stereotypic? Just because in the books it mentions this as sooooooo bad and stuff like that, we believe that EVERYTHING that has to do with that term is bad-" 
"Maybe because it is-" 
"Shouldn't we try to look at it from another point of view? Racism doesn't have to be bad. Just as peer pressure doesn't have to be negative-" 
"Are you referring them to be of the same thing?" 
"Yes I am. Are they both not something that results in harm if not used wisely? Racism could leave a mark, but it could also be something that teaches one-" 
"Yeah, a mark that forms a scar in many's hearts, causing forevermore pain." 
"Pain? Someone that can stand up strong with confidence will not let a statement or word affect them enough for pain. This racism can be like a ladder, boosting one up, higher and higher. People learn more about themselves, and grow up. If you really can't stand strong, how much do you deserve to be here? As in the woman's rights, to vote, did women NOT have to work hard to show others they deserve the right? As a women, Opponent, I believe it is of your experience of being called "weaker", did you not have to show the others that you were good enough?" Danson finished, standing back. 
"'Racism is bad.' We hear that everywhere, why? Simple, because that's the exact and complete truth. Can we really say that NONE of us never get upset over words others say about ourselves? Can we really say that once confident, there is forevermore confidence? As my opponent politely mentioned, Racism can be a ladder. Few, or none, can reach that first rung. Once the Racism attacks, it doesn't attack only that person, there's also the fact that it is discriminating one's history, ancestors and family. Sure, one can hold their head up high for they have high confidence, but that doesn't mean they don't love their family members and don't respect their ancestors. So, this isn't about's about one's right. One has the right to stay proud, one has the right to stay respectful to their one can stop that. If somebody does discriminate against a race, are they then NOT also saying their ancestors don't DESERVE this respect?" 
"If someone loves another person, it is only of common sense that others will not affect this feeling. Same with respect." Said Danson. 
"If someone tries to make us deny this feeling, it automatically means that they are targeting all of one's ancestors. One will then fight back, to stand up for oneself and ones loved. As we all learned since young, You have to stand up to the bully. " Charlene said. 
"Stand up? Is it not more wrong to threaten and hurt then to say a simple word?" 
"A simple word can cause one to kill oneself-"
"That brings us back to the whole confidence and self respect-" 
"No it does not, it brings us to the point that one word of racism can result in the most dangerous consequences-" 
"Okay, class, good...umm, debate. Please read page 114 for homework, good bye." Said Ms. Mason Hurriedly as everyone's bags were swept off the long desks and people ran to the doors. 
No, they were not eager to get to their next class, not wanting to be late. They just wanted to leave. 
Charlene watched as Danson's tall figure walked silently out the door. Not a word, not a goodbye, not even a glance. 
Charlene left the class with a heavy heart, was Danson really different? Or just a fraud? Charlene couldn't help but think about his weird, mysterious ways of doing things. 
"Ohh..I'm sorry." Said Charlene as she mindlessly walked into another guy. 
"'s my fault..." Laughed the guy. 
"Hey! Yo, Charlene! You left your binder!" Said Show as he ran up behind the guy she bumped into. 
"Yo, Show!" Said the guy. 
"Hey dude! How'd the presentation go?" 
"Just as well as, I dunno, a tragedy?" 
"Oh, yeah, this is Charlene Choi. She sits beside me in debate."Said Show happily, handing over Charlene's binder. 
"Hey." Charlene smiled. 
"Wayne Lin. Call me Jay, like this dude calls me." Said the guy. 
"Hi, Jay." Said Charlene, still smiling. 
"I do not Call you that!" Said Show, "I call you-"
"Gotta go to next class, math, see ya guys!" Charlene said as she ran away, she had a strong dislike for being late.


By the way, sorry if you all disagree with Danson or Charlene's arguments, they're not meant to be offensive!

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
grace_leeu #9
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