



"White represents purity...something many things in this world could use more of. The innocent doesn't survive much of the time...though it's sad, it's true." Said Calvin, a bitter smile flitted across his usually happy face as he looked down at the listening attentively Rainie. 
"Well, the innocent doesn't ALWAYS lose...maybe you're underestimating them." Said Rainie, her gullibility showing as her eyes twinkled. 
"The innocent doesn't always lose...maybe because there are some that have done wrong before that help them now. This world is not a place anybody can know all of. There are wonders...and nightmares that one needs to discover...or fight."Said Calvin, catching Rainie's eyes. 
Rainie couldn't help it as blood rushed to her face, making her a perfect tomato red. 
Calvin had been visiting Rainie for a week already, both becoming pretty good friends. Calvin even told Rainie that he had helped her hire a lawyer to fight the rat-head thing. Rainie had forgotten all about the rat head incident...THAT was what Calvin could do to her. 
She can't help it that he has a killer smile. 
A killer smile that instinctively makes her heart beat quicken and make her sweat buckets. 
"Well, how're you feeling now? All better? I hope the rat incident didn't scare you." Said Calvin gently, nearly whispering it. 
He was sitting next to her on the bed. 
Rainie was scared. If she got all better, did that mean he wouldn't come see her anymore? If she wasn't scared, did that mean she'll never hear his comforting words again? Would he just leave and forget who Rainie ever was? 
"I'm Rainie." Rainie whispered to herself. In her mind, she had already made up an imaginary situation where she was ran over by a car and Calvin, good person as he was, would come to her and ask if she is ok. She would whisper 'Calvin', he would get freaked out and look at her as if she was an alien. 
'who're you?' He would ask. 
'I'm Rainie.' Rainie would answer as blood oozed out from her many wounds. 
'Who's that?' He would reply. 
"HELLO? RAINIE???? I KNOW your name is Rainie! Earth to Rainie!" Said Calvin loudly, worry pooling up to cover his happy eyes. 
"I-I'm just scared...I-I don't like rodents!" Said Rainie as tears from her day-NIGHTMARE filled up her eyes. 
Calvin mistaked it as fear of rodents. 
Rainie tried to calm down as Calvin's warm arms circled around her to connect the both of them together. 
She cried against his mucular shoulders. Calvin patted her on the back.
Ella smirked at the door. 
"Oh, come ON. I'm right! Obviously, considering I'm NEW and I'm getting a higher average than you. We're going to fight from this point of view!" Said Charlene, slapping Show on the back of his head. 
"Sheesh, no need to attack my intellect! Fine, we'll do it your way, but if we lose, find someone else's shoulder to cry on." Said Show, pouting as a joke. 
"Don't worry, when you have a nightmare little Show, you can hug your funny-bunny at your bed. cute. I'll even let you bring your stuffed bunny to our sample trial!" Laughed Charlene. 
Show threatened Charlene with his glare as he got up. 
"Oops." Charlene muttered as she ran as fast as she could away from Show. 
"BAM!" The door just HAD to open at this time. 
"Owww..." Moaned Charlene as she fell back. 
"Oh my GOD, are you ok?" Laughed Show. 
JJ glared at Show as he bowed down to look at Charlene. 
"Oh, CHARLENE! Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't know YOU were behind the door. I might've banged harder if it was SHOW though, take comfort in that. Yo, Show, go get the first aid kit, I think she's bleeding." Said JJ as he examined Charlene's pretty face, hoping there were no other areas hurt. 
"WELL, that was a few IQ points." Charlene joked. 
Then Charlene out.
"Damn it." JJ swore. "I freakin' knocked her unconscious." 
"Whoa, JJ, how hard do you open the door?" Asked Show as he walked back in with the first aid kit. 
"Shut up Show, or you'll just have to find the answer to that question yourself." Said JJ, a strange sensation pulsed through his veins...was it worry? 
"Sheesh, grumpy much?" Show said, receiving a piercing glare from JJ. 
"She IS bleeding, god, now even I wonder how hard I open the door." Said JJ as he applied some medicine to Charlene's head and tried to wrap her head with some cloth. 
He settled for just tying a knot at Charlene's left ear instead of taping or gluing it. 
JJ picked Charlene up off the ground and settled her down on the nice, big, bright blue sofa. 
"I'm going to go get something to eat, watch her." Said JJ, taking one last glance at the innocent Charlene sleeping on the sofa. Her DARK blue shirt kind of matched with the colour of the sofa. 
Once JJ left, Show grinned-what time was it? Oh yeah, time for mischief. 
", what hurts so much?" Charlene asked as she sat up from the sofa 15 minutes later. 
"Now, Charlene...repeat after me...Show is the best looking guy in the world." Said Show, sitting beside Charlene but on the floor. 
"Now, Charlene...repeat after me...Show will NEVER and is so far NOT the best looking guy in the world, but may receive a reward for the most hideous looking." Charlene replied, a grin spread across her face. 
"Well, at least she's sane, speaks of the truth and is not yet blind." Said JJ professionally from the corner of the room in an 'all PROFESSIONAL" Doctor voice. 
"Charlene, THIS coming from someone growing an extra head?" Said Show, laughing. 
JJ finally noticed the knot on top of Charlene's left ear, a nice "Furious" face was drawn on the once pure-white surface. 
JJ couldn't suppress the laughter that he tried to hide, he ended up almost rolling on the floor along with Show. 
Confused, Charlene could only stand up and feel slightly dizzy. She started to walk towards the washroom but caught her reflection in the window. 
"SHOW, I SWEAR-I'LL-" Charlene broke off as she looked at the still laughing Show. She walked silently behind Show and s her hands onto his waist. 
Show COULDN'T STOP laughing as Charlene tickled him. 
"HAHAHAHA, S-S-ha-STOP! C-Charlene!!!!" Screamed Show. 
"Oh, no thanks Show. I happened to notice that you like laughing a lot, I'm just trying to help." Charlene said smugly, but tried to keep an innocent expression on her face. 
"I agree Charlene." Said JJ behind her. "You seem to like it an awful lot too." JJ continued behind Charlene. 
"HEY-" Charlene started laughing as JJ tickled her. The tickler just became the ticklee. 
After an hour of lots of tickling, swearing and uncontrollable laughter, Charlene and JJ finally controlled themselves enough to stop Show from going crazy-or continue being crazy. 
They sat down and Charlene started conversing with Show. 
"This topic is complicated-how do we prove and argue that a SERIAL killer, who threatened to kill a police officer too, is innocent and not of THAT bad?" Said Charlene, tapping her chin as she thought. 
"Well, make him cry. Tears always soften people up." Said Show sarcastically, but he caught Charlene's expression and his jaw hung low. "What are you thinking of?" He asked. 
"Nothing much." Charlene replied, but her expression showed that A LOT was going to happen. 
"Hey you guys, I'm gonna practice, tell me if it bothers you." Said JJ as he sat down at the piano. 
His posture became perfect as soon as the first note was hit. 
Charlene was dazed by the third note. Her plan was temporarily forgotten. She only sat with her eyes closed and gently rocked to the music. 
Once the last note was done, Charlene's eyes instantly opened-it was as if his music brought her to another world-a world where no problems were problems. It was a world where herself and people like herself didn't exist. Monsters and cold-blooded creatures were never born in that world. Charlene loved that world. 
"This is an original, right?" Asked Charlene as she stared t JJ, he seemed in a different light now. 
JJ turned around shyly on the chair. "Umm, yeah. I wrote it." He said, shifting around in the black leather seat. "Did'ya like it?" 
Charlene's smile showed it all. 
"That's a not a question you have to ask." Charlene said. "There's lyrics with it aren't there?" 
"Umm...well, umm, I guess." Said JJ.
"He sings too, Char. Sing!" Said Show, knowing for a fact that his best friend is quite shy when it comes to his music. 
"Well, I-I kind of have a sore throat. Umm, next time Charlene." JJ said quietly. 
"Can I at least SEE the lyrics?" Charlene asked, running over to where JJ sat. 
JJ let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, sure." 
"Can you play it as I read the lyrics?" Charlene asked. 
JJ's answer were the first notes of the song. 
What he didn't guess was Charlene would start humming to the song. 
JJ couldn't stop himself as he got into the song, he hummed himself. 
Charlene's hand stopped over JJ's hands as she looked at him. 
"If I can play this song on the piano, will you sing it?" Charlene asked, a smile on her face. 
JJ somehow already felt comforted with Charlene's presence-or maybe her hand's warmth on his. 
JJ nodded silently. 
Charlene slid in next to him on the piano. 
JJ smiled and Charlene saw familiar dimpled cheeks. 
Charlene hit the first few notes, and JJ's hand touched Charlene's accidentally as he started singing the first few lyrics. His voice was as amazing and dazzling as his skill with music. 
Even though a series of "Wrong" notes kept appearing in Charlene's playing of the piano, JJ sang on-not missing a beat, not missing a note, not missing a second of feeling. 
"Cries in the distance,
Can't stop the tremble, 
I'm just awaitin' my turn. 
Hidin' will never
Save me forever
The gun's gonna get me for sure
Dear god I pray
Why won't you be my friend, come to me and take my hand
Like Mama would say
Everything will be okay...
Cause all I hear 3 2 1 
The scream from the guns
And then one by one no one gets to run
Someone's dad or mom, sister brother and son
Cause all I hear is 1 2 3
My tears start to bleed
Smell of roses on my feet
Feel sore 
I fall 
I call 
I crawl...

Feel sore
I fall
I call
I craw...lll" 
JJ's soft voice finished the song with feeling that could never be acted, it came straight from the heart. And it Charlene right in the heart. 
When you see the true meaning behind those lyrics you could see exactly what Charlene was going through. Tears filled Charlene's eyes as she thought back to everything. WHY DIDN'T GOD HELP HER? WHY DID SHE HAVE TO WATCH MORE AND MORE PEOPLE SUFFER?
The lyrics that hit Charlene hardest were the lyrics "Hidin' will never, save me forever..." 
In this case, it was save OTHER PEOPLE, but Charlene WAS hiding from her temptation...and soon, like they said, she won't be able to bear it. She'll hurt someone. 
Then Charlene remembered that other people was there.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I kind of spaced out." Charlene said. JJ was still beside her. 
What Charlene didn't expect was that JJ was also spaced out. 
It was only Show that was yelling "Yo, earth to you two!" several times. 
Charlene and JJ's gazes met as they both understood something-they were people going through the same kind of problem. Just because JJ was human didn't mean he couldn't feel like Charlene does. 
Charlene smiled showing her pearl white teeth as JJ mirrored it. They understood each other a lot more than they thought. 
"Pizza's HERE!" Screamed Show. Charlene and JJ both rushed to the door. 
"Great, you ignore me calling you, but you come for pizza." Said Show, shaking his head.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
grace_leeu #9
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