Favorite sport

Bad romance
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Yunjin grabbed her head "I don't know how to feel anymore. She is confusing me." she let out, having a mental breakdown. 


"I feel you. I don't know if i should like her or hate her." Ningning told her friend, while Karina sighed. "Don't let her fool you. She.. " she stopped talking to bite her lip. 


Ryujin smiled "Despite of that. I find her charming.. How did she look physically?" she asked curious. 


Karina thought about that for a second " Hot. Very hot. Her face was very femenine, but she dressed to attract women. I swear. Make up on point, jacket on point, skirts or jeans made her so.. "


"Bad girl type"  Yunjin spoke with a smile. 


Karina smiled "A total hot jerk." she said as a bittersweet feeling made her look other way. 




In a fair, Karina, Jisung and Chaewon observed how Winter and Jungwoo competed in every game like competitive kids. They were totally ruining their saturday night, and they didn't care because for them was more important to win against the other. 


"Should we go to another game?" Chaewon asked the two next to her. 


"Totally!" Karina and Jisung answered at the same time


Chaewon smiled "Great. What should we do?" she asked curious to know what would the youngers want to do. 


Jisung smiled back and pointed at the crazy shake ride. "Let's do that one. Let's go Noonas" he said, taking both by the hand. 


The two didn't refuse and followed the youngest. 


Kim Minjeong stopped shooting "I don't want to play this game anymore. " she said handing her shotgun, then left Jungwoo "Just because i'm winning!" he said loud, but Winter didn't care and followed the youngsters.  


Jungwoo handed their shotguns and hurried behind his twin. 


"So this is the one you want to do now?" Winter spoke behind Karina and Jisung, while Chaewon paid. 


"Better than shooting." Jisung told her. 


Winter smiled "Totally. " she said, close to Karina's hair to annoy her, but the younger didn't seem upset or anything. Actually, she's been acting way too strange since early morning. The oldest just raised an eyebrow and paid for herself. 


Soon the five got on the game. Jungwoo and Winter sat on Karina's sides. The handsome man wanted to take advantage of the game to be closer to her, while his twin sat there to annoy her because that was favorite sport. 


"You can hold on me, Karina." He said like the gentleman he was, while his twin only rolled her eyes at his sweetness. 


Karina smiled "Thank you, oppa" she told him politely, but she wasn't going to hold to him. 


"Oppa, oppa" Winter repeated annoyed without making any kind of noise as she pouted. 


The game started to shake softly at first, but gradually started to do it harder.

In a blink of an eye they were jumping crazily on their spots and Karina felt her hands would give in at any second. 


Jungwoo tried to grab her cause it look like she was about to lose her grip, however somebody else wrapped her arm around Karina's waist and pulled to her. 


Karina's heart skipped a beat when she saw Winter holding herself with one arm, while the other held her tight. The older woman didn't look so strong, but it didn't matter how hard they were shaking, she refused to let her go. 


Jungwoo saw how his twin was making a big effort and wondered why "Leave her. I'll grab her." he told her as he extended his hand for Karina. 


"We're so okay! Don't worry." Winter spoke, giving her all as the stubborn woman she was. 


The teeneger continued lost at the veins formed on Winter's neck "I know i am iest woman you have seen, but please hold on to me."  she said, waking the younger of her trance. 


"You're so full of yourself." 


Winter smiled, loving that frown on the younger's girl face. "And you love that.." she whispered in her ear. Due to the shaking ride, Winter's lips touched Karina's ear slightly, making her blush instantly, and soon both were trapped in the longest eye contact ever. 


After that awful ride, Yu Karina acted fool the whole night. She just didn't want to continue thinking about Winter's lips on her ear cause it made inexplicably hot. 


"We should go to that one too!" Jisung let out excitedly, while Jungwoo couldn't keep up. One of the rides made him nauseous because he ate too much. 


Chaewon looked at his older brother "C'mon let's get you a seat." she said, putting her hand on her brother's chest. 


"But i wanna kep playing with you guys." 


"You should rest a little, you already got in almost everything." Karina told him with a spolite smile


Winter sighed "Rest. Remeber you have never been very fond of these type of rides." she said calmly. 


"C'mon! Let's go to that pirate boat" Jisung let out, pulling Karina, while Winter only followed them with her hands in her jacket's pokets. 


As they walked the brown haired looked at Kari

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Trumfeet #1
Chapter 22: potanginamo jungwoo
Trumfeet #2
Chapter 19: nginaaaaa yung snasabi nilaaa na kapag ang love kapag naging instincts🥹🫶
Chapter 33: i'm so hooked up reading this all night such beautiful story, i'm glad the got the happy ending.
oofiee 1126 streak #4
Chapter 33: they have a family 🥹 yeji lost without even putting up a fight LOL

also jungwoo char dev... well he needed time to get to know his self-
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 33: i love their first encounter with pucca karina and puppy min 🥺🩷 all these years karina had loved winter and Min grew up to love that baby powder scent
dpphppy #6
Chapter 33: when i read the last part, i was like “is this the end” !? because i didn’t see the status but oh no😭 gonna miss this fanfic and maybe will reread it
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 33: i will miss this so much 😭😭
Chapter 33: Finally it's finished !!!thanks for the wonderful story author-nim💛🌹
cleofierayne 76 streak #9
Chapter 33: 🎉🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Chapter 33: 🥰