Idiot pt2

Bad romance
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With a terrible headache, Kim Minjeong moved away once she felt certain weight on her body. "Babe, wake up. There's lot to do for our wedding." Kazuha spoke, annoying the sleeping woman. 


As soon as Winter heard that, she opened her eyes "What did you say?" she asked, removing the blanket of her face.


"Our wedding." 


A nervous Winter sat on her bed "What? What wedding?" she asked serious, but Kazuha only hugged her "Your mom told me that you will propose. I already bought myself a ring." she said excitedly and showing her expensive ring. 


"HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY?" She asked overwhelmed. 


Kazuha frowned "Is this some kind of joke? Winter, i love you but i'm not going to let you and your family play with my feelings like this. Even Jungwoo congratulated me." she told her. 


Winter came out of her bed "This is stupid." she said annoyed., 


"My dad is already talking to yours... He's even considering to make a joint venture. Your father seemed very excited too see mine." Kazuha spoke as she got up of the bed and held Winter's back. 


The brown haired clenched her jaw.


The japanese woman kissed her shoulder "Think about it? Maybe you will be able to take back what's yours with my help..." she told her as she ed her pjs's shirt. 


Winter turned around to face the seductive woman in front of her "Maybe it's not a bad idea... I want to destroy DDM." she talked to herself. 


Kazuha smiled "Then, we are going to marry." she told her 


"It looks like it." Winter let out expresionless. 


"Should we take a shower together?" 


Winter thought about her proposal for second, and before she could answer a knock on the door interrupted them. 


"Winter, are you up?" 


"C'mon in, mom." Winter said as she buttoned her shirt again.


Mrs. Kim entered to the room and soon a smile formed on her face when she saw Kazuha clinging on her daughter's arm as if her life depended on it. "You two are such a lovely couple. Tonight will be the perfect moment to give the good news to our closest friends." 


Kazuha smiled very happy to know that soon she will marry her first love. 


Winter reacted "What?  Why so soon?" she asked. 


"Well, your father wants to introduce Jisung to our friends and humilate me. At least with this nig new everyone will forget about that kid and talk about what's important and that's you two." She answered with a big smile on her face. 


Kazuha pouted "I can't believe you have another brother and he's so.. poor. That's the word?" she asked, getting a glare from Winter. "Mom, you shouldn't do this tonight. This is Jisung's first time in high society. Let him have his moment." 


Mrs. Kim sighed "Why? Those two are nothing to us. Do you hear me? Jisung is not your brother. You only have two siblings nothing more." she said angry about it.


Winter moved her head side to side and soon the three went downstairs to have breakfast with the others.

"Where is my dad?" Kazuha asked, clinging on Winter's arm while Karina only looked other way. She was so broken hearted that she couldn't stand it. 

Mr. Kim put down his newspaper to see the soon to be married couple "He left" he simply answered with his eyes on his oldest daughter. 

The two had a sit and began having breakfast with the others. 

Chaewon congratulated her, and so did Jungwoo with second intentions aware that Karina was having it hard.

"So, sister in law you can ask for anything as your wedding present" He said with a smile 


Jisung looked at his sister completely worried about her, while Winter ignored everything around her. She just didn't have energy to say anything.


"We have a lot to prepare, Kazuha. I can't wait" Mrs. Kim let out with a smile.

Immediately Karina stood up "I have to study" she said, then walked away with Jisung following her.


Jungwoo grabbed some bread of the table "I would love to hear it, but I have an important meeting."he lied and went after Karina.


"What did just happen?" Kazuha asked with a smile.


Mrs. Kim looked at her husband "I can't believe that little dared to put her eyes on my daughter" she said annoyed.

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Trumfeet #1
Chapter 22: potanginamo jungwoo
Trumfeet #2
Chapter 19: nginaaaaa yung snasabi nilaaa na kapag ang love kapag naging instincts🥹🫶
Chapter 33: i'm so hooked up reading this all night such beautiful story, i'm glad the got the happy ending.
oofiee 1126 streak #4
Chapter 33: they have a family 🥹 yeji lost without even putting up a fight LOL

also jungwoo char dev... well he needed time to get to know his self-
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 33: i love their first encounter with pucca karina and puppy min 🥺🩷 all these years karina had loved winter and Min grew up to love that baby powder scent
dpphppy #6
Chapter 33: when i read the last part, i was like “is this the end” !? because i didn’t see the status but oh no😭 gonna miss this fanfic and maybe will reread it
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 33: i will miss this so much 😭😭
Chapter 33: Finally it's finished !!!thanks for the wonderful story author-nim💛🌹
cleofierayne 76 streak #9
Chapter 33: 🎉🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Chapter 33: 🥰