The start

Bad romance
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Working hard on her desk and answering some emails, a tired Yu Karina sighed. She couldn't wait to go home and relax on her couch, however before she could think something more she heard some yelling. 


"Again." She thought irritated, seeing the familiar scene. Once again that ugly and despicable man was treating one of her coworkers awfully just because he was in charge of the area and the new employee didn't want to accept his advancements. 


"You have done a terrible job! When are you going to get it right, Yeji?" He asked loud, throwing the folder on her desk. 


Karina took several deep breaths doing her best to remain quiet, however a voice spoke in her head "Say what you feel and do what you need. Never have regrets and don't let others step on your beliefs." 


Having enough of it, she got up of her seat. "This is not correct. You can't treat her like that." Karina told her superior. 


The fat man laughed "Miss Yu. What are you doing? Do you think you can talk to me like that?" he asked turning serious. 


"I'm not being disrespectful. I just believe this is not the correc----" 


"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" He cut her off "Have you finished your report?" he asked turning his anger to her, while her partner observed shocked that Karina got involved. 


"Yes, this morning" She answered without flnching


The old man looke at her defiant eyes "Why you didn't tell me?" he asked angry


"I did.. " 


"DO YOU THINK I'M PLAYING GAMES?" He asked, losing his cool, while the others didn't want to get involved. They knew the man was a pig and they could lose their jobs if they made him mad. 


Karina didn't mind his yelling "I also sent a mail and a second mail." she told him fearless


"Wha? Who told you you can talk to me like that? You must think you're something special. Yes, you're pretty, but you're nothing but an orphan." He said, trying to hurt her and point his finger at her. 


Much to his surprise, someone else grabbed him by the back of his shirt "Mr. Park! I need to talk to you in my office right now." He said controlling his anger. 


Mr. Park recognized the voice. "Mr. Kim.." he whispered shocked to see him in his department, while Karina looked other way. She didn't need Jungwoo's help


Everyone looked at the handsome man in a suit. His employees started gossping between them finding the whole thing heart fluttering.


"He's so cool." 


"He's so handsome" 


"Just in time" 


During lunch, Karina's friends sat around her to ask her about it. 


"Are you dating Mr. Kim?" Ryujin asked, surprised by the rumors now spreading. 


Karina scratched her head and before she could answer that someone else interrupted her


"Of course you're not going to admit it. He's rich, handsome and owner of this huge company" Yunjin spoke, seeing her friend. 


Ningning smiled "Now that i think about it... You have never had a bf or gf.  You rejected everyone in college." she said, getting their friend's attention. 


"Really?" Ryujin and Yeji asked at the same time. 


Ningning nodded many times. 


"You haven't had your first love? That's sad!" Ryujin let out, feeling sorry for her friend. 


Karina looked at her "Of course i had." she answered, irritated by the eyes that pity her.


"He must have been so handsome and gentle like a prince a charming." Ningning spoke excited. 


Karina giggled a little as she thought of her 


"What's so funny?" Yeji asked as Karina continued laughing by herself. 


Once she stopped she looked at her friends "My first love was everything but a prince charming. It was selfish, mean, cruel.." she explained as their friends couldn't believe it. Why was she laughing for something like that? Was Karina out of her mind?


"Why are you smiling?" Yeji asked concerned just like the others.


"Well, my first love gave me everything. It was very passionate, loving, tender and endearing. It swept me off my feet." Karina whispered, turning nostalgic all of the sudden. 


Ningning looked at her friend "What do you mean? I thought you said...I'm going crazy now! I need to know what's going on" she said confused. 


"Now i'm curious. Tell us about it." Ryujin asked her with her fists on the table. 


Yeji nodded "Me too... I want to know." She said, hoping Karina tell them more about it. 


Karina looked at the four and once again she heard a voice in her head "When you feel alone, you can think about our beautiful memories and live them again just like i will." 


"Okay... I will tell you about it." 


The four looked at one another excited to hear it. 


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Trumfeet #1
Chapter 22: potanginamo jungwoo
Trumfeet #2
Chapter 19: nginaaaaa yung snasabi nilaaa na kapag ang love kapag naging instincts🥹🫶
Chapter 33: i'm so hooked up reading this all night such beautiful story, i'm glad the got the happy ending.
oofiee 1126 streak #4
Chapter 33: they have a family 🥹 yeji lost without even putting up a fight LOL

also jungwoo char dev... well he needed time to get to know his self-
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 33: i love their first encounter with pucca karina and puppy min 🥺🩷 all these years karina had loved winter and Min grew up to love that baby powder scent
dpphppy #6
Chapter 33: when i read the last part, i was like “is this the end” !? because i didn’t see the status but oh no😭 gonna miss this fanfic and maybe will reread it
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 33: i will miss this so much 😭😭
Chapter 33: Finally it's finished !!!thanks for the wonderful story author-nim💛🌹
cleofierayne 76 streak #9
Chapter 33: 🎉🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Chapter 33: 🥰