
A love to learn

"Yoseobie...." he call me with that pet name, but I still heard the cold tone in his voice. 

"y-yes" I am stuttering. ughhh but this is not the 1st time I stutter in front of him. 

"Tell me about your dream. Who kill me? who kill Thunder and Mir? Who hit you?" he ask me continuosly. 

"a big ahjussi. he come with this long black thing. He press the button then fire come out, blood come out from Dongwoon, from Mireu and from Doongie.. so scared" I am about to cry. I cannot continue to tell him my scary dream. I start to shiver I try to find a shelter and suddenly I feel his big arm wrap around me. He put his chin above my head and pat my back. 

"shh shhhh. don't continue if it made you feel bad. Sorry ne? I will not ask it if it is too horrendous." his voice sooth me. His big arms is so warm, I snuggle in him shamelessly 


my stomach growling loudly. I push him away. He looked at me and smirk. 

"Somebody is hungry?" I nodded shyly. He is teasing me. 

"Cook for me." he asked me to cook for him? didn't I am the one that hungry, but how to cook? other than cake and boil water for coffee I don't know how to cook. That was the part that Gayoon reserve for me later during her visit. 

"Yoseob molla. M-mianhe" I look down. 

"Hurmmmm should I punish you?" he lean and whisper to my ear. I am scared if he is going to hit me again. It been a long time since the last time he beat me. I stiff in my seat.


Dongwoon POV

I enjoy teasing him. He is shuddering beside me. Should I make him shivered more. I pinch his thigh and he flinch but still in his same position. 

"Appa~"his voice is melodious and I start to pinch another thigh and same reaction I got from him. 

"Dongwoon... please" then I noticed his eyes watered. omoo this must be too much for him. 

"Shhh shh I just want to play.. ahh never mind.. Yoseobie.. from now I want you to call me Woonie.. and  I will call you Seobie.. " I ask him.

"Woonie?" I nodded to him. He keep on mumble the same thing 'woonie woonie woonie' like he is memorizing a book. So cute. 

"emmm Dongwoon.. err  Woonie.. Seobie..pegopa" I laugh upon hearing that funny request. I hug him like a little kid. 

"Kaja" I pull him and going out. 


We are having our lunch peacefully. Then on the way back, Yoseob is looking outside the window excitedly. He is too absorb with what he see. It is our mistake for not bringing him to the town. 

"Seobie. What are you looking at?" I break the silent

"Many people.. many stuff.. many clothes.. many food.. exiting!" he chided like a small kid. 

"Exciting not exiting" he looked down and nodded his head apologizing for his wrong pronounciation. He start to play with his fingers and it makes me feel guilty to kill his joy moment. 

"Do you want to go out from car and walk around?" he looks at me with his sparkle eyes. He seems disbelief my offer. 

"C-can I? R-really?" He asked innocently like a little puppy. 

"I hate to repeat my offer. Yes or No?" I asked coldly. As quick as flash Yoseob nodding his head.

"Y-yes. I w-want t-to" I smiled when hearing his cute voice stuttering like that, it is not my intention to scare him but just my nature being cold and cool. 

"......... but W-woonie.. p-please w-walk with me. Seobie d-don't k-know the way" he make a little request to me. How come he can think that I am going to leave him walking alone. His request just give an idea. 

"hurmmm let see about that..." he look deep into my eyes and blinking like a puppy hoping I will comply his request which obviously I will do. ".....how about you give me a kiss?" he is blushing, but as innocent as he is, he slowly lean near to me and closing his eyes to kiss my cheek. I took the oppurtunity to turn and make his lips meet mine. He widen his eyes in shock but he is not pulling away just stay at the same position for sometime. I kiss him passionately until his face turn blue because out of oxygen. We parted away and caught our breath. 

"Sweet" I said and make him blushing more. 

I drag him all the way from the car park. I slid his hand into my big jacket and hold that tiny hand tightly. He follows me obediently without making any fuss. We walk pass through several shop, he looks at all the shop with his big eyes and it amused me how this kid whom I hate the most turn to someone that I adore. As we walk suddenly I felt a bit heavy, Yoseob is not moving. I stop and look at what he look. It is cartoon Pororo been shown in the television to attract kids enter their shop, well it not only attract kids but also my 'kid' wife. 

"Pororo pororo" he sing and clap his hand happily without noticed that he had made me stop from the walking. 

"Ehem.." he jolt and quickly look at me, he quickly put his hand back into my pocket and hold my hand inside it. "Mianhe Woonie. Pororo distract me" he pull me to continue walking but I don't budge instead. His face is full of worries that I am going to scold him. 

"How much you like Pororo? between me and Pororo who you like more?" I ask him. I think I am childishly jealous over the inhuman Pororo. 

"Woonie jo-ah. neomu jo-ah." he answer without thinking. I feel so happy by his answer. "Good boy" I ruffle his hair and continue our walking. 

"Seobie what you like to eat for dinner?" he turn at me and shrug his shoulder. 

"Anything food Seobie like." I raised my brow. I think he just don't know the food name yet. 

"Do you want to try spagetthi?" he only nodded his head while his mouth repeatedly saying spagetthi spagetthi..


Yoseob help me to pull the cart while I busy picking all the grocerries to make spagetthi for our dinner. I enjoy cooking, so I think it is good for me to teach Yoseob cook as well. At least he can make something to eat if I am not at home. while picking the items, I told him the name of the items. He is new to these stuffs, some of them he already know and some he doesn't. 

"do you know them?" I shove my index to the rack of pastas. He nodded, wow he knew the name of all the pastas? seriously? 

"long noodle, spiral noodle, short noodle, hollow noodle...." I feel want to laugh. He call all the pastas noodle. Who taught him that? He stop and shyly look down the floor.. 

"Hey hey, don't feel offended. It is okay if you don't know. first they are not noodle. here this is spagetthi, this is fettucini, the hollow you said is macaroni .." I teach him. He repeat my words to make the mind note. 

"Okay later I will bring you here to teach you more." he nodded his head cutely. Ahh why I feel that I am falling on him little by little. Is this love? 



AN :: update on weekend.. I love sunny sunday~ jumping jumping!!

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shivaitzmeys #1
Chapter 25: YOu are deaback authornim !I loved it so much!!sequel or more dongseob (or dooseob or junseob ) pleeeaaaassseeΠ~Π
i like this fic so much :'D
muso-ka_sonyeo #3
Chapter 25: Sequel please~
I need sequel!!
suggestion!!!! sequel please~~~~~
Ahhh, how cute! :)
I really loved the last chapter *__*
But Dongwoon the devil ;)
I knew he would do something like that :P
Well, it's so cute that Yoseob is pregnant again^^
Maybe you will write something later, that shows how the kids have grown up? Just a suggestion :D
OmG! O.o
What happened to Eunkwang? And now Ilhoon is gone, too? :O
I'm so sorry for them =(
I hope they get out of this healthy! :S