Part 9

sHE beLIevED

you still couldn't stop smiling at Jaejoong.


Jaejoong smiled back at you, and took her hand, which made her feel so surprised.

"Come on, let's go to class. The bell's going to ring soon."

you  nodded, and accepted his hand. She held onto it, as if it were her mother's hand.

After all, it was only her mother who held her hand. No one else.

"Thank you for the flowers Jaejoong. I really like it. Um, I'll be right back, okay? I'll just put it in my locker..."

She bowed at him, and left.

Hyoyeon (a random girl in their class who is also from SNSD) smirked as she headed towards Jaejoong.

"Hey, Jaejoong Shii, did you know that Myungsoo and you  were going out?" she said.

Jaejoong shook his head. "What? Th-They are?"  he asked turning to Myungsoo's direction.

(Hey, readers. I know I haven't introduced L properly yet, so I will now.)

Kim Myungsoo was the bad boy kingka of the school. He has his friends too, who take the roles as the other kingkas.

(Which is Infinite :P)

Everyday, they would always have someone to bash up, and that person would usually be a nerdy geek.

"Mmmmhm, they are going out, so I hope you don't interupt them, or else Myungsoo will get really upset."

Jaejoong watched as Hyoyeon left.

you  came back into the classroom smiling.

"Oppa, did I take too long?"

he shook his head.

"Okay, let's take a seat~" she said, but the only seats available were beside Myungsoo, which meant the two of them had to be seperated ):

So Jaejoong sat on Myungsoo's right, and you  sat on his left.

"Annyeonghasseyo~ I'm you  . Nice to meet you~" she said.

Myungsoo smiled. 'Oh, how beautiful, my new target of the day...' he thought to himself.

"Nice to meet you." Myungsoo said back, but immediately hugged her.

Jaejoong was looking away, and when he looked back, he saw Myungsoo and you  hugging ):

'Yah, WAE WAE WAE!?!!' he thought. He imagined himself curling up in a corner while they were still hugging.


"Oh, Myungsoo Oppa~ We make such a beautiful couple~"

"you  Ah, Let's get married."

"Oppa, where?"

"Infront ... of Kim Jaejoong."


'NOOOOOO!' he screamed to himself.

He grabbed Myungsoo's shoulder, and Myungsoo stared at him.


"Get your hands off my girl." Jaejoong said confidentally.

you 's heart fluttered. 'My girl? Oh, wow... I feel so happy!! Oppa~ Oppa~ Oppa~'

"Pshht. Don't talk sh-t. She's not your girl. She's mine. We're going out, so don't you interupt."

Jaejoong felt as if a sword pierced through his heart.

As the teacher came in, Myungsoo grabbed you 's hand, and ran.

"Yah, Kim Myungsoo! Choi you !" the teacher called angrily.

"You! Kim Jaejoong! Pyo Hyemi! I will give you a mission today. Go and find Myungsoo and you !"

"Yes ma'am!" they both said.

"If they do not return today, they will both be expelled!" she said slamming her hands onto her table.

Hyemi gulped. 'This doesn't seem like you at all...'

Both Jaejoong and Hyemi rushed out of the room.

"Look! That's the bus they're in! ..How do we catch up?!?" Hyemi panicked.

"Look, I'll just drive, okay?" Jaejoong said calmly, and they both rushed to his car.


They finally caught up to the bus, and followed it, which seemed to go all the way to Yongin. :P

'Where do they think they're going?' Hyemi thought.

They stopped near a bus station where Myungsoo and you's bus stopped.

"Hyemi ah~ Jaejoong ah~" you  said when she saw them.

Myungsoo just grabbed her hand again and ran.

Hyemi and Jaejoong ran after them, but Myungsoo and you seemed to have been much faster runners.

"Ahh! We've lost them!" Hyemi pouted. "This is so inconvenient!" she said pointing at her unconfortable shoes.

Jaejoong shook his head. "Myungsoo's a really fast runner... But we must keep up to them if we don't want you  to get expelled.

Hyemi nodded and ran with Jaejoong.

Meanwhile, Myungsoo and you  were still running.

"Myungsoo Oppa, why are we running!?" she said out of breath.

"Just shut up and run."

you didn't like the way he answered her, so she just stood there.

"Yah, then run alone." she said.

Surprisingly, he did. She was left there , standing clueless.

'Hyemi ah~ Jaejoong ah~ Where are you?'




- HikariNee <3

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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 25: Wow, I kinda like the "_____ and Myungsoo" couple for unknown reasons... Please update soon, the story is really interesting and the fact that you ended your latest chapter like this makes me really really want to know what's going to happen next. Please update soon!
plzz update soon!!
Chapter 25: ah...divorce...
its good that his mother died,coz there is no one can blocks ____ loves for jae from now..hehehe''evil me
thanks for the update^^
aigoo...finally they got married.. feel so sad for u jae..
thanks for the update^^
CraziiMe #5
Please update soon~ <3 ;D
JaeRi125 #6
Awwwweeeee that's cute
Chapter 20: Of course i wanna be happy ending...huft..
Jaejerk...aigoo..i hate u man..
Thank you
jaejoongsmininion #8
Chapter 20: Happy ending or else.....

I'll dance Gangnam Style and it won't be pretty.


oh my.....she must be suffering right now,,,
why jae just give up on her that's easy????
thx for update^^
Oh unnie plz update soon. I cnt wait to find who she ll be with.. Plz plz plz plz update soon unnie