Date part 2

sHE beLIevED

"you," Myungsoo whispers awkwardly after seeing her watch Jaejoong and Sohyun have a date on their own.
you looks up at Myungsoo. "Neh, Oppa?"
Myungsoo smiles. "Let's go to the dogem cars. I think it'll be  really fun..."
you brightens up. "NEH! Let's go~"
They link arms with each other and walk off towards the Dogem Cars - to where Sohyun and Jaejoong were.
Sohyun smirks when she sees them line up behind them.
"Yah, Choi you, Kim Myungsoo, let's have a competition. Jaejoong Oppa and I versus the two of you. Got it?"
Before you could back down, Myungsoo and Jaejoong both nod. "Got it."
Sohyun smiles, jumping up and down. "Yay! Get ready to lose, Kim you>/you>!"
you turns to Myungsoo when Soohyun said "Kim you".
Myungsoo smiles, making you smile - his smile was contagious.

[gif not mine]


Jaejoong rolls his eyes to face the other direction. He was sick and tired of you being happy without him.
*It's Myungsoo you want, huh? So you were happy to have this arranged marriage?* he thinks to himself.
Sohyun clings to his arm. "Oppa~ Later on, lets get some icecream!" She fails her aegyo, making Myungsoo and you laugh. But of course, they hold it in.
This was the worst place to be in a fight with Sohyun.
"Oppa doesn't have aegyo?" you asks Myungsoo, as he shakes his head.
you smiles. "Thats okay, you have those beautiful eyes!" she says looking into them. "I want eyes like yours."
Before Myungsoo could say anything else, they were dragged forward by Sohyun. "Come on, lovebirds! It's our turn now!"
Myungsoo and you climb into a blue Dogem car, and Sohyun and Jaejoong get into a purple one. "The game's on."
When the whistle blows, Myungsoo and Jaejoong immediately rush to bump into eachother.
Sohyun was practically screaming the whole time, while you clung onto Myungsoo's arm.
It wasn't hard to bump into Jaejoong and Sohyun's car, since Jaejoong couldn't concentrate with all the screaming.
"Shut up, you stupid idiot!"Jaejoong yells at Sohyun, feeling frustrated.
When their game ends, Myungsoo and you win in the end.
"Sohyun Unnie, treat us to icecream now~" you says cheerfully.
Sohyun shrugs her shoulders, still clinging onto Jaejoong. Jaejoong pushes her away, and walks on ahead.

As Sohyun and you line up to order icecream, Myungsoo talks to Jaejoong.
"So, what's wrong?" Myungsoo asks sitting down.
Jaejoong sighs. "I don't see why it's gotta be you... Why must she marry you?"
Myungsoo shrugs and looks down. "...I'm not sure. but Jaejoong, although I know that you love her, I know that I've also fallen for her."
Jaejoong doesn't seem that surprised. "Of course." he says in a quiet tone. "Good luck with the wedding."
Myungsoo looks at him confused. "What?"
jaejoong doesn't reply.
"Jaejoong Hyung, I know that you love her - probably more than I have ever loved her... But please, understand that we have to get married."
Jaejoong nods. "I understand. I just...can't believe it."
Myungsoo sighs. "Neither can I... I haven't even finished school..."
Jaejoong stands up, when he sees Sohyun and you walking towards them with icecream.
"Just take care of her, and make her fall for you."
Myungsoo watches Jaejoong and Sohyun walk off, and turns his attention to you, who is walking towards him with a chocolate icecream cone.
"Oppa! I bought this for you! Let's enjoy the icecream, neh?"
Myungsoo flashes his smile, as they link their arms together, continuing their date.



O M G , you guys might think of me as a b_tch right now... I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SUCH A LONG TIME!!!!! Oh well, here's chapter 22. Please wait patiently for the next chapter... Tell me what you think.. See you next time~


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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 25: Wow, I kinda like the "_____ and Myungsoo" couple for unknown reasons... Please update soon, the story is really interesting and the fact that you ended your latest chapter like this makes me really really want to know what's going to happen next. Please update soon!
plzz update soon!!
Chapter 25: ah...divorce...
its good that his mother died,coz there is no one can blocks ____ loves for jae from now..hehehe''evil me
thanks for the update^^
aigoo...finally they got married.. feel so sad for u jae..
thanks for the update^^
CraziiMe #5
Please update soon~ <3 ;D
JaeRi125 #6
Awwwweeeee that's cute
Chapter 20: Of course i wanna be happy ending...huft..
Jaejerk...aigoo..i hate u man..
Thank you
jaejoongsmininion #8
Chapter 20: Happy ending or else.....

I'll dance Gangnam Style and it won't be pretty.


oh my.....she must be suffering right now,,,
why jae just give up on her that's easy????
thx for update^^
Oh unnie plz update soon. I cnt wait to find who she ll be with.. Plz plz plz plz update soon unnie