The Wedding Ceremony

sHE beLIevED

you/ sighs as she looks at herself in the mirror. *Is that really me? Huh, maybe I'm just a little nervous...* she thinks to herself, closing her eyes.

*Don't worry... This won't take that long... Just, maybe 2 hours... Ah! Aigoo, I forgot! There's an after-party, too! Oh well. Just one whole day, right? Tomorrow, this will all be over.*

The door slowly opens, as Hyemi walks in, then closes the door behind her. "Wah, you/! You look so beautiful! And I can't believe that I'm your bridesmaid! Ah! I feel so good!" 

you rolls her eyes and laughs. "Don't be so excited... You've already seen me in this dress, and of course. You're my best friend."

Hyemi smiles brightly, about to cry. "And no one will replace me, right? And you won't forget me, right?"

you nods her head. "What are you talking about?! I'll never replace you! And I'll never forget you!" She hugs Hyemi tightly, feeling warm in the inside. "You'll always be my friend, no matter what happens."

"you?" Myungsoo calls her from outside the changing room. "Have you finished changing?"

you's eyes widen. "Ah! Yes! But don't come in! It's bad luck for you to see me before the ceremony!" Myungsoo gives a light chuckle. "My wife believes in that stuff? Arasseo, I can't wait to see you."

Hyemi laughs and rolls her eyes at Myungsoo and you. "How can you guys still seem like children? Haha, you're getting married!"

you pouts. "I look like a child in a wedding dress? Oh, Unnie..."

Hyemi flicks her forehead playfully. "Yah, don't pout at me.."





The music starts playing, and you walks down the aisle with her father. She looks up at Myungsoo and smiles. *My husband looks so handsome...*

Her father releases her with a smile, and whispers. "Your mother and I are very proud of you."

you stands beside the priest, facing Myungsoo, her husband-to-be. 

After all the ' I do 's, it was their time for the kiss. "You may now kiss the bride."

Myungsoo doesn't hesitate, and kisses you on the lips. *Now we're married... But we won't be in 2 months...* Myungsoo thinks to himself, a little sad.

After the wedding, Myungsoo and you get congratulated by many guests. By their parents, friends, family, etc.

you looks around for Jaejoong after most of the people stopped crowding her. She went outside, where she finally saw him. "Jaejoong Oppa," she calls to him, as he gives a small forced smile. 

"Congratulations." he says, turning his attention back to the sky. He was lying in the grass, staring at the clouds. "Ah, Jaejoong Oppa... Don't you think your clothes are going to get dirty? It must be expensive..." 

Jaejoong ignores her comments, and continues watching the clouds. "Are clouds that fascinating?" she asks, looking up to the sky.

"Just go back to your husband. Your dress is going to get dirty." Jaejoong says, after a while. 

you playfully pouts. "Is it wrong to talk to a close friend of mine?"

Jaejoong scoffs, and sits up. "You consider us close?"

you is taken aback. "Ah, alright. I'll see you at the after party, right?" 

"Do I have a choice?" Jaejoong said everything in a cold voice, and she could not take it anymore... It hurt. Maybe she should let him go? She has Myungsoo right by her side, who makes her smile all the time, but, she doesn't feel as happy as when she's with Jaejoong... The real Jaejoong.

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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 25: Wow, I kinda like the "_____ and Myungsoo" couple for unknown reasons... Please update soon, the story is really interesting and the fact that you ended your latest chapter like this makes me really really want to know what's going to happen next. Please update soon!
plzz update soon!!
Chapter 25: ah...divorce...
its good that his mother died,coz there is no one can blocks ____ loves for jae from now..hehehe''evil me
thanks for the update^^
aigoo...finally they got married.. feel so sad for u jae..
thanks for the update^^
CraziiMe #5
Please update soon~ <3 ;D
JaeRi125 #6
Awwwweeeee that's cute
Chapter 20: Of course i wanna be happy ending...huft..
Jaejerk...aigoo..i hate u man..
Thank you
jaejoongsmininion #8
Chapter 20: Happy ending or else.....

I'll dance Gangnam Style and it won't be pretty.


oh my.....she must be suffering right now,,,
why jae just give up on her that's easy????
thx for update^^
Oh unnie plz update soon. I cnt wait to find who she ll be with.. Plz plz plz plz update soon unnie