
sHE beLIevED

you looked everywhere for Hyemi, but she still couldn't find her. She decided to call her again.


"Hello? you! Where are you?"

"Where are you, unnie?! Are you?! What did they do to you?!"

"Dongsaeng, calm down... I know I should've told you earlier, but I've been called to go home immediately... I'm so sorry, you~ please forgive me... I got called to go home because I was "taking to long to get home"!! Anyway, my phone was confiscated, but my parents had to go somewhere. So, I took my phone back...."

"Oh. Okay..." she replied. 'Ah! Th-This means that I was yelling at Jaejoong Ah for nothing!!'

"Thanks for worrying, Dongsaeng, but I'd better start cleaning my room," she pouted.

"Okay, unnie. Good luck."

you made her way back to where she left Jaejoong. He didn't seem to be there anymore...

'I guess I'll have to apologize to him tomorrow...' she sighed.

you went home, still thinking of how stupid she seemed. She went into her room and started hitting her head with her panda stuffed toy.

"you Pabo! you Pabo! you Pabo!" she said over and over again.


The next day, you arrived at school with Hyemi as usual.

They were wearing the same pink panda shirt, but you wore it with denim shorts and Hyemi wore it with a white skirt.

"you are you going to find Jaejoong Ah and apologize?"

"Y-Yeah, but... Should I do it now??"

"Yes, of course! Apologizing to him mustn't be the last thing you do in the day~!!"

Jaejoong walked past them with Changmin and Yunho.

"There you go, you~!" Hyemi said as she lightly pushed you forward at the wrong time - when she was out of balance.

you fell forward, and unexpectedly grabbed onto Jaejoong's ankle.

Jaejoong turned to her.

"Do you need something?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, no! I mean, no..."

"PSHHT, then if you just wanted my attention, you didn't have to pretend to fall then grab my ankle." he said as Changmin and Yunho smirked.

"Eh?! Yah, Jaejoong! Who said that I was looking for attention?! And I didn't fall in purpose!!"

Jaejoong walked off with Changmin and Yunho giggling behind him. Hyemi helped you up.

"Aigoo, eotokke?! Jaejoong is such an arrogant prince!" she shouted.

"Eheheh... Sorry about that, you..."

you sighed. 'There's now way I'm going to say sorry to him!"


Thanks for reading! I'm so sorry for not updating for a while, but I've been really busy doing assignments and projects and homework... And I've also been on holiday for quite a while... I'm so sorry, readers... But I promise that I'll try to find time to improve my updating... Especially since I must finish some fan fics very soon... And I'm also trying to update all 9 fanfics! (I think that's how much I have...) And next time, I must remember not to start a new fan fic without finishing another...

Thank you!

-HikariNee. xx

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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 25: Wow, I kinda like the "_____ and Myungsoo" couple for unknown reasons... Please update soon, the story is really interesting and the fact that you ended your latest chapter like this makes me really really want to know what's going to happen next. Please update soon!
plzz update soon!!
Chapter 25: ah...divorce...
its good that his mother died,coz there is no one can blocks ____ loves for jae from now..hehehe''evil me
thanks for the update^^
aigoo...finally they got married.. feel so sad for u jae..
thanks for the update^^
CraziiMe #5
Please update soon~ <3 ;D
JaeRi125 #6
Awwwweeeee that's cute
Chapter 20: Of course i wanna be happy ending...huft..
Jaejerk...aigoo..i hate u man..
Thank you
jaejoongsmininion #8
Chapter 20: Happy ending or else.....

I'll dance Gangnam Style and it won't be pretty.


oh my.....she must be suffering right now,,,
why jae just give up on her that's easy????
thx for update^^
Oh unnie plz update soon. I cnt wait to find who she ll be with.. Plz plz plz plz update soon unnie