don't do this to me, jaejoong...

sHE beLIevED

you sighed as she put the spoon down after her last scoop of the kimchi. 

'Jaejoong Oppa...'

you couldn't help thinking about him all the time, she felt very sorry, but she doesn't know the way to apologize. Hyemi's voice interrupted her. "Um..? you ? Are you okay?" 

you lifted her head and smiled. "Ah, mm. I just feel sort of tired... You know, after all this running..." Hyemi smiles and nods. "Um, Hyemi Unnie, I'll be back. I'll just pay for the bill." 

"Ah, no, no, no~ I'll pay for it! My treat~!" Hyemi says, and before she knew it, Hyemi ran to the counter and payed for their dinner.


The cold breeze was pushing against Hyemi and you as they walked back to their homes. They had to sleep quite early, since they still had school the next day,

you climbed into her bed, and took her phone from her pocket.

'Should I text him?'

Oppa, I'm so sorry for today. Please forgive me. I know you were really worried about me, and I appreciate that a lot. I feel so blessed that someone like you would actually care for me. Oppa, please forgive me... 

Soon, Jaejoong texted back.

you, why would I stay angry at you for so long? You know that I care and I will obviously forgive you. Tommorow, let's go back to the way we were, okay? I won't be angry at you again. Promise. 

Ah, really, oppa?! ^0^ Thankyou so much! I love you~

Jaejoong shook his head when he saw this text. 'Stupid child doesn't know when to say I love you.'

Then Jaejoong typed I love you too, but didn't send it. He saved it in drafts.

'I'll tell her at the right time...'


The Next Day...

you climbed out of the car as her father kept talking to her. 

"Make sure you take care and don't get lost this time, okay? Always stay with Jaejoong and Hyemi!" 

you nodded. "Nae, appa. Bye, appa, see you later~"

The car drove off as you headed towards the school building. 

'Oh crap... K-Kim Myungsoo is standing by the door! Eotokke?! He's gonna kill me for running away yesterday!!'

Before she knew it, Myungsoo started walking towards her.

"Well, hello, you. Care for more fun?" he asked laughing.

you stepped back, afraid of what he was going to do with her.

"You're not going to escape this time." he said grabbing onto her arm. "If you do, I'll just do this to Hyemi."

you knew that she had to defend her Unnie. She did not want her to get hurt.

"What do you want?!" she asked angrily.

"I want you. Go out with me, or you'll see what happens to your friends."

you felt like stabbing herself. 

"G-Go out with you?" she asked nervously.

"Yep, and you have to act as my girlfriend. You need to try to make Jaejoong jealous."

you's eyes widened. 

"What's the point of this?!"

"I want to fight with Jaejoong, and he will only fight when he gets angry and jealous. You have to do this for me, or say goodbye to your friends."

you wanted to cry. "Fine. I'll do it, but leave them alone." 

When Myungsoo left, you fell to the ground. 

'Unnie... Oppa... Eotokke?! I'm feeling very lost right now.'

"Are you alright?" asked a voice behind her.

you turned around. 

"Sungyeol Oppa! Sung Jong Oppa!"

Sungyeol helped her up.

"So what's going on with L? He's been acting weirdly lately..."

you dropped her head. "I'm not sure, but...Oppa................."

"Oppa...what?" Sung Jong asked.

"Oppa--" you runs off when she sees Jaejoong arrive. 

She ran to the bathroom, and enters a cubicle. She covers , and begins to cry...

'Oppa, we've just began to talk normally again, and'll probably hate me for going out with someone without telling you... If I tell Oppa about Myungsoo Oppa's plan, he's going to go crazy... I better stay shut and keep on going till the end.'

you wipes the tears away, and exits the cubicle. Hye Min and Min Ha were outside the cubicle. (your friends from 9 muses)

"Ah, you! Jaejoong and Hyemi are looking for you!" Hye Min says.

"Oh, really? Thanks for telling me guys... See you later."

you walked out of the girls toilets, and headed towards her locker. 

As she opened her locker, a big bouquet of fresh white roses were in there. She read the note.

you, mianhaeyo for asking you to do this for me, but please. I need to do this if I still want to be a kingka. you, I beg you. You know that the role of being a kingka is all I have left to have some pride. Please don't let me down!



'Oppa hasn't changed. But, why did he act so strange?' she carried the flowers to the office, and asked for a vase. 

'These flowers need water if I want them to survive...' 

She goes to the bathroom to fill the vase, when Hyoyeon grabbed the flowers from her.

the bell rings at the same time.

"Ah, Hyoyeon Ah, can I please have the flowers back? I need to--" 

Before she could say anything more, Hyoyeon started to wack her with the roses. 

"You ! How could you have all of the kingkas' attention?!"

"Hyoyeon Ah! Please stop this!" she yelled blocking her face. 

Hyoyeon grabbed the vase out of her hands, and threw it to the floor. At the moment, everyone is heading to class.

Myungsoo was waiting for you near her locker, which is placed near the toilets. 'Where is she?'

you screamed when the glass hit her face. Hyoyeon ran, as she left you there crying in pain.

Myungsoo hears the familiar scream and enters the girls' bathroom. "you!"

"Opp-ppa!" she says not facing him. Myungsoo carries her in bridal style, and takes her to the medical services room.

She had to get her cuts cleaned if she wanted it to avoid getting infected. She squealed at times, but her holding onto Myungsoo's hand made things much better for her.


Back in the classroom, the teacher, Mr Hwang is looking for the two missing students. "Where are they?! Did they run off again?!" Hyemi and Jaejoong looked at each other and sighed. 

"Who knows where they went?" Hyoyeon says trying to act innocent.


When the nurse finished helping them, you stood up.

"You two can enjoy the day, I'll excuse you from class today, arasseo?"

"Eh?" you says shocked.

"Why for?" Myungoo asks.

"Well, sir, your girlfriend needs more fresh air than education." the nurse says jokingly as the two blush.

"Thankyou so much" you says as the two leave the room, not realising they are still holding hands. 

"Oppa, Thankyou." she says hugging him.

Mr Hwang sent out Jaejoong and Sungyeol for a little search party, and Jaejoong saw her hugging Myungsoo. "Thankyou so much, Oppa. Saranghae."

Jaejoong turned around and sighed. 'She can say I love you to him confidently without thinking its just a child's play. She can't even say those words in front of me.'

"Found them yet?" Sungyeol asks.


With that, Sungyeol and Jaejoong walk the other direction, trying to find something that wasn't there.



Hey guys! It's HikariNee and this fanfic~ Okay, i found a new plot, hope you like it and hope youre not too confused. If you are, please pm me, and I will explain everything. Please comment and subscribe, I hope you didn't lose your faith in me because I haven't updated for days, trust me, I will always update for you cos I love you :P but not everyday~ thanks for reading!

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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 25: Wow, I kinda like the "_____ and Myungsoo" couple for unknown reasons... Please update soon, the story is really interesting and the fact that you ended your latest chapter like this makes me really really want to know what's going to happen next. Please update soon!
plzz update soon!!
Chapter 25: ah...divorce...
its good that his mother died,coz there is no one can blocks ____ loves for jae from now..hehehe''evil me
thanks for the update^^
aigoo...finally they got married.. feel so sad for u jae..
thanks for the update^^
CraziiMe #5
Please update soon~ <3 ;D
JaeRi125 #6
Awwwweeeee that's cute
Chapter 20: Of course i wanna be happy ending...huft..
Jaejerk...aigoo..i hate u man..
Thank you
jaejoongsmininion #8
Chapter 20: Happy ending or else.....

I'll dance Gangnam Style and it won't be pretty.


oh my.....she must be suffering right now,,,
why jae just give up on her that's easy????
thx for update^^
Oh unnie plz update soon. I cnt wait to find who she ll be with.. Plz plz plz plz update soon unnie