Chapter 31

It's Always You

Chanyeol's first text didn't arrive until the 27th of December.

Though I cheered myself up because things between Minji unnie and me were getting actually better, we were friendly enough that there wasn't screaming and shouting every five minutes, at least. I got to meet her fiancee again and he was very helpful with lending me his books for the college entrance exam that I have to give a few months later. I finished my favorite Jane Austen novel in the vacations. And I was extremely delighted to spend Christmas with my parents, exchanging presents, meeting cousins and all that. But yeah, as I said, he didn't write to me until after a week. A whole week.

The sight of my phone's screen lighting up made me shamelessly happy, I just knew it was him. At the first opportunity, I shut myself in my room to read it.

I know, I know--I said I would write, and I'm terribly sorry I haven't until now. Mom's been driving herself (and frankly me, as well) crazy getting the house ready for the party. She's been making Baek, Junmyun and I work like unpaid laborers. We got to do cleaning, arranging, catering and hiring. Everything.
Anyways, I promise to make up for my lack of communication by saving you a dance at the party---I'm quite a brilliant dancer, I'll have you know. ;D

My heart skipped several beats as I read and re-read and re-re-read it. Finally finding enough words to reply, I had hardly typed when my phone buzzed again.

Listen, I've got to go. Mum's making us clean the main lounge for the twelfth billion time. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the decoration part. It's gonna be fun. I've copied out my address below. Make sure you come to the right party. See you.

I glanced briefly at his address before my eyes flickered to the word 'main lounge'. I mouthed it silently in disbelief. Just how big was Chanyeol's house, anyway?


"Hyun Jae. Hae won. Hyun Ae. Hyo Sonn. Hwa Young. Kyung Mi. Kyung Soon. Kun--"

"Yah, yah slow down, will you!!" Unnie yelled in annoyance. I looked up from the book opened before me and smiled sheepishly. "I didn't get a word you just said."

"Okay okay, I'll read slowly this time," I said, turning the previous page. Lately, Unni and I have been looking into Korean names for girls a lot and this is so difficult seriously. Naming your children, I mean. I love most of them but she wants it to be perfect, which makes sense. So far we haven't even bonded over a single syllable.

"Done." Unni grinned victoriously. She had been painting my nails maroon. I examined my fingers, nodding in approval. "Hmm, looks . . . . civil."

"Oh, they look perfect. You can seduce anyone with those hands." Minji wiggled her eye brows suggestively. "Or at least you can seduce him."

"Oh shut up." I turned my face away, blushing a little. When I had told my family about Chanyeol's New Year party, they were pretty skeptical about it and bombarded me with a thousand questions about his whereabouts and all. But the one question almost everyone asked me, was, 'Didn't you used to hate that boy? Why do you want to go to his place then?'

You can see that my family was clearly a little behind on things.

But Unni wasn't. After I was done assuring Mom and Dad that I would be safe there and they can trust my friends, she dragged me to her room and demanded what was going on. I managed to act pretty normal and keep a poker face but she saw right through me in a second and when I realized as much, I let it all out. How Chanyeol and I became friends and how I've fallen for him so bad that I can't keep it in. 
And she's been teasing me ever since.

I blew air on my nails to dry the nail paint off. Today was the evening of 29th and I was supposed to leave in a couple of hours. Minji swept off her feet slowly and sauntered towards her wardrobe. Her baby bump was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"I still think wearing black can be a put-off." She pouted.

"I don't." I grinned. "Black looks cool."

"How about red, huh?" She urged. "I have this super cute red dress. Go on, try it." She said shoving it at me.

I sighed yet obliged because I was desperate to be the best-looking girl in the party tonight. I know this side is new to me too but there is, after all, a first time for everything. As the frail fabric slipped over me, I couldn't help but gasp in horror. The hideous thing hardly covered me, neither chest nor legs.

"What on earth is this?" I screamed, walking out in front of Unni as her eyes gleamed in delight.

"It's perfect, Mirae!" She squealed. "He will fall in love with it."

I quirked an eyebrow in her direction, clearing my throat. "Excuse me? I want him to like me. Not get me pregnant!"

Minji burst in a fit of laughter followed by me in a few minutes. She was rolling on the bed, her face alight. I glanced at my self in the mirror and shook my head. "No. This is a 100% no."

"Well, that black rug you're planning to wear isn't--" A loud gasp emitted from Minji's mouth as she felt her bump. I rushed towards her, scared, but she was smiling. "Oh my god, Mirae, the baby kicked!"

My face broke out into a smile as I touched her over-large stomach and a tiny thud resounded against my palm. Awww so adorable. My poor heart, I can't wait for the little doll!


I was still wondering what my plan even was for tonight as I got ready for the New Year's Party. Surprisingly, I didn't feel too nervous but I didn't expect the grace period to last long. I dressed in a silk black dress that fell just above on my knees and was low-cut enough in the front to make Yumi grin knowingly, had she been there to see me. I especially liked its sleeves, made of lacy cloth. As Minji curled my hair in the bathroom, I told myself I wasn't wearing it down because I (pathetically) remembered Chanyeol's passing comment on his birthday that he liked it that way.

Going for a bolder look tonight, I smudged on some dark red lipstick and grabbed my coat, I was out the door, after assuring Mom that I'd be home by two at latest. Though I was technically of age in the Western world but I had another month to go in Korea and Mom was sweet enough to remind me that. She still couldn't accept that I was actually attending the party of a boy I used to despise so much. I also got the impression that she had an irrational distrust of this party. Of course, considering its host, I don't blame her.

"There." I leaned in to hand the driver his fare and got out of the cab, hugging my coat tightly. Hurrying through the frigid winter air, my first impression was that I must have arrived at the wrong place. Because there was no way the huge thing before me was Chanyeol's house. I stood ogling at it for a good five minutes, taking in everything from the enormous glass windows to the Christmas lights adorning the whole place. Finally becoming aware that my feet, only clad in strappy heels were absolutely freezing, I shook myself and stepped forward to ring the bell. 

For some strange reason, I felt like tonight was my last chance with Chanyeol. That if I remained a coward tonight, I wouldn't have the guts to do it till graduation, the last time I see him in school. Or maybe not even then. It had been exactly a year ago since we'd decided to be friends and everything had been set in motion. If I was ever going to tell him how I felt, it was now or never.

Chanyeol opened the door, grinning, "Welcome to my humble abode, Flower."

I snorted at the vast understatement as my eyes traveled across the marble-tiled floor that sparkled under the excellent lighting of his place. "You do actually live here, don't know? I mean, you haven't tied up some old rich bloke and stolen his house for your use, have you?"
Chanyeol laughed. "No, this is, in fact, the home of my childhood. But it's Grandpa's place now, we moved out a few years ago."

"Have you got a map of it too? Because I think I might need one." He took off my coat himself and placed it on a hook where other accessories hung. I glanced at him and he sure as hell looked gorgeous in his black jacket, black slacks, and white shirt peering in from beneath. Smoking hot. Either it was going to be a very painful night or a very interesting one. I found Chanyeol staring back at me, an odd look on his face. "What?"

"Nothing." Chanyeol answered as he led me to the second floor. "You look too good for my health." 

I smiled crookedly. "Don't let it go to waste, then."

He smirked. "Oh, I won't."

The next words got trapped in my mouth when he pushed open large doors and we entered the thing he had called the 'main lounge'. My mouth dropped. A string quartet was playing in a corner. An elegant chandelier hung from the wall, several tables laden with small desserts, goblets of wine and champagne stood at the far corner. A beautiful theme of caramel and beige was obvious in the interior. The room was large enough to hold fifty people at least. I felt like revisiting one of those 90's British movies. No wonder he was so good at arranging parties back in school.

"You have a huge hall. In your house." I said disbelievingly, as Chanyeol and I wove our way through the crowd where Junmyun, Joohyun, Baekhyun and another girl were chatting near the drinks table. One look around the hall and the familiar faces made it was obvious that he had practically invited everyone from school.

"Impressed?" Chanyeol smirked over his shoulder at me.

"No, just . . . . I can't believe you grew up in a place like this. It explains a lot of things."

He rolled his eyes as he guessed where I was heading with that. "All right you can save the spoiled-rich-arrogant-boy jabs for later. This is my party and you are here at my invitation, after all, so--"

"Mirae!" Baekhyun's voice rang out across the room, and he hurried over to meet us. Kissing me on the cheek, he declared, "You look absolutely spiffing tonight, darling."

I laughed. "You're drunk already, aren't you?"

"Hmm, I may have a sampled the juice, yes." He replied airily.

We joined the others, and I smiled a greeting at Junmyun and his girlfriend Joohyun engaging her in a small conversation out of courtesy. I was waiting for Yumi's arrival but Junmyun was the one who dropped the bomb on me. "She backed out at the last minute."


"Yeah, she says all train ride schedules from Daegu have been canceled because of extremity in snow blockage."

"Oh no." I groaned. What was I going to do without her? I heavily relied on her advice on how to take things from here.

Almost immediately, Baekhyun announced, "Right, now we can finally join the real party."

Before I could ask what that meant, everyone started back the way Chanyeol and I had came from. I decided to go along with it. I commented to Baekhyun, "You know you're supposed to do those up." I pointed to his tie which hung loosely around his neck.

"Well, it's really just for show." he said. "We won't need it where we're going."

It struck me as extremely suspicious. "Er, where are we going, exactly?" I asked Chanyeol apprehensively.

He grinned but left me with a mysterious "You'll see."

And I did indeed see as we exited that hall and passed through the door beside it. A much different atmosphere welcomed us on the other side, much reminiscent of after-match parties back in school. The room was smaller, but furnished comfortably with couches, chairs and table of scattered along one end--the other end had been cleared for dancing. Drinks and food were present here too but of less refined quality, I'm sure.

"Your Mom's okay with all of this?" I asked Chanyeol skeptically, raising my voice so that it could be heard over the music pounding from the speakers.

He shrugged in return. "As long as it's all cleaned up by morning and no one dies or gets pregnant, she's pretty laid-back about it."

I shook my head with a smile curling up. "So who's Baekhyun's um . . . . friend?" I gestured towards that girl I hadn't recognized. She was dancing with him.

"No idea." He answered. "I think he's trying to get off with two different girls tonight . . . we'll see how that goes," He added flashing me another amused grin.

"Lovely." I said sardonically. "So Junmyun and Joohyun--that's still happening, is it?" I grinned in satisfaction as I spotted Junmyun's hand around his girlfriend's waist. I almost patted my back seeing the happy couple.

"Yes, your match-making skills are unparalleled, Flower." He said, rolling his eyes.

I elbowed him lightly. "Hey, I never claimed the credit for that. Well, all right, maybe a little." Teasingly, I added, "My record's better than yours, at any ate." Chanyeol looked at me with the same odd expression from earlier on his face.
Tell him, tell him, tell him, my mind chanted, but the words stuck in my throat. And eventually, I turned away again.


Chanyeol and I chattered with Junmyun and Joohyun for most of the next hour, until Baekhyun grabbed me unexpectedly from my shoulders and pulled me onto the dance floor. "You can't just stand around all night." he insisted. 

The next few minutes consisted of him spinning me around as fast as he could, and me holding onto his arm for dear life and trying not trip on my feet with all eyes fixed on our wild dance moves. I couldn't think properly the whole time and I don't think Baekhyun did too because he was literally dancing like a chicken with its on fire, and that too while being fairly drunk.

Laughing uncontrollably by the time the song ended, it was a minute before I caught my breath enough to speak. "I think I'm properly dizzy now, thanks." I blinked several times.

"That's what I am here for, love," Baekhyun said with a wink.

"And what's this I hear about you chasing two girls, Byun Baekhyun?" I asked slyly.

He grinned deviously. "You hear correctly---so far, each is satisfyingly oblivious of the other."

I laughed. "You'd better hope it stays that way."

He shrugged. "It'll be at least interesting if it does not stay that way either, right?"

I couldn't argue with that. Moving back to where others had been, I discovered only Chanyeol was left. Junmyun and his girl were dancing. Turning to him, I said, "So, I was promised a dance?"

He raised his eyebrows. "You're not expecting one like that, are you?" he gestured at the spot where Baekhyun and I had recently occupied.

"No, rather unlike that."

"Back to the other room, then?"

"Lead the way."

As we entered the much calmer room next door, Chanyeol took my hand, pulling me around so I was facing him and resting his free hand between my shoulder blades. I wrapped mine loosely around his neck. I immediately wondered why I'd brought up dancing in the first place because being so close to Chanyeol was interfering with my breathing. Glancing down at my feet to steel myself, I met his eyes again. He was grinning and before I could say anything, we were off to the dance floor.

The few minutes passed sooner than I imagined, sadly. His smiles and cologne captured me the entire time. Though, needless to say, it was no doubt one of the best dances of my life. I let out a surprised laugh, nervousness suddenly gone now, "Where the hell did you learn to waltz, Chanyeol?"

"My mom made me take lessons." He answered.

I raised a brow before laughing again. "Oh, were they before your French classes? Or when you had painting classes after--"

He glared down at me. "Go to hell, Mirae. It was for my cousin's wedding two summers ago."

"Right," I said, still smiling teasingly at him. All the mocking aside, his lessons had paid off because my own dancing skills were virtually non-existent. It hardly mattered because Chanyeol's expert leading kept me from making a complete fool of myself.

"Told you I was brilliant, no?"

"Better than Baekhyun, anyway."

When the song finished, we started over the drinks table and grabbed a flute of champagne. I sipped taking in the graceful Christmas trees aligned along a wall and fairy lights dangling. This place was decorated with such poise that I was forced to consider that his mother might be an interior designer instead of a chef.

My eyes wandered around and fixed on someone. Someone very familiar. After a few minutes of struggle, I recognized her. Hyori. And that was enough to crush my heart.

Why did he invite her? What even was she to him? I had thought everything was over between them after she had successfully ruined my prom night. I sighed deeply. Please no, I don't want it to drag further. I wanted him. 

I tried to say something, anything close to a confession but my mind just refused to cooperate with me. This was getting difficult. I was pretty determined to leave this place tonight with more than being 'just friends'. 

Was it even possible to pass that stage? Have we stuck too far in quicksand and it's too late to get out? Is it even a good idea to get together?

These were the few questions circling my head with a permanent frown on my face, an hour after our dance. I was perching on one of the tiny stools beside the wet bar. Chanyeol had to leave seeing his father waving over to him and I told him it was fine, there were so many people and I was sure I could mingle up with anyone. But after a few awkward encounters, I realized I'm not the social butterfly Baekhyun is, that's how I ended up grumpily sipping on the beer that tasted like caramel. 

Heaving a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I opened them again, searching for the tall host who seemed to have forgotten that he had somebody waiting. Chewing on the straw, I rotated my head sideways to spot him.

"Have ya seen Junmyun?"

Baekhyun's voice startled me. I shook my head, "No," shooting a glance at him. He was out of breath and took one of the stools beside mine. Not in the mood to talk or even make a teasing comment about his messed-up hair and the chocolate cream on the corner of his lips, I turned away. As my eyes roomed over the people talking and laughing, I could feel him staring at me. I ignored it.

He mumbled after a minute, "There he is."

My eyes widened as I spun my head at him. He wasn't making an effort to hide his smirk. My gaze followed his pointed finger towards a few feet away from us. There he was, Chanyeol, gleaming under the golden light of the chandelier. I felt my nerves relaxing a bit.

I shrugged nonchalantly, "I wasn't looking for him."

"Okay." He chuckled.

Biting my lip, I shifted my gaze at Chanyeol. But my nerves just more jumpy as I took in his surroundings. Standing next to an elderly woman, which I presume must be his mother, he bowed to another lady clad in a beautiful silk gown. Her pearl necklace shone from far. My eyes moved to the girl beside her... Hyori. She had her arms folded on her back and was smiling politely, nodding to something Mrs. Park was saying to her. 

Breath knocked out of my lungs as I stared at them incredulously. The four of them looked comfortable, joking lightly and laughing. My brows furrowed. What is going on? They've met each other's parents? Oh, that's what's going on here?

My grip on the glass tightened, jaw slacked. With much force, I took my eyes off of them, wishing I'd never tried to spot him.

"She's a family friend." 

I had totally forgotten that Baekhyun was still here. In fact, he sounded quite amused. But there was no hint of mockery on his face as I raised an eyebrow. He continued, "They've known each other since they were kids. Their parents are friends. And that's why they are here. That's why she is here."

I couldn't take my gaze off his eyes, wondering if he was just covering his friend. Once again, I nodded as airily as I could. "I don't know why you're telling me all of this."

"Well, ain't I good at reading minds?" Baekhyun questioned.

The answer would have been yes but I rolled my eyes. I peeked another look at them. Gosh, why am I so pathetic? I want so much but all I'm doing here is being jealous and burnt up about it. Maybe Baek's telling the truth. 

"Mirae, just..." Baekhyun stopped, looking like he was fighting within himself. His abruptly halted words made me search his face to guess what was it about. His eyes jumped to where Chanyeol was standing and then back to me as if trying to relay something. "What?"

He sighed, "Nothing."

I frowned. Boys are unbelievable. Why do they have to play riddles? Can't they just tell me what they want?

A minute later, the lovely 'catching up with family friends' came to an end and Chanyeol popped up beside us. "Hello... how's the night going, fella's?"


Beside me, Chanyeol almost choked on his drink. ", it's almost midnight already!"

I looked at the clock before hurrying down the rest of my drink and set the empty glass on the table. "Let's go." He said, taking my hand and led me back, reddening at the sudden contact. "We don't want to bring in the New Year here--how boring."

I was expecting us to head towards the other room occupied by the younger population instead he led us up on a couple of flights of stairs. Silently I followed him. He pushed open a door at last and what I saw before me was extravagant. Out on the rooftop, there was an extra-large 'Happy New Year' banner and neon lights at every corner. A bustling crowd awaited there and everyone hooted upon seeing Chanyeol, the host of the night.

I mumbled. "Of course, how could I have expected you not to make things more . . . ."

"Splendid? Magnificent? Lavish?"

I smiled at him, tugging at his hand to move forward. "Yeah, yeah all that."

The mood up here, if possible, was more spirited as everyone was excitedly awaiting the of midnight. I quickly spotted Baekhyun going past us, slinging arms around two girls, one from earlier and the other that I recognized as a fellow mate from my Maths class. Apparently, both girls had come to terms with each other. When I pointed this out to Chanyeol, he just shook his head in affection.

"Sometimes, even I don't understand the things he does."

A shout of "TEN!" rang out around. "Oh, here we go," I muttered instead, rolling my eyes, and Chanyeol grinned, playfully pushing me.

"Don't sound so enthusiastic, Flower."

As calls of "Happy New Year!" were shouted out, an explosion of red and green fireworks erupted in the sky. Deafening shouts of celebration started all around us. People threw their hands in the air, hooting loudly. I laughed as Baekhyun dipped back each of his ladies in turn for a big kiss. Nearby, Junymun was giving Joohyun a far more chaste peck on the lips.

"You call that a kiss, idiot?" Chanyeol yelled at his friend who glared back at him.

 "Happy New Year, smelly Flower." Baekhyun said kissing me on the cheek before turning to Chanyeol, grabbing his face in both hands and kissing him squarely on the forehead.

"Now, I'd certainly call that a kiss," Jyunmyun said dryly as he approached us.

"Aww honey, no need to be jealous. I've saved one for you, too." Baekhyun said and before Junmyun could protest, he'd planted a wet kiss on his forehead as well.

"Jesus," Junmyun muttered as Baekhyun stumbled off again. He wiped his forehead, smiling at Chanyeol and me, he added, "Happy New Year, you two."

"Same to you, mate."

"Happy New Year, Junmyun." I said.

"You're really dating her, right?" I couldn't help asking, eyeing Joohyun who stood in her group of friends.

Junmyun flushed. "I think so."

"Come on! at least, be clear of what's going on between you two!" Chanyeol reasoned.

"It's not that easy!"

"Why not?!"

Junmyun huffed. "You tell me that, Chanyeol. You know better than anyone."

A knowing glance passed between the two boys. It didn't take me long to catch up. An awkwardness descended upon us. "Well, I'd better go and find where Baekhyun has passed out," Junmyun said, rolling his eyes slightly.

Chanyeol chuckled. "All right, go off and be responsible." Junmyun departed in search of the third one.

"Well, Happy New Year, I suppose," I said when Chanyeol and I were alone again. The sight of people kissing each other all around us made me feel weird as we stood next to each other, hands hanging down.

"Again with the enthusiasm, you really need to calm down, Mirae. I don't want a big scene or anything." He grinned.

"Oh, shut up." I punched his arm.

"And you'll have to stop being so friendly, I know it is one year anniversary of our friendship--but you need to tone down a bit, okay?" Chanyeol continued with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Honestly, Chanyeol." was all I could think of to say.

He turned away with a grin. We slowly walked, soft breeze blowing through my hair until we reached a quieter space on the roof. We were quiet for a moment, watching everyone exchange enthusiastic wishes for the new year.

"Mirae?" Chanyeol asked seriously after a while and the unexpected change in his tone caused me to look up. "I never forgot that kiss, you know, our 'little secret'."

"What?" I asked, my voice coming out croaky with shock and my pulse quickening. As an involuntary impulse, my defense quickly appeared.

"At the end of last year, I had--"

"What?" I repeated, all traces of creakiness gone now, as I stared at him in disbelief, and . . . I'll admit, in anger. "What do you mean, you didn't forget it?"

Chanyeol frowned, looking a bit confused at my hostility. "I mean that next morning, I only pretended I had no memory of the night before because--"

"Why the bloody hell would you do a thing like that?!"

Now Chanyeol looked angry as well. "Because you didn't want me to remember it!"

"And how would you know that?" I scoffed with a humorless laugh.

"Come off it, Mirae." He rolled his eyes. "you should have seen your face when you realized I'd forgotten. I'd never seen someone look so relieved in my life."

"But you had no right to do that, Park Chanyeol, no right !"

"So, you're telling me everything would have been just fine if I'd done otherwise?" He raised a brow. "That you'd have blown it off as no big deal and we could have laughed at it over tea and biscuits later? Look, Mirae, I did it to sa--"

"Don't you dare say you did it to 'save our friendship', because that is the most bull answer I have ever heard!" I shot him an annoyed look.

Chanyeol let out a humorless laugh. "Well, I'm sorry for even bringing it up." he shook his head. "I figured I didn't like lying to you anymore, so I--"

"Shut up, Chanyeol." I scoffed.

Glaring furiously now, Chanyeol exclaimed, "What do you even want from me? Can't you just--"

 But I didn't let him finish. Grabbing the ends of both of his collars, I stood up on my toes pulled his lips roughly against mine.
Chanyeol froze in surprise for about half a second. He smirked saying "So, we're good now?" before grabbing me by the waist and kissing me back just as hard. My heart raced wildly in anticipation. He pulled me closer, parting my lips with his tongue sending all sorts of delicious little shivers down my spine. Heat began to build up between us when he tilted his head. I pulled him lower to my level when a dry voice said from behind us, "So, I suppose neither of you has seen Baekhyun since I was last here, then?"

With a squeak of surprise, I pulled back from Chanyeol, heat rushing to my face as I looked around at Junymun. He was fighting an amused smile and losing quite spectacularly. "Right, well I'll let you get back to . . . . .  what you were doing," he said, and with one more knowing grin, he went in search of his friend again on the other side of the roof.

"Bloody rude of him to interrupt in the first place," Chanyeol muttered, directing my face back towards his.

"Wait!" I exclaimed. "We have to talk."

Almost comically, Chanyeol's expression darkened immediately. "Oh no, I'm not going to give you that one, miss," He said attempting to kiss me again.

With all my inner effort, I pushed against his chest to hold him off. "Seriously Chanyeol, there are some . . . . things, we have to figure out before we do . . . . anyway, come on." I took his hand, pulling him towards the door. I wanted to stay out here in the fresh night but there were people here and I didn't trust him not to do something embarrassing.

Chanyeol let out a resigned moan behind me. "You're the one who jumped on me just now, remember?"

"Be quiet," I ordered, now marching down the hallway in search of an empty room, trying to hide my blushing cheeks.

"If I disobey that request, will you kiss me again to shut me up?"

I pushed at the first door I came to. It was a bedroom. I groaned and hastily closed the door again. Chanyeol chuckled bemusedly at me from behind and I muttered, "Oh shut up." I led us to the next room which turned out to be acceptable for a serious chat.

Glancing at the small study room we'd just entered, I turned to shut the door. . . . .  only to be shoved against it moments later, Chanyeol's mouth capturing mine once again. "Mmph!" I protested against his lips, struggling to push him away. His hot breath fanned my cheek. He gave in, releasing my mouth but his lips continued to trail along my jaw. "Chanyeol," I started, finding it exceptionally difficult to concentrate. It was taking all my effort to stop myself and get him to talk but it was not made any easier as his mouth moved from my jaw to my neck.

"We can talk later," He mumbled.

"Yes," I said, my fingers trailing absently through the short hairs at the base of Chanyeol's nape. "I mean, no! No, we can't," I added hurriedly, pulling my hand away and pushing his shoulder away.

With a large sigh, he placed a final kiss on my collarbone and stood back, though only slightly. In fact, his arm was casually resting on the wall above my head and his forehead touching mine-- in simpler words-- he was still far too close for rational thinking.

"No, I can't think when you're leaning over me like that," I informed him, stepping aside. Surveying the room, I spotted a large oversized leather chair in a corner. "Go . . . go sit there."

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at me. "Mirae," he began, managing to sound pleading and exasperated at the same time.

I crossed my arms. "Chanyeol," I said. "Go."

He complied and I settled myself on the table across him at a safe distance. "Right, so . . .  talking," I said, letting out a breath. I know it's pathetic to literally crave kissing a guy the whole night and push him back when he finally does but... some things need to be settled first.

He started. "Be quick or I'll literally shoot up there and--"

"Why did you set me up with Jinyoung?" I blurted out the first thought that came to my mind.

Chanyeol looked momentarily surprised by the question, then wrinkled his nose, wanting to avoid it. "Can we skip that one for a moment? I'd prefer never to answer it, actually."

"Well, unfortunately, I'd prefer otherwise. Talk." I folded my arms.

"Fine," he said reluctantly. After a pause, he continued, "I suppose I had this stupid idea that I had to . . . .  prove that I was over you, or something. Not only to you but myself as well. That-that I was no longer interested in you. And I think I made myself believe in that for a long time too. I had my feelings completely in check. I thought seeing you with someone was the best way to get over you. And--and Jinyoung was too eager to have you so it seemed the best option to introduce you both." 

He reddened slightly at this and I found it extremely likable to the idea of him being squishy and embarrassed for once. "But that obviously backfired, and here we are."

"But . . . If you did like me back then too, how--how were you . . . "

"Not jealous?" He smirked.


He sighed. "I was. Most of the time. Especially when you came defending him that night before our match. But--but I'm just good at hiding my feelings. That's the short version and yes, that's all you're getting."

I nodded. "Alright. I'll let you pass that for now. Why did you deny that—that kiss? When you pretended to be drunk. And I want your honest answer, Chanyeol, not your angry one."

The left corner of Chanyeol's mouthed twitched up slightly at that."'Save the friendship' was my honest answer, Mirae. I mean I would have made it sound more creative but that's the general idea."

"I'm not settling with the 'short version' this time, Chanyeol." I sighed.

Chanyeol sat forward, elbows resting on his knees. His bands fell on his forehead lightly and the light coming from one of the windows made his eyes sparkle. "Well, how would you have reacted, Mirae? Look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't have avoided me for at least a week."

My blush was answer enough. I had ranted (and cried my eyes out) to Yumi for nearly an hour that night about facing Chanyeol the next day, after all. "Okay, I might have . . . um . . . you know, done that. But then, I don't know-- maybe I---"

"Would have ditched Jinyoung and started dating me instead?" Chanyeol suggested and I winced at the skeptical tone in his voice.

"Fine, maybe you were right to lie to me," I admitted reluctantly. "I suppose your other option was telling me the truth and then write it off as a mistake."

He frowned. "What?"

"You know... like you did after The Incident."

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, eyes rounding. "The what?"

I blushed, realizing what I'd just said. I chuckled nervously, "I-er-that's what I've been calling . . . you know, the night we kissed, last month just before prom. And, why did you pull away, anyway?"

"Sorry, 'The Incident'?"

"Just . . . will you just answer the question?"

He was still taken aback at my choice of words but replied. "Right . . . well, similar reasons, I suppose. I mean I always thought you'd never forgive me if I kissed you. I'd almost screwed up things once before risking everything, and then I went and nearly did it again . . . "

I was starting to see why he'd seemed so angry that night. My first guess was right-- he had been angry at himself for ruining things, in his eyes. He had taken months to build an image that was going to be destroyed. "I would have let you kiss me." I interrupted in a small voice.

"And I didn't even-- what?" Chanyeol asked, blinking at me.

"I was going to kiss you back too," I repeated. "I mean, I didn't exactly move away, did I?"

"Well, I thought you were frozen in terror or something."

"Come now, Chanyeol, you're not that terrible a kisser."

He grinned. "You sure about that? I think that theory needs a bit more testing." He was starting to rise from his chair, but I scooted back on the table holding out my hand.

"No, no, no--stay where you are. We're not done talking." I exclaimed.

Looking disgruntled, Chanyeol backed down.

I tried to remember. "Alright, so . . . . so you pulled away. And—And I was furious at you the next day! What exactly did you think had caused my drunken rampage?"

He grinned briefly. "I thought it was because of Hyori."

"Well, it was!"

He said in defense. "Right, but I thought it was, you know, all the rubbish about me being shallow and irresponsible with girls and my duties... all that you'd been on about all year."

"I never went 'on about' anything." I huffed.

"And then, I found out you broke up with Jinyoung," Chanyeol continued. "I figured that was the reason behind your explosive mood swings."

"But I told you it wasn't!" I said, pushing myself to my feet to emphasize my point. This boy really is shallow. I was right!

"Yes, well, what was I supposed to think then?" Chanyeol stood up as well.

"That I bloody fancied you, you idiot!"

"Oh really, which is why right after... what was it? Oh, yeah 'the Incident"—he said the words heavy with sarcasm—" You asked for my physics book. Yes, how could I have missed that obvious confession of love?!"

I rolled my eyes annoyingly. "But I couldn't have done anything with Jinyoung standing right there, prat!"

"All right fine, but there wasn't any time in the past month where you could have fitted it into the conversation?" He demanded.

"Well, excuse me, after you called our kiss a mistake—"

"I never said that!"

I sprang up raising a finger. That particular memory never left my mind all this time. "Yes, you did! You said you shouldn't have done it—"

"That's because I shouldn't have done it! And I already explained so . . . so there you go!"

I sighed heavily, "Once again, dear, you have stunned me with your brilliantly persuasive arguments."

Both of us fell silent, staring at each other and catching our breath. Suddenly Chanyeol grinned and said, "Honestly, what is wrong with us? Why are we even fighting about this?"

"Because it's what we do. It's been our thing since day one." I said simply, leaning against the table with a smile. "Jesus, now that I think about it . . . things had quite changed from being 'just friends' ever since this term has started. We've been idiots for . . . . for past several months."

'Well, in this particular case, you were probably more—"

"Chanyeol," I warned and he fell silent with a smirk.

And then, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, I quite literally leaped at him. Seriously I think my feet left the ground. Chanyeol let out an oomph of surprise as I barged into him, but didn't comment further before murmuring against my lips, "Are we done talking, then? Excellent."

Picking up where we'd left on the rooftop, he began backing us up slowly until he stumbled back on his couch again. I think he attempted to sit down but we ended up falling onto it instead. Laughing, I rearranged myself so I was straddling in his lap, my hands linked loosely behind Chanyeol's neck.

"Sorry," he muttered, directing my lips back to his. His left hand rested on my lower waist, while he kept his right hand firmly behind my head. Tingles ran through me as he clutched on my hair. Though I probably shouldn't have been surprised by it, I soon discovered that Chanyeol was quite the expert kisser. I had little experience but now I realized I was woefully behind in the kissing department. So I let Chanyeol take charge, while I followed his lead and tried not to pass out from the intoxicating heat that seemed to radiate from his lips onto mine. I wasn't about to stop for trivial things like breathing--- we had plenty of time to make up for, after all.

I was rather surprised to discover several minutes later that Chanyeol's jacket was missing and his shirt had come half ed from the top. I trailed my fingertips lightly over his chest, been wanting to do that for a long time, and he shivered in response. Finally disengaging my mouth from his, I kissed the underside of his jaw, pressed quick kisses against his collarbone and the hollow base of his throat. He in a sharp breath before Chanyeol tilted my chin up to kiss me again.

The hand that had been on my hip now moved down my leg. His tongue invaded my mouth and the kiss got heated. When the tips of his fingers slid under the hem of my dress as he whispered, "Mirae, do you want to take this to my room?" I sat back abruptly. His hand withdrew immediately.

"Sorry." His voice was rougher than usual.

"It's all right." I paused. "But not here. Not now, Chanyeol." I replied. We stared at each other for a moment, both breathing quickly. The look in Chanyeol's eyes made my heart beat fast and compelled me to add, "Maybe we should um . . ." I stopped, trying to figure out how to ask that we should slow down.

"Sure," Chanyeol said, saving me from the necessity to speak. He kissed me again lightly and smiled, caressing my cheek. All awkward sentiments washed away. I felt nothing but treasured and my heart was bursting with emotion. Chanyeol slid his arm behind my back and I leaned my head against his chest, feeling his still accelerated heartbeat under my cheek.

"Did you want to go back to the party?" I asked him.

Chanyeol snorted. "Seriously? What do you think?"

"Well, alright, I was just asking." I paused, looking around for the first time. "You know, I'm more jealous of this place than your whole house."

Laughing, he said, "This was just my grandpa's brother's study room."

I sat up to shoot him an incredulous look. "What if he comes—"

"Calm down, he's dead."

I grimaced. "Now, I feel like we just violated his memory or something."

Grinning, he shook his head. "Nah, I'm sure he'd approve."

"If you say so," I muttered, tucking my head under his chain again and he wrapped his arms around me. Looking down, my eyes fell on the still- fresh white scars on Chanyeol's lower abdomen. Reaching out to trace them gently with my finger, I asked him, "Chanyeol, can I ask you something?"

"I think you can, Flower."

"Actually, quick thing first--- you can't call me 'Flower' anymore."

"Why ever not?"

"Because, before it just used to be a teasing nickname, it will from now on be seen as a sickeningly cute pet name . . . . and I cannot allow that."

"Whatever you say, my darling sweet Mirae-Flower."

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I decided that I could deal with it later so I returned to the original conversation. "Anyway, that night," I started, his scars so he knew which night I meant. "What did you think when I . . . or, when you . . . "

"When I woke up with you in my bed?"

"Uh, yes, that." I blushed.

Chanyeol was quiet for a moment and what he said surprised me. "I'll admit, it was a bit of shock for me at first, but . . . well, then I was less shocked by the fact that you were there and more by how . . . normal it seemed."

He took a deep breath. "And that's when I knew I would never be truly over you, no matter how much I tried."

"I . . . er, right," I said lamely and he chuckled at my loss of words. I flushed burying my face in his chest in embarrassment. "Oh be quiet," I muttered in the fabric.

We sat like that without actually talking for a long time. I could feel his fingers running through my hair. I was thinking about the last few months and I found that he was too when he finally mused, "So emotional distress, eh?" My eyes widened. "That was about me then?" He was smirking.

I glared at him. "If you must know, yes it was. And it's not funny!"

Chanyeol's smirk only widened. "Sweetheart you're not getting any sympathy from me, I'm afraid. 'Emotional Distress' has basically described my life for the past twelve months."

Though he was obviously joking, his words caught me short. I've never considered that all the I'd been going through the past month, all the torment and misery . . . I'd put Chanyeol through that too, and for a far longer time. "I'm sorry," I whispered, kissing him softly.

"Don't worry about it." He said, grinning. "I can probably come up with some way for you to make it up to me."

The next thing I knew, I was waking up with an incredibly stiff neck. Sitting up, I rolled my head around slowly, "You don't make a comfortable bed."

"Sorry—I'll try and work on that one." As I twisted around to face him, he smiled lazily. "Good morning." He said, leaning in to kiss me.

His lips had barely brushed mine when his words fully registered in my ears. I pulled back so quickly, I tumbled off the chair. "Morning?" I exclaimed as Chanyeol grabbed to steady me quickly.

"What time is it?" I glanced over his shoulder. It was 4:30 in the morning.

""! Why didn't you wake me up, you idiot?" I said cuffing Chanyeol over the head as I scrambled out of his lap. I told my mom, I'd be home by two! She is going to kill me!" I retrieved my heels from under the table I had sat on last night, I shoved my foot in the first one. "She's probably got all the policemen in a fifty-mile radius looking for me. And if she could work out how, she'd have the Intelligence Service on it as well!" Hopping on one foot, I pulled my second shoe. "And who knows? She might have managed that by n---"

I was forced to stop when Chanyeol walked over and pressed a finger against my lips firmly.

"Sorry," I mumbled. He dropped his hand. I took a deep breath and sighed slowly. "Right, I'm calm now," I announced and Chanyeol grinned.

"Good morning." He repeated.

"You already said that."

"Yes, and you hit me around the head for my efforts, so I figured I try it over."

"Sorry," I said again with a smile draping my arms loosely around his neck and permitting him to kiss me fully this time. His hair was sticking in all directions and his smile was gorgeous as he leaned.

The door to the study room banged open, and the two of us jumped apart in surprise. Heat rushed to my face at the sight of Junmyun and Baekhyun, both of whom sported highly amused grins.

"Well, it's bloody about time!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "Now I don't have to keep quiet about that damn kiss anymore. You should just know, Chanyeol, that there were at least eight hundred and seventy-five times I could have told her, but—"

"Wait, you told them about it?" I fixed Chanyeol with a questioning look.

"Well, obviously, I had to tell someone about it." He quickly defended himself.

"Yeah, he did, he was a pathetic and worthless mess that night, you know Mirae, I have never seen him so nervous--"

"Yes, thank you, Baek." Chanyeol interrupted shortly.

"And you were the stupid ones who convinced him not to tell me, did you?" I asked.

"I was all for him telling the truth," Junmyun started, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol shot that down immediately.

"No, he didn't!"

"Don't you lie!" 

"You were the first to suggest that I pretend I was too drunk to remember."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I moved towards the door. "I don't know why I even bother with you lot," I muttered. They followed and I could hear distant music echoing the walls from the lounge on the other side of the house. Woah, it's still going on? My parents get tired after holding a plain tea party and there's an overnight party here, in full swing.

"Because you love us," Baekhyun answered cheekily.

I heard Chanyeol state confidently. "Uh- and by that, you mean, me, right?"

I smiled, shaking my head. "So, what's up for today?" Baekhyun asked, clapping his hand together. How he managed to be so fresh at this time, I can't fathom. "I wouldn't mind a little football. Mirae, I'm sure this is as good as any time to teach you--"

I rolled my eyes. "First, I have to leave, and second, there is no--"

"Chanyeol!" A female voice called out from behind us. Turning, I felt myself redden at the sight of a woman who could only be Chanyeol's mother approached us. I recognized her, getting a better look this time. She was tall, her graying hair slightly lighter than her son's but her eyes were the exact same shape and color of brown. I couldn't help but admire her graceful velvetty gown. Chanyeol's hands jumped instantly to his shirt, which was still half hanging open, and he hastily began to do up the buttons.

Blushing even harder at this, I hid behind the boys while waiting for Mrs. Park to explode as my mom would've done if she caught me with a strange boy in the house. Which she would essentially do as soon as I got home and explained where I've spent the entire night.

But Chanyeol's mother only regarded me with amused surprise, before turning back to her son,  eyebrows raised for an explanation.

"Er, right," Chanyeol said, dropping his hands from his shirt and reaching around to pull me up beside him. Keeping his fingers firmly intertwined with mine, he continued, "Mum, this is Kang Mirae, my . . . um . . . Mirae."

"Well, that's a bit possessive, mate," Junmyun commented from behind us, sounding as though he was thoroughly enjoying the situation. "I don't think Mirae appreciates being treated like an object."

Chanyeol spared his friend a brief glare before turning back to his mother, who was now glancing between me and Chanyeol's undone shirt. I smiled nervously at her and bowed a little, confused if I should say something first. She appeared to be fighting a smile rather than the urge to strangle us. However, I wasn't sure what I wanted at the moment.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Park." Baekhyun grinned, obviously picking her pointed glances. "I'm sure Chanyeol and Mirae didn't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That's so comforting, Baekhyun, thank you." Mrs. Park replied dryly. "Anyways, Chanyeol, the rec room is still a mess--" I'm guessing the 'rec room' is the location of teenager's party--"and I would appreciate it if you and Baekhyun clean it up before breakfast. Junmyun, dear, I know I can't order you to help them, but if you could at least make sure they actually do it instead of throwing extra food at each other, I would be forever grateful."

Junmyun grinned. "Sure thing, Mrs.Park."

"Mirae," she continued, and my hand tightened reflexively around Chanyeol's in apprehension. But his mother smiled warmly at me, touched my other hand, and said, "It's lovely to meet you, at last, Chanyeol has told me a lot about you over the years--"

"Mum," Chanyeol protested through gritted teeth and I smirked up at him but he was glaring at his mother.

"Well, you have, Chanyeol. And Mirae seems like a bright girl, I'm sure she is under no delusion about how long you've fancied her."

"Jesus, Mum, do you mind?" Chanyeol muttered, his face now as red as mine.

Mrs. Park moved forward to pat her son on the cheek. "I'm your mother, Chanyeol, it's my job to embarrass you." 

She turned to me, her eyes surveying me. I suddenly became conscious of my messy hair. She said, "And I can see he never was exaggerating."

My eyes widened in surprise, head lowering to hide my blush, as she smiled. Chanyeol squeezed my hand a little and I mumbled a thank you to his mother, still taken aback. "Are you staying for breakfast, dear? You're more than welcome to. And I won't ask you to clean anything of course."

I smiled. "No, thank you, but my mother's expecting me. She's been expecting me since the last three hours, actually, so I'd better get home."

She nodded knowingly. "Oh well, I'm sure it wouldn't be as horrible as you think."

You don't know my mother, I wanted to say, but I just nodded gently.

"It's all right, Mirae." Baekhyun spoke with a bold grin. "if your mum throws you out, you can always come and live here--Mrs. Park is very sympathetic with this sort of thing."

"That's quite enough out of you, Baekhyun." Mrs. Park said with a stern voice but it didn't banish the smile in her eyes. "I'm going to check on poor Yoora. I think she had too much liquor. And when I return, I expect to find the three of you hard at work." She pointed at the boys and departed. "It will be lovely to see you again, Mirae."

"So, told your mum loads about me, have you?" I asked Chanyeol teasingly as soon as she was out of earshot.

"I can't believe she said that." He sighed. "You were right, I should have snuck you out of the room earlier, now I've got to clean all morning."

"How does it have anything to do with me? You still would have had to clean, right?" I claimed.

"Yes, but she'd at least have let us eat first."

I grinned. "Oh, so it's my fault then?"

"Nice to know the bickering hasn't been affected by the recent developments," Junmyun grumbled, palming his face.

"You know fully well that it would take a magnitude shift in the whole makeup of the universe to stop Chanyeol and Mirae to stop arguing," Baekhyun stated wisely.

"Aren't you two supposed to be working?" I pointed out.

"So is he." He pointed at Chanyeol.

"Go on, I'll catch up with you in a minute. I have to walk Mirae out of the door." He replied.

"I think she's perfectly capable of finding it on her own." Baekhyun folded his arms and refused to move. "Don't think I'm going to let you off just because you're dating her--"

"Come on." Junmyun dragged his friend down the hall. "See you back at school."

"Bye." I smiled.

Chanyeol and I headed towards the front door, grabbing my coat on the way. Stopping on the entryway, Chanyeol slid arms around my waist. "You could just stay you know. We have plenty extra rooms. Or, since you like my bed so much--"

I gave him a little shove, then leaned in. "No, I really should go. Not just to keep my mom from having a heart attack, but to keeps yours too."

"And what about me? Maybe I have a heart attack if you leave?"

"Well, as you said, I'm sure you'll think of a way for me to make it up to you," I said, stretching up to kiss him. When we broke apart, I added, "A year ago I was making a New Year's resolution to be friends with you. . . " Chanyeol grinned.

"Guess I broke that one after all."


The empty train cabin back to school was killing me with boredom. It was the 2nd day of the year and I was regretting my decision to return so quickly especially when Chanyeol wasn't going to be back there by tomorrow. But Yumi had insisted so much that I join her that I had to give in.

[To Chanyeol]  Chanyeol, well, just so you know I survived and am now on the train back to school. It wasn't very easy to dodge mom's wrath but I managed out alive. Actually, she wasn't very angry when she found out that I was at your place. I think her belief that I hadn't been killed by a psychotic serial killer (her own words) overpowered everything else.
Oh dear, the train ride is so boring without you guys.

[From Chanyeol] Haha that's not even close to what I've been through dear. You should know that Baekhyun and I didn't finish cleaning up the mess until evening and I swear I was starving to death by then. I'm certain mom gets some sort of pleasure out of torturing me.
I would sympathize with your boredom. But I did say you should have stayed here. If you had,  you'd be so far from bored that you wouldn't even remember what it feels like.

I switched my chat to Yumi's and typed hurriedly. [To Yumi] Yumi, much to tell you but it deserves to be done in person, not here. I'm on the train right now and will back in two hours. make yourself available to your lovely and news-filled friend.

[To Chanyeol] Fine, don't show me any sympathy if you can't. I wouldn't offer any too :P 


[From Chanyeol] My bad. I'll keep you company, I guess.

[From Yumi] OMG. 

[To Chanyeol] I'm finally off the train and it's amazing how mad everyone here is when there's no class.
Come back quick, I miss you guys.

[From Chanyeol] I knew you missed me! Bingo, I knew I could get those words out of you!

[From Yumi] Mirae!!! I was promised big news. Spill.

[To Yumi] Where are you? I've been back for so long, Where on Earth are you??

[From Yumi] I was at dinner, and you got back earlier. 

 [To Yumi] I'm on my way to your room. 

[From  Yumi]Just give me a quick summary. You finally screwed Chanyeol, didn't you?

[To Yumi] Don't be absurd. I'll tell you in a minute.

[From Yumi] Just one little hint?

[To Yumi] Miss Jung, If you do not stop banging my phone with your useless texts, I swear I'm not going to tell you anything!
Except that I made out with Chanyeol on his New Year's Party.


[To Chanyeol] Sorry where were we? I lost my train of thought. Blame Yumi. She kept pestering me about the details of last night. And now she's in between squealing in delight and laughing like a maniac. I'm worried for her state of mind. Actually I'm worried for mine too cause I've been grinning like a dolt for the last hour after telling her about us.

[From Chanyeol] It's all right. I often have that effect on people, even when they aren't standing in my blindingly-handsome presence. I'm sure you'll recover your mental state shortly, though be prepared to lose them again when I return. 
Just to clarify-- I'm going to snog you senseless the next time we meet.

[To Chanyeol] Now that's something to look forward to, at least. I have full confidence in your abilities ;)


The first day of classes after Christmas turned out to be so simply perfect and incandescently happy that I don't believe any other day in my life could rank above it.

It began (as usual) with my alarm tearing my eardrums apart. After dragging myself into the washroom to shower. I changed into my uniform and had just stepped out of the door into my room. I almost jumped in fright when I noticed Chanyeol, who had returned two days before, leaning against my bed stand (which is unusual). He smiled when he saw me appear.

"Hey. Good morning. Umm, what are you doing here?" I asked, taking tentative steps towards him.

He looked at me with a weird expression. "To take you, of course. We'll go to breakfast together."

A flush broke out on my cheeks but I tried to hide it. I nodded, brushing my wet hair quickly, and pulled them in a messy bun. I debated whether applying make-up was a good option or not but I quickly decided against it. He's liked me simple and plain all these years. It should stay that way. Stealing a glance from the corner of my eye, I spotted him staring at me. I grinned. "You know, I would really appreciate it if you rather not burn holes in my back."

Chanyeol took off his gaze quickly and walked closer. "Come here." A pair of arms slid around my waist and Chanyeol pecked my lips. I kissed him back.

There was an oddly pleasant smile playing on his lips. I waited for him to say anything but he stayed quiet. I waved a hand in front of him. "Back to Earth, Chanyeol!"

He laughed. "Sorry, I just can't believe this is actually happening."

My heart fluttered. "Me neither." He laced his fingers with mine my hand and reached for the door. "Come on, Flower. I'm starving."

The minute we entered the hall, we were greeted by questioning glances and excited hushes of whispering. I cowered behind him but he kept his hold on my hand. As we passed a certain table, Jongdae winked at Chanyeol and he winked back. I looked around for Sehun and sure indeed, he was sitting in a corner gazing at us.

I smiled nervously and it made Sehun smirk teasingly. After a wave of hello in his direction, I quickly made my way to our table whose occupants were grinning teasingly like maniacs. "Well good morning, love birds." Baekhyun winked.

"We're not-"

"Why, thank you mate," Chanyeol replied.

"Why do you look so happy?" I asked Baekhyun as I poured myself a cup of juice. He had been tapping his feet persistently and was buzzing like an excited electron.

He grinned widely. "Hyung got discharged from ICU." We stopped to look up at him to elaborate. "He'll stay in the family ward for a month before permanent discharge."

"Wow, that's great progress!" Chanyeol enthusiastically clapped his friends back.

"I'm happy for you. I hope he gets better." Yumi and I cheered.

Yumi asked, "Where's Junmyun?"

"He-uh- he had some family business," Baekhyun explained. "He and his family were . . . permitted to see his father today. He'll come back tomorrow."

I nodded. Classes went by smoothly. Or at least, I think they did. It isn't really easy to concentrate when the guy beside you is determined to steal your attention by staring shamelessly. I was successful in dodging Chanyeol until he began making hilarious sketches of the professors which made it trickier to hold a straight face.

As classes came to an exciting end, I almost skipped to dinner, alight with happiness. I felt like laughing and grinning and smiling and screaming in excitement. I was grateful to him for not being sickenly lovey-dovey, I think we managed to be quite 'friendly' as we sat among our friends. I never knew dating would be this -this . . I don't know, just so thrilling. Waiting, are we even dating?

"Do you think I'm supposed to ask him?"

"What do you think?" Yumi rolled her eyes.

"I think I should."

She sighed. "Mirae, do you honestly still need any confirmation?"

"Umm yes, I think I would like that." I pondered.

She shook her head, meeting my eyes from her cell phone. "You're still a pain in the as I used to think you were."

I opened my mouth in defense but a pair of hands seized my wrist, pulling me up from the common room couch we were lying on. Chanyeol spun me around and a gasp emitted from my mouth when he pulled me closer and kissed me. I pulled away quickly as I felt a thousand stares burning into us. "What are you doing?!" I hissed.

He smirked. "I just thought these rumors needed some verification." He tilted his head towards the rest of the room. "Now they can talk freely about us, free of doubt."

I laughed. "You're insane!"

"I know." He grinned back, pulling me away from the common room. "Where are we going?"

He looked back, his eyes splitting wide in shock. "You forgot?"

My eyebrows creased in confusion. He answered with a pleasant smile, flexing his muscles. "Rounds, my dear. Rounds."

My hand clapped over my mouth in surprise and, ducking my head in humiliation. Chanyol was no help either. "Wahhh . . . I know I make you nervous and lose your thinking ability entirely but to this extent? I'm--I'm flattered."

"Okay, that's enough!" I exclaimed, taking hasty steps away from him.

 "I never knew I'd live to see this day when I am the one to remind you of your 'responsibility'--"

"Hey! Stop it, I swear-" 

"There must be a punishment!"

"What?" I frowned. When he smiled slyly, I blurted, "No, no just stay away--" Nevertheless his arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed my ear. Chanyeol whispered, "Come on, let's ditch this one time."

I turned to face him still in his embrace. I wanted to do that too but . . . "Madame Jung--"

"She won't check on us the first night here! And if she does, I'll take the blame."

I sighed. "But . . ."

His face crumpled hopelessly and I quickly rubbed his hand. "Okay." 

"I knew you'd agree!" He grinned. "Come on, we have somewhere to go."

He tugged on my hand and led me to the opposite corridor. "Please tell me we're not going outside at this time."

"We're not. Just wait."

After a couple of minutes, I realized we were headed towards the top floor, the highest tower. I shivered at the thought of the cold air but I trusted him. It wouldn't go to waste. And sure enough, as we trudged upon the final chairs, he announced, "We're going on our first date."

"What?" I stopped dead. A fuzzy feeling originated in my heart.

He looked at me and nodded. I opened my mouth and closed it again. My hands unconsciously reached to my tousled hair. My uniform was crumpled and so was his. And I could tell there were circles beneath my eyes. He took my hand again but I pulled it away. "No! Not like this!"

He frowned. "But--"

"I mean, I-I look terrible! I'd at least like to dress up and--and---"

He rolled his eyes. "I've seen you in more worst states, Mirae. It doesn't matter anymore--"

"But it's our first date! I'd like to look pretty for once."

"You already do. Now hush. I'm not allowing you to run back just to fudge up your face so save your breath."

I huffed in annoyance and crossed my arms as Chanyeol pushed open the door and what awaited before my eyes was overwhelming.

A small table sat upon a rooftop covered with a white cloth. There were plates and other pieces of crockery arranged smoothly and covered dish, a bottle of what I perceived as wine and goblets. The whole setting gave off a warm vibe. The floor near the table was adorned with golden fairy lights which added a magical effect to the whole atmosphere. 

I shook my head in disbelief and turned around to find him smiling at me. "You did this?"

"Of course, dumb dumb." He joked lightly and took off his coat, spreading it around my shivering shoulders.

My heart was filled with the warmth of his actions and his smile. I had never even dreamt of a first date like this. Can this guy stun me anymore?

I reached up to kiss his cheek. Chanyeol smiled and pulled out a chair for me. As we made ourselves cozy, I realized in an hour that I actually liked this setting pretty much. Chanyeol, me, food, drinks, and dim lighting. He fitted in my comfort zone so perfectly that I couldn't make it out myself.

"Okay, so tell me something about yourself," I asked, bringing my hand for a sip from the goblet, while the other remained intertwined with Chanyeol's.

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, do you think there's anything you don't know?"

I made a face. "Getting to know one other is one of the most basic questions for a first date, and I want to feel that we really are on a first date. So don't spoil the mood." He smiled widely. "Answer me."

"Hmm..." He thought for a second, then said, "I won over seven all-you-can-eat-chicken-wings contest."

"Really?" I gasped.

"Yes, I think it was fifth grade." He laughed. "I had indigestion afterward."

I laughed. "What else?"

"Okay, next. . . I'm a ballet dancer. But only in my washroom."

A bubble of laughter erupted in my chest and he laughed along with me. He suddenly sobered up and was staring at me. "Yes, next?" I inquired.

He was serious this time, but a glint of mischievousness flashed in his eyes. "And I know that you've been dying to make out with me this entire time."

And he was right. I was.
In less than a second, he swooped me up and fastened his lips on mine. I ran my fingers through his locks, enjoying every minute as my feet dangled in the air. His lips were sweet yet tempting. We kissed like it was the end of the world. Chanyeol finally set me on the ground again and fixed his arms around my neck, pulling me closer.

After a good ten minutes, we broke apart, totally breathless. He touched our foreheads together. I touched the sides of his face. As I gazed into his deep soulful eyes, fire dancing in them, I realized I've been wanting him for so long. Before I had even realized my feelings for him. There always was tension between us, ever since we became acquainted and it broke at this New Years finally. I smiled breathily as we caught our breath. The emotions in his eyes were indescribable but not unfamiliar. Whatever it was that we were feeling, it seemed everlasting.

I nuzzled my nose with his before creating some distance between us and the chilly January air crashed at me immediately. Looking over the roof railing, I looked intently at the dark night before me, not even a soul in sight. The full moon danced with clouds and the tiny lights decorating the ground on the table shone off a beautiful glow.

"I don't think I've hung out with you like this before." Chanyeol started amusement curling up his lips. "And in this lighting, man, oh man. You look . . . . disgusting."

I laughed as he recovered the light environment with a single try. "I don't understand how I fall every morning for this big, big head."

He smirked. "Must be my charms."

I rolled my eyes. He shoved his hands in my sweater pocket for warming his hands but withdrew his hands with a piece of paper. He held it in my face questioningly. "What is this?" My eyes widened when I recognized and snatched it away but he was quick in reflexes and raised it higher well above my height.

"These are my Chemistry notes." I hopped. "Come on!"

He grinned. "What's so special in this?"

"Chanyeol please—"

He unfolded the parchment and glanced at it for a moment. "This is no chemistry."

I grumbled, seizing the paper immediately. "This is something I came up with when I was sitting bored in the train ride. These—these are some rules for us..." After a pause, I added, "Well, for you mostly."

He burst out in a fit of laughter and shook his head knowingly before reaching out to ruffle my hair. "Some thing's never change, do they?"

I smacked his shoulder. Chanyeol sobered up immediately, but he was obviously fighting another teasing remark. "Actually, I'd really like to see these rules."

I handed him the paper reluctantly, knowing it will end up as me completely embarrassed. He announced loudly.

"Okay so, no.1, No public snogging. Kisses under five seconds, hand holding, and occasional lap-sitting."

Chanyeol looked up at me with a horrified expression. I clarified quickly. "Before you object, may I remind you of the single rooms currently in our possession that will serve nicely for any related activities. But I refuse to be one of those annoying couples who show PDA."

"Funny you should mention that because our single rooms actually figure into my plans for how you're going to make up all that 'emotional distress' you caused me." Chanyeol's lips curled slyly.

A thrill of excitement ran through my veins but I suppressed it. "Go on."

"No.2, no cute nicknames. And that includes the 'Flower' business, mister."

This time, he winked, "Whatever you want, Flower." And kissed my nose, leaving me flustered.

He moved on to the next rule before I could even form an answer. "No 3, you're not allowed to hate Jinyoung. I know this sounds weird but if he ever stops hating me, I'd like to be friends with him. And I would appreciate your tolerance of that."

Chanyeol looked with a weird expression and replied to this, "I don't hate him—to be honest, I'm fairly sure he hates me actually. But I think I could manage this hypothetical friendship of yours if you want." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He returned to the sheet of rules skeptically. "Good lord, Mirae. I never knew you were so high on maintenance. I think I'll have to carry this list around with me so I can consult it at regular intervals and make sure I'm not violating any of these rules." He teased me. "Just so you know, I hate rules. It has been my sole purpose of life to break every rule."

"Carry on. There's only one left." I urged him.

"Alright--No 4, I am not a fan of grand gestures of affection, they make me feel burdened. I do think Jinyoung's stunt (no matter how touching and romantic it was) on our three-month anniversary was too excessive."

When Chanyeol looked up, he was smirking victoriously. "Huh, finally accepted that, did you?"

"Yes." I sighed. "Anyways, I don't expect anything like that from you. I mean, maybe for a marriage proposal—er, not that I'm saying I expect you to propose to me, obviously. Not so soon. Or ever. Or . . . well, maybe just . . . . that is—I mean—okay, let's just forget rule no.4, shall we?"

I laughed nervously and he was shaking from laughter. "I think we should go on a proper date before we talk about marriage, Mirae." His voice dripped with hilarity.

I hid my face in my palms. God, this was embarrassing. Seriously who even talks about marriage on the first date?? "I feel like a complete idiot for showing you this list. Let's just forget all of those rules, right? Except for number 1, of course."

He opened his mouth but I kept on rambling. "Because, I don't want to be one of those girlfriends who--- hang on, am I your girlfriend?"

I faced Chanyeol again and found him staring amusedly at me as if enjoying my unstable state of mind. I tried to make up for it. "Stupid question, isn't it? I don't know. Probably we should talk about labels and such?"

Chanyeol's head threw back in laughter as he smiled adorably at me. "Well, in the light of that, I suppose there's only one thing left to say: Kang Mirae, will you go out with me?"


Well, that's officially the end of their high school era. There are only 2-3 chapters left before the Epilogue :)
Writing a full-on Chan-Mirae romance was NOT easy at all but I think I managed to pull it off somehow. Haha did, I? 
See YOU in the next chapter! Thank you so much for keeping up with me and don't forget to vote and share your views.

Note: I sincerely apologize for breaking the chain of weekly updates. I know it , but exams kept getting scheduled and canceled and then rescheduled, so all in all, it was finally time to study. So I can't really say when I can update the next chapter but please know that IT IS NOT THE END! Haha, yeah... Don't worry. I'll be back with more. 

P.s Who's up for another Sehun book?


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Chapter 35: Wow!! I am sorry i am only reading this fic now, but i guess it's better late than never.
Thank you for this beautifully written love story.
Chapter 35: This story was hell of a rollercoaster ride and i belive we all need a Chanyeol in our Lives!!! Oh will there be an epilogue??? Am just curioussss
Chapter 35: All I care is that Chanyeol and Mirae is the end game!! I love it that they still feel the same after 5 years. It just clearly shows that they are meant to be from the very start. I like that you stick to their dynamic. The bickering and then being all fluffy is still there. I miss Chanyeol more because of this. TT.TT
Chapter 35: Girl..what are you talking about?? This Chapter is PERFECT!!! It makes me realize how i need a Chanyeol in my life. LOL. I love reading about them adulting. And I'm so proud of Chanyeol and Mirae, look how far they have come.. thank you for the update <333
ftrapp2 #5
Chapter 35: I didn’t expect that … WOW!! I think this story is gonna be and gonna stay one of my favorites. It is just soo beautifully written ☺️ I really look forward to the next Update!!!
Chapter 35: Wow...this was unexpected.... they're together now and I'm so happy......^^
Looking forward to the next chapter;)
Chapter 35: After so many years of waiting got update and it was worth it ☺️..
Chapter 34: I came back to read this chapter and I never realized how Chanyeol really was the only person who challenged Mirae. Her parents, sister and Sehun really just accepted how Mirae viewed them and the world (don’t blame them, she’s a very logical and strong character) but Chanyeol was the only one who didn’t mind getting on her nerves and trying to get her to see things from a different perspective. I don’t think anyone else has considered Mirae’s feelings as much as Chanyeol. Whenever something happened, everyone acts in their own self interest, but whenever something happened, Chanyeol always thought of Mirae and how she would feel/want. But wahhhhh seeing them grow since the first chapter has me in tears TT
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *endless sound of awwwwweeee*
Can i say just how much I loved this chapter? Chanyeol’s desire for her is sooo cute and it explains the actual time he had to wait until she felt the exact same. I’d have ‘canoodled’ her till the end myself, peppering her face with kisses and stuff, never letting her out of my sight! She should have understood where he’s coming from, ahaha, but I can’t exactly blame her. It’s in her personality to be dense and shy *in a cute way*
Once again, I’m admiring your ability to deliver such long chapters >< I miss when I was able to do that. It really shows your dedication.
You don’t have to apologize for taking your time writing. Life and school can be a . I’m in my last year of Uni and they have been constantly changing the date of our graduation exams. I’ve been stuck in a happy-depressed loop for months now!
I’m excited to see the remaining chapters of this story! I’m already missing it!!!!
Chapter 34: You don't know how happy I am reading that Chanyeol and Mirae are finally together now. I'm crying happy tears. TT.TT You did well for this. I'm glad that they are still true to their character and there are still bickering moments but still in a romantic way. I want more of this and I think we deserve it after that slow burn. Lol. And also, I know there are still things you want to reveal like when did Chanyeol start liking Mirae, the handkerchief and of course their plans after high school. I'm really glad the wait for the update is sooo worth it. <3