Chapter 7

It's Always You

The steaming hot water released the tension from my body. I sighed in the thick steam while staring at my reflection in the mirror in the washroom. Taking a look back on today's event, I racked my brains on what Yumi had tried to make me realize. Her 'decent person' theory did make a little sense because no matter how much I tried to deny the fact, it still was true that there was something that had changed in him. He didn't flirt, his pranks were harmless so far and most of all he confessed that he asked me out just for his amusement. And I do admit I was harsh on him after the match but...

I turned off the shower and stepped out in my clothes. It had taken three rounds of shampoo to rinse out that dirt. But it was nothing compared to the five times I had to brush my teeth to remove that foul muddy taste. Yumi was somewhere out with Andrew. It was still better than to hang out with the company in the common room: Baekhyun, who looked in a sour mood while eyeing the cuddling couple beside him. Even I almost threw up seeing Chanyeol and Yoori in such a close embrace. I was walking past them when Chanyeol spoke up.

"Yah, I'm sorry. It was totally accidental." He finally apologized.

"You know, I actually swallowed some of that mud." I accused him.

He just grinned at the memory while his girlfriend glared at me and I returned it. "Baek dared me." He said pointing to his friend.

"Yah! Don't put this on me! I only said that, 'we shouldn't let Mirae feel left out from all the fun." He shot back, trying to look innocent.

"Isn't that the same thing?" 

"No, of course not." Baekhyun then turned his head towards me with puppy eyes. "Mirae, dear, I would never even try to hurt you." I shook my head with an amused smile on my face.

"Anyways it was you who threw it," I said lightly, turning to Chanyeol.

"And you got your revenge too, right? So aren't we even?" He suggested.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged and was about to leave when his girlfriend who seemed to be bottling in some snide remarks, finally burst out.

"I can't believe you hit him! And my poor baby even fell on the ground! Don't you have any civility? You don't even deserve to be a prefect! How dare you-" My jaw fell in surprise. She kept sprouting nonsense while Chanyeol and Baekhyun both surprised, were exchanging anxious glances. They stole a glance at my tense face that was probably red with anger. I clenched my first, raised a shaky finger at her.

"You don't even know about my past interactions with your dear boyfriend and his friends, miss. So don't you go sticking your nose in matters far above your knowledge. Or else I can be a as much as you are."

 That shut her up. She closed and I spun on my feet to exit the common room. I could hear Baekhyun wolf-whistling at her insult and Chanyeol suppressing a laugh.

My hand was on the doorknob when I heard Chanyeol's deep voice again, "So are we even?" 

I turned back in surprise, "Why are you so eager to make up with me?"

"I don't like it when you're mad at me."

" someone here is afraid of me, huh?" I scoffed at him with a smirk.

"Well, I'm perfectly aware of how much those dangerous hands of yours are capable of hitting me." He said with a smile glued on his lips. I just smiled and shook my head at his exaggeration.


"Well, I'd better be going." I sighed as I examined my wristwatch.

Yumi smiled at me pityingly. It was Monday, classes had resumed and we both were trying to complete the assignments in the library. Mostly it was mostly me searching for books and her whining in the background that how much she hated history. 

"Do bring my backpack back at the common room." I requested to which she nodded her head. I was alone again today since JunMyun wasn't back from home yet. "Thanks, see you later."

I exited the library and decided to start from the top floor which was a golden spot for couples to make out. I hated interrupting them and asking to leave but, yeah, that's my job. Surprisingly, there wasn't anyone tonight, not even on the roof. I cursed myself for climbing a hundred stairs here for no use at all. I turned back when I heard someone swearing.

Whirling around, I was confused to see the empty staircase. My eyes moved at every spot but were unable to find a single thing. "Hello?" I said attentively. Ughh...I really hate being a prefect sometimes. It was so dark up here and I was probably alone with this person. Putting on my most authoritative, punishment-giving voice, I demanded,

"Who is it? Look, I know someone's up there and you're trying to hide something. I swear if I catch-"

"Okay, okay calm down. Don't piss your pants." an extremely irritated and familiar voice said.

"Park Chanyeol!" I gasped in surprise and relief. "What are you---how did you..?" I tried to make sense of how he jumped out of nowhere.

"None of your business." He said quickly shutting me up. I narrowed my eyes. 

"It is exactly my business. Why the hell are you up here? And more surprisingly, alone." He ignored my questions and brushed off his pants. His hands grabbed my shoulders and forced me back downstairs.

"You know, you're pretty daring for your age. I would never have imagined you coming up here alone at night without Junmyun." He said, looking impressed.

I rolled my eyes. "Answer me. Where did you jump out from?"

"My friends and I have discovered at least 8 secret passages of this campus. And don't even think of asking me for even one of them. It's confidential for prefects and school authorities." He had a sort of challenging look in his eyes as he met mine. I sighed.

We strolled in the corridors as we entered the third floor. He was quiet, his jaw tight as if focusing on something. I was about to ask him but he, out of nowhere, clapped his hand on my mouth and pushed me against the wall. What did just happen to him?

"What the hell are-" I shoved his hand angrily.

"Shh!" He hissed pointing towards a classroom nearby with his thumb. Faint voices could be heard and I knew who they would belong to. There was a little storeroom beside the classroom so we tiptoed towards it to hear clearly. My heart was pounding against my chest and I'm sure if I was alone, I would have run away in fear but Chanyeol was here and I didn't want to look like coward in front of him. I would have fitted perfectly in the small room but Park Chanyeol and his damn height was an issue but at least we could hear clearly.

"Is this all for now?" a wimpy voice said.

"Yeah. So same place, same time, next week?" This was Sehun's voice. I breathed heavily. His presence had just confirmed my fears.

"No, you fool. It's too risky. We'll switch places." Someone said through clenched teeth. Footsteps started towards the door and my heart leaped in my throat. I didn't want to create a scene like before but somehow Chanyeol managed to kick a broom as silently as he could in front of us blocking the view.  "Don't make a sound". He said inaudibly. I rolled my eyes, resisting the urge to say 'Did that really need to be told?'

We remain frozen in the storeroom, holding our breaths and as Sehun and his company disappeared from sight. I don't think I have ever stood so close to Chanyeol and god, he is totally a different view up close. I noticed that he was holding my hand and I shook it slightly,

 "Uhh, Do you mind? I think I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers." He looked down and his eyes widened finding that his hand was still grasping my wrist and muttered a sorry before dropping my hand. He peeked out said out loud, "We're clear." 

We both jumped out of the storeroom, relieved. He gave me an intense, confused look and I asked defensively, "What?"

"You're not really surprised to find them, are you?

"What do you mean?"

"Well, considering your history with Sehun, I expected a reaction from you."

I met his eyes for a moment and looked down. "No, I've seen them before."

"Wow, you're really carefree about him turning into someone as-"

"I am perfectly aware of the seriousness of the situation. Thanks for reminding me that my best friend chose them over our friendship. I'd forgotten that." I cut him off and that shut him up as I started walking again.

"Sorry." He muttered for the second time that night. "So was it something like this when you ran on them during the match?"

I nodded. And I was suddenly reminded of the match. "Speaking of that day, it's my turn to ask you something."

"Fire away."

"What did you mean when you said that I wasn't even going to try?" I asked slowly.

Chanyeol stopped abruptly and his ears turned red to my astonishment. "Uh..I...I just meant weren't even going to try to stop hating me but actu-"

"I don't hate you." I said, realizing that it was true as I said it. Yeah, I guess he still wasn't a decent person in my eyes but still, like now, for instance, being with him didn't make me want to throw myself from the nearest window. 

His eyebrows shot up, "Really? that's interesting. Well, I guess you learn something new every day." He smirked.

"Don't push it," I muttered. He just chuckled and we resumed walking. I don't know why he was tagging along but-

"Oh . I have to go Mirae, see you around." He said hurriedly and sped in the opposite way. I was left there standing, still processing what just happened. 


"'re both friends now?" Yumi asked slowly after I told her every bit of last night, the next day in the common room.

"What, no! That's never going to happen. Why do you always have to over-exaggerate the simplest things!" I said indignantly. She let out an exasperated sigh like she wanted to strangle me to death.

I felt guilty and said sheepishly, "Am I that complicated?"

"Not always. But in his case, you are." She answered while solving her sum. A shrill, high pitched laughter rang in the common room and I, annoyed, looked at the source to find no other than our dear Yoori. 

"God, this is the fourth time she has been so loud." Yumi cried out. "I mean, isn't Maths already so tricky without her pointless interruptions?" I smiled at her apologetically. 

"And I'll be more than willing to help." We turned to our left and spotted Andrew coming.

"Ah! This is my ideal example of a study session." A bright smile broke out on Yumi's face in the blink of an eye.

"Make sure this doesn't turn into a make-out session," I warned lightly as I made space for Andrew on the couch.

"Don't you worry." She winked at me. As they started to work, I looked around the common room and my eyes shifted to a very pouting Baekhyun. The situation was just like it always is. Chanyeol and Yumi. But both of them were starting to get really loud. I had just started to work when Yoori screamed in laughter again.

"Ughh...her laugh is killing me! I'm going to the library." I told Yumi in annoyance and took my backpack. But after 15 minutes I had reached, some new people entered. And to my complete horror, it was the same two people I had run away from.

Yoori said something in Chanyeol's ear and then disappeared somewhere behind the shelves. That's when he noticed me there too.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, clearly displeased.

"I don't think there's anything else I can do here but to study." He said innocently. "Besides there was too much noise in the common room." I snorted in disbelief.


"You do realize that it was actually you and Yoori making most of the noise, right?" I asked him.

"Really? Maybe that's why..."

"She's so not your type." I hadn't realized that I had actually said that. Oh my god, I should tape my mouth from now on.

He blinked and stared at me for a moment and then asked, "Sorry?" I'm 100% sure he heard it right.

"Nothing." I was crossing my fingers, hoping that he would let it go.

"And what exactly is my type, madame?" He asked with a flirty tone.

"I mean... like..-" I was saved from the necessity to answer by the arrival of Yoori.

"Found it!" She said holding a book in her hands and then her gaze shifted towards me suspiciously.

"Great. We should get going. Oh and Mirae? Don't forget to let me know if you come up with an answer." He flashed that toothy smile, winked and left with a hand slinging on his girlfriend's shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. It must have been at least half an hour of peaceful work before I was once again disturbed. But this disturbance was very handsome.

"Uhh Excuse me? Aren't you Kang Mirae?" A guy asked. Woah he's dashing.

"Umm Yes... Why?" I said hesitantly. I didn't know I was popular among guys if that was the case.

"Oh great. No, I was just confirming. Aren't you the prefect?" Right. Prefect! Nobody could approach me with a different purpose, can they?

 "Yes, unfortunately, I am." I answered with the upcoming rounds in my mind. He flashed a charming smile and something tugged at my heartstrings.

"Actually I'm new here. Can you show me where I can find books related to Joseon Dynasty here? I've been going around this place for an hour and I can't find a thing." He explained. I nodded and stood up to help him. I could have just told him the shelf number but something made me want to spend time with him. I walked towards shelf no. 56 and opened it for him.

"There you go." I smiled which he returned. He began to through the shelves in silence and I leaned against the shelf my eyes fixed on him. He looked familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

"Completing a history project?" I inquired.

"No, just some light reading." He replied.

"Wow, I didn't know people were still interested in book reading without a purpose," I remarked.

"It has a purpose, doesn't it? At least for people like us who rely heavily on it. It's our water." He said wisely.

"Perfectly answered," I commented, impressed. Why hadn't I met him earlier?

"What's your name?" Before he could answer, Junmyun jumped in.

"Yah, Mirae! Were you hiding from me? I almost gave up looking for you but thanks to Chanyeol who told me you would be here. Come on, we're already running late for rounds." He said all in one breath. My head whipped towards the wall clock saying 9:24 p.m. We were so late.

"Oh , sorry. I'm coming." I turned to the guy. "Bye, it was nice meeting you." And with that Junmyun and I made our way out of the library as quietly as we could. We started from the usual ground floor. Every single wall was decorated because it was Halloween tomorrow. I was starving for its feast and plus, the classes were also short for the day. 

"So?" He said wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.

"What?" I said completely unaware.

"Who was he? Are you seeing him? Is this a scandal? How can you keep it so secret?" He kept sprouting nonsense while I roared with laughter.

"Oh please. I don't even know his name." I cleared. He was doubtful but nodded reluctantly.

"But isn't it you who has been keeping secrets?" I countered.

"What?" He said in a small voice. 

"Where have you been? I'm okay with doing rounds on my own but tell me the truth, at least. I know it's not just about your mother." I burst out at him.

"Mirae." He sighed deeply. "Listen I... I don't think I'm ready to-" He explained slowly.

"To tell me?" I demanded. He stayed silent for a few minutes and then nodded.

"Fine. But you should know that whenever you want to share, I'll be more than happy to listen."

"Thanks" He finally smiled a bit. I wondered what he was going through to be so upset and sensitive.


As Yumi and I entered the hall for dinner the next day, we appreciated the scary decorations the juniors had done. In our campus, it was mainly freshmen who participated in this stuff while seniors like us just enjoyed it. We seated ourselves with rumbling stomachs ready to dig in.

All of a sudden Baekhyun plopped down on the spot beside me. I looked back to see if he was with his friends but I spotted them at the far corner. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What are you doing?"

His face became more focused and replied as if it required much thinking, "Well let's see, I'm sitting, breathing, thinking, talking to-"

"I mean." I cut in before he could be more annoying. "What are you doing here? You never sit with us."

"This is the best time to start, don't you think? Because I might strangle both of them if I spend one more second there." 

I sighed and nodded. Suddenly a loud explosion sounded just above our heads. Some people cheered and some ducked in surprise. We gathered around the large windows to look out and found the whole sky colored red, green, and gold. The multicolored fireworks continued for about the next 10 minutes while everyone stood there amazed capturing the scene. Even I wasn't that annoyed with this prank. Well, I guess now I know what he was doing at the rooftop. A round of applause echoed in the hall, celebrating the holiday and admiring the fireworks. It was rather an impressive display.

I turned towards Baekhyun to congratulate him on the prank. But I was shocked to find out that he was looking at the sky with a thunderous expression. Him being angry was surely a rare sight. I reached forward to get his attention.

"Uhh...Baekhyun. Is everything-?"

 He shoved away my hand and muttered in a low voice, "That piece of I call my friend." 

And with that, he charged towards Chanyeol who was still celebrating with his girlfriend. Baekhyun pulled him around the shoulder, not too gently. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it surely didn't look like a pleasant chit-chat. Anger was etched on both faces. Wow, Chanyeol and Baekhyun fighting? 

This year keeps getting stranger and stranger.


Yayy, Mirae and Chanyeol are finally getting on better terms. Lol, writing about Baekhyun is always so fun, all through this story I've wanted to portray him as a chill dude, though obviously everybody has their high and lows, their deep moments but I hope y'all enjoy the Baekhyun in here!

Leave a comment to let me know about the progress of the book, I'll be waiting!











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Chapter 35: Wow!! I am sorry i am only reading this fic now, but i guess it's better late than never.
Thank you for this beautifully written love story.
Chapter 35: This story was hell of a rollercoaster ride and i belive we all need a Chanyeol in our Lives!!! Oh will there be an epilogue??? Am just curioussss
Chapter 35: All I care is that Chanyeol and Mirae is the end game!! I love it that they still feel the same after 5 years. It just clearly shows that they are meant to be from the very start. I like that you stick to their dynamic. The bickering and then being all fluffy is still there. I miss Chanyeol more because of this. TT.TT
Chapter 35: Girl..what are you talking about?? This Chapter is PERFECT!!! It makes me realize how i need a Chanyeol in my life. LOL. I love reading about them adulting. And I'm so proud of Chanyeol and Mirae, look how far they have come.. thank you for the update <333
ftrapp2 #5
Chapter 35: I didn’t expect that … WOW!! I think this story is gonna be and gonna stay one of my favorites. It is just soo beautifully written ☺️ I really look forward to the next Update!!!
Chapter 35: Wow...this was unexpected.... they're together now and I'm so happy......^^
Looking forward to the next chapter;)
Chapter 35: After so many years of waiting got update and it was worth it ☺️..
Chapter 34: I came back to read this chapter and I never realized how Chanyeol really was the only person who challenged Mirae. Her parents, sister and Sehun really just accepted how Mirae viewed them and the world (don’t blame them, she’s a very logical and strong character) but Chanyeol was the only one who didn’t mind getting on her nerves and trying to get her to see things from a different perspective. I don’t think anyone else has considered Mirae’s feelings as much as Chanyeol. Whenever something happened, everyone acts in their own self interest, but whenever something happened, Chanyeol always thought of Mirae and how she would feel/want. But wahhhhh seeing them grow since the first chapter has me in tears TT
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *endless sound of awwwwweeee*
Can i say just how much I loved this chapter? Chanyeol’s desire for her is sooo cute and it explains the actual time he had to wait until she felt the exact same. I’d have ‘canoodled’ her till the end myself, peppering her face with kisses and stuff, never letting her out of my sight! She should have understood where he’s coming from, ahaha, but I can’t exactly blame her. It’s in her personality to be dense and shy *in a cute way*
Once again, I’m admiring your ability to deliver such long chapters >< I miss when I was able to do that. It really shows your dedication.
You don’t have to apologize for taking your time writing. Life and school can be a . I’m in my last year of Uni and they have been constantly changing the date of our graduation exams. I’ve been stuck in a happy-depressed loop for months now!
I’m excited to see the remaining chapters of this story! I’m already missing it!!!!
Chapter 34: You don't know how happy I am reading that Chanyeol and Mirae are finally together now. I'm crying happy tears. TT.TT You did well for this. I'm glad that they are still true to their character and there are still bickering moments but still in a romantic way. I want more of this and I think we deserve it after that slow burn. Lol. And also, I know there are still things you want to reveal like when did Chanyeol start liking Mirae, the handkerchief and of course their plans after high school. I'm really glad the wait for the update is sooo worth it. <3