
What is Love?
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Their trip to China was canceled mainly because Kina was a little uncomfortable and Sehun was going nowhere without his wife, especially when she needed him there.

It was a flurry of mood swings and assignments and video calls until Christmas when Sehun suddenly announced that they were going to her grandma’s for the vacation and wouldn’t return until everything was in peace and in order.

Kina was extremely thankful for that because with the graduation coming and all the deadlines plus the biggest issue in hand which is the baby, she was learning and trying her best not to overthink.

These days with the help of Sehun, she was learning how to stop overthinking by either running up to him as soon as she starts overthinking or calling him up if he is not around. It was helping a lot especially since he knew exactly what to do to let her stop. He suddenly seem to have recollections of all that happened in his life and they were all especially funny or something he saw that day that could interest her… Honestly, he was making her life easy breezy and she couldn’t be more thankful.

So, now as they bundled up to get to their grandma, she felt gleeful… almost like a little girl going to Disney Land.

“Are you guys warm and cosy?” Sehun asked with a bright smile as they stop to stretch their legs in a snow laden area. Kina giggled and nodded.

Sehun comes over to her side, opens her door and envelopes her with his coat as soon as she steps out making her laugh out loud.

“It’s not even that cold.”

“Yeah but my two precious bunnies can’t be cold.”

“Or you just want to hug us.”

“Maybe…” He chuckles, “but it’s not bad like this.”

Kina rolls her eyes but wraps her arms around his torso. “It’s not bad at all.”

The view was constricted from her sight the whole time but at least she got to warm herself up on her husband’s warm body.

“Is that what you call pregnancy?” Grandmamma was less than happy with the way Kina looked and those were the first words she uttered once they reached. Unlike Hyorin who was puffing up and swelling up in all body parts, Kina remained the same. Her bump was even barely showing.

“I swear you don’t eat anything.” She spits out but takes her arm as softly as she could while Sehun unloaded their suitcases. “You should be healthy and big! At least for the baby!”

Kina pouts and leans down her grandmamma’s shoulder making the older woman sigh in faux annoyance. “And grow up. You’re going to be a mother soon.”

At that Kina giggled, walking in pace with grandmamma to get inside the house. “How does it feel like to be a great-grandmother?”

The older woman grunts at that making Kina laugh out loud. The two women went ahead and sits by the fireplace while Sehun and the housekeepers managed the suitcases and the wines and the food brought over.

“I’ll just feed you enough so that the baby is healthy.” Grandmamma sighs as Sehun takes his seat next to Kina a little later on. Cups of hot brown chocolate were served with dancing marshmallows making the younger couple literally shut up and savour the taste of it after their long drive.

The old woman watched them with a soft smile but return to frowning if anyone were to even look up slightly.

It was going to be a beautiful Christmas for sure.

* * *


Choi Minho always knew he wanted to be a farmer so after dropping out of college, he was lucky enough to be recruited by the Park’s Food Corporation as one of their research farmers and honestly… he couldn't be prouder.

Not surprisingly the formidable Park Chanyeol had a mother who was even more formidable and yet opened her house to him and scolded him every single day and yet he has never felt more love.

He had been told that the Park’s did not take anyone in, especially after their founder’s death many years back so he was one of the first which really helped boost his ego.

The farmlands around their manor was exquisite. They obviously had chosen a spot near heaven. In the vast stretch of lands, they have all types of soil required to sample any crops and send out for bulk agricultural production once it have passed the test and just a few minutes’ drive away from their manor was a giant nursery which Minho could literally spend the entire day in. That giant nursery held all types of plants grown in Korea ranging from cash crops to food crops to even decorative crops.

The reason why he was so obsessed with this nursery was that it held the best of the best samplings in the world and was extremely exclusive. To be chosen from among the 600 or more other applicants to get this spot was not a mere feat and every single day he jumped out of bed in excitement.

The only minor problem here was that there were almost no people and when you are not involved with farming activities or dealing with samples or trying to revive a near-death plant… it was boring.  The only other people around were grandmothers and dedicated yet old men and women so even right now as he trudged his way through the snow into the Park’s manor, he let out a little sigh.

He had decided not to go home for Christmas because a new batch of winter crops had come in last season and they were monitoring how the plant will thrive in Korea’s weather conditions. He had spent an entirety of two days in the nursery making sure they were well taken care off, especially with the cold wave.

Some scientists had also come over and he being the head of the nursery here needed to be there to take care of them as well. It was just great that the nursery had an attached facility with beds and kitchen to accommodate these visiting scientists. It was not the cosiest place in the world but it was fully furnished and he did not mind spending one or two nights in there.

He lets out a breath of air and rubbed his hands together to beat the chill before running up to get into the manor through the back door. It was a cold winter… probably even colder than Seoul.

A waft of delicious aroma reached his nostrils and he gulped down his saliva. There’s nothing better than home cooked food and no one better than Grandma Park to do that. Slipping off his massive coat to hang it, he quickly takes off his shoes and cleaned up the snow that he had brought in.

Excitedly he danced his way to the kitchen expecting Grandma Park and Mrs. Kim, their housekeeper to be there.

However, as soon as he reached the kitchen he had to blink a lot of times to really comprehend what he was seeing. Instead of two older ladies cooking slowly with their round bellies, he watched a gorgeous lady in pretty pink apron cooking in their kitchen.

What was he seeing? Was he this lonely that he was imagining a woman? That too such a gorgeous girl? Who was she? He was pretty sure in his six months of stay in here, he had never seen this girl or he’d surely remember.

Damn, what good luck? Did they hire a chef for Christmas? But then again Christmas was some days from now…

“Hello?” He decides to get into business. He was going to get her attention.

She turns around as though expecting him but her eyes go wide with confusion as soon as their eyes met.

Oh god, she was even more gorgeous up close.

“Hi?” She answers but her tone was confused. He wanted to chuckle.

“Here on some work?” He asks as he puffs up his chest a little and walked towards the fridge to get a bottle of water. Oh no… His body was entirely frozen but then he already had a bottle of cold water in his hands and it will be too suspicious if he doesn’t drink it.

You know what? He should get a glass.

“Are you living here?” She asks instead of answering his question still with a confused frown. “Grandmamma said someone else was living here as well…”

Grandmamma? Were they close? Everyone who knows Grandma Park calls her grandma though…

“Yeah…” He says as he takes a cup from the rack trying to flex his muscles as much as he could so that he could impress her, “Been here for the last six months. You new around here?”

He tried to be as cool as possible as he leaned on the island in such a way that all of his towering height was in display. Surely she’ll be impressed.

However, she all but ignores him and return to cooking.

“I see…” She only says as she stirs the food.

“Ya know, I could show you around if you want…” He speaks up when she doesn’t reply. Was she trying hard to get? Was she being coy?

“Oh…” She says with an apologetic laugh. “Where are my manners? I am sorry. I used to live here before so that’ll not be needed but thank you for the offer. You seem like a nice guy. What’s your name?”

“Minho’s the name.” He winked at her as he took a sip seemingly certain that the girl had been taken by him because she was now talking to him well.

“Oh. That’s a nice name…” She says with a tight smile, “I’m Kina. Granddaughter.”

The glass in his hand nearly slips but he catches it on time.

Wait! THAT granddaughter everyone talks about?

Wait a minute! Does that mean he had a chance of actually becoming a permanent part of this land if he gets her?

Wait a minute more! Why did no one tell him she was this gorgeous…? But then again, with Park Chanyeol himself being such a good looking man, how could he expect any less…

From what people talk about her, it seemed she was still in college and every single time they talked about her

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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973 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
973 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
973 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
973 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
973 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.