
What is Love?
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Sehun finished his can and sighed deeply as he watched the sun dipped into the ocean. Just some days back because of the wedding, there had been a crazy amount of activities involving both him and his wife but now that it was done with, there was peace.

As a wedding gift, they had given the newly wedded couple a week's worth of honeymoon in the most romantic city in the world – Paris and they had flown there just yesterday. Of course, Sehun also had another thing up his sleeve which was to fly his wife away from all the chaos in the office.

And sure enough, he smiled looking at the sleeping girl curled up in his arms in the outdoor cot somewhere in the Bahamas. The place was beautiful and peaceful – exactly what she needs.

They flew in just this afternoon and as soon as they reached, Sehun had taken her out in the balcony which overlooked the blue ocean to cuddle and it was no surprise that she fell asleep as soon as they settled in.

Sehun sighs again and closed his eyes to take in the roar of the ocean, the chorus of crickets that were beginning, and smiled. Not like he had ever run short of money but working in the office most definitely gave him more money to spend and this time, he had brought her to an exclusive resort to which only the crème de la crème of the society has access.

Hugging her closer and placing a kiss on her forehead, he also slumbered away. They were both jet-lagged anyway.


* * *


Kina felt the breeze on her cheeks and smiled at the blue sky that seems to stretch endlessly. Sehun had definitely chosen an amazing place and she was slowly feeling normal again. With the baby issue cleared out between them, it felt as though the world was a better place again. The office could wait and she was on schedule with her class works… Things were always fine. She just overthinks every single thing.

She hears Sehun’s loud laughter and turns to look at him. He had been surfing since they came out to play in the waters and being a little rusty, he was trying to regain his balance. Kina’s smile broadened looking at her husband. Thankfully he was settling in just fine in the office and the last few months had been good. Things were going well in his department and their deal with the Japanese company had been a major success.

However, Kina knew well and good that his heart would always be in teaching… it was his passion after all.

The real reason why she had been so worried and working so hard in the office was that she wanted to take up the mantel as soon as possible and take up his work as well. She was making contacts and establishing necessary connections among people in the higher-ups just so that she can take up his place and send him back to teaching.

The problem was that she did not want Sehun to know that. He probably thinks it was her mother who was making her work like this but it was she herself and no one. She did not want him to know because if he were to find out, he might not be ecstatic about it. Maybe he’d appreciate her efforts but feel belittled… or maybe not. It was just her feelings after all.

Anyhow as he laughed and failed another attempt, she lets out a little giggle and watched him until he could balance himself and surf beautifully. Right now… She would just continue to work hard so that he could be the happiest version of himself.

“HUN! LET’S GET LUNCH!” She shouts for him to come over to which he reluctantly heaves his surfboard and comes to her.

“Hun…” She wrapped her hand around his torso and leaned into him. “You did a good job.”

Sehun flashed a proud smile and came down to place kisses all over her face. “Wasn’t I so cool? Did you see the way I was able to surf that huge wave? Gosh. That was exciting. It has been so long since I surfed but I think I still got it. Don’t you think so?”

Kina simply smiles and nods as he continued to ramble on about surfing which she could care less about but listened intently knowing he loved it.

“Are you sure you don’t want to try it out? It is exhilarating!” He tells her once they take their seat on a table beneath coconut trees.

“I rather watch my husband surf…” Kina says with a slight chuckle making Sehun’s ears go a little red.

“Why?” He smirks and tweaks her nose. “Was I that hot?”

Kina laughs but nods her head. “The hottest.”

Sehun laughs as well but the blush that decorated his face made Kina’s heart swell with love. He still flusters every time she compliments him.

They feast on fresh seafood and expensive treats while discussing everything and nothing. Honestly… the moon was all theirs in their 5 days holiday in the Bahamas.


* * *


Sehun had to travel to Busan as soon as they landed in Korea and it upset him in many ways because they had been having such a good time! Kina’s insecurities had all flown away and she’d been blooming out beautifully that it was a joy just looking at her.

Kina kissed him deeply as she bid him goodbye at the airport even pouting a little making him even more unwilling to go.

“I think I should just stay back…” He whines into the crook of her neck. “I mean work is work… It is always there.”

Kina chuckles at that of course and ruffles his hair. “And I will be here as well… You got to go… You’ve pushed it back far enough.”

It was true. He was supposed to go and visit the Busan site the last week but he pushed it to this week so he could go on a honeymoon with his wife. Yeah. It was still a honeymoon.

“The Japanese investors are already there waiting for you and you can’t be the little baby that you are right now.”

He grumbles at that and stands up straight. “Then come with me! You still have half the week before class starts and what would you even do all by yourself in the house without me?”

Kina gives him a sharp look at that, almost challenging him to recall all the days she’d already been alone.

“Yeah, yeah…” He grumbles unable to win against her.

“Just be safe an

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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978 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
978 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
978 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
978 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
978 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.