Sea Food

What is Love?
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Sea Food


"Want some donuts?" Sehun lifted his head to see Jongin waltzing into his office holding a box of donut and 2 cups of coffee in a coffee holder.

"No thanks. I ate already." He says and goes back to reading.

"What? What? What? Since when did you start eating breakfast without me?" Jongin frowns and glare at him as he plops down and made himself comfortable on the sofa. His friend really have a flair for drama.

"Since this morning," He states plainly without even looking up from his iPad.

Jongin scoffs and stuffs the rest of the half-eaten donut into his mouth.

"I guess marriage really changes a person." He scoffs taking the other donut and biting into it.

This makes Sehun look at Jongin only to make a face of annoyance and return to his reading.

"When are you going to introduce me to her? I can't believe you are keeping me from her or from anyone for that matter besides you don't even wear your wedding band." Jongin was throwing a fit again.

"I told you it was an arranged marriage." Sehun rolls his eyes, already tired of his friend’s charades. He really could not get used to this side of Jongin… Which unfortunately is his only side. Besides this wasn’t the first time they talked about this.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you rich people keeps doing." Jongin finishes his donut with relish and the remaining cream of his fingers. "It's been like what… 2 months since your marriage and she moves in only 2 days back. You people are twisted."

Sehun says nothing but gets up and takes his cup of coffee and sits down opposite to his friend who was now cleaning his hands with tissue papers.

"You are teaching economics major, aren't you?"

"Stop changing the topic. When are you inviting me over to your new apartment? You ditched me and left me alone."

"You teaching the first years as well?"

"Yeah..." Jongin nods, "So when do I get to come and meet the Mrs. Oh?"

You've met her already, Sehun thinks. Shaking his head slightly, he sighs. "Soon. Soon."


"Kim~ Jong~ In~" Soomi sighs dreamily as she looks over at the two man sitting some tables away in the cafeteria. "Even his name is handsome."

Kina cracks a little smile at her friend. Two months seem to have flown by but with the amount of work in a university it only felt like a week since classes actually began.

She was having her lunch with her friends from the same major. There was Lee Soomi, the fan-girl who falls in love with every pretty boy for 3 days and then gets over it, then there was Kim Jimin who only dreams of food, think of food and talks about food. Apparently she took up economics to deal with her spending on food but 'this subject is certainly not what I expected.’ Then there was the pretty girl of the group, Kim Minah who unfortunately could kill with her glares. She was just so bad at socializing that most times all of them gets tired simply looking at her trying to talk to new people.

For some reason, the four of them just got drawn towards each other and now for the past month, they had been taking classes together and eating lunches together. Kina could well say they were friends and good friends at that.

"We are so lucky right? That we have this hour free right? I mean, like so many people are having classes right now, right?" Soomi continues, her polished hands flailing all over the place to explain her point. "And like, can you believe that like out of so many hours we get to have lunch with two hunks of professor."

Soomi was a person of colour and that being said her hair was flaming red, her lips of the same colour and her eyelids probably a few colours from the rainbow. Her nails were always impeccably done and honestly, if it were someone else they would look a little terrifying but Soomi carried out all these with an air of innocence. Perhaps it was her small stature and her round eyes.

Kim Minah scrunched her eyebrows in concentration and nods her head solemnly while looking at Soomi with a dazed look. "You're right."

Now Minah was the typical all natural pretty girl who will make you take a second glance. Her hair reached her waist but had more split ends then what was necessary; her brows were bushy as well. And yet even with all these she was breath-taking.

Kina was now fully smiling. These people really were such dorks who she couldn't help but love.

"Um... Excuse me?" A male voice came, bringing each of their attention to the newly arrived male.

"Oh, Kyoungsoo..." Kina greeted the new arrival. He was also part of their major. "Come sit."

Smiling gratefully, the new boy comes and sits down at their table. Now this boy, Do Kyoungsoo was the only male in their table. He was the type of guy who was friends with everyone but not necessarily close with anyone and during lunch, he'd be alone and Kina had invited him to their table and since then they started eating together almost like they’ve been like that forever.

He was a person of smaller stature although still taller than all the girls and had big round eyes, sort of similar with Soomi. A very adorable person, she must admit.

"You got the Pork Cutlet!" Jimin exclaims as soon as Kyoungsoo puts down his tray. "Give me half. I'll give you some of my curry."

Jimin had very short hair. Her eyes were turn upwards in a very cat like manner and she always have this frown on her face which made people a little intimated. She eats the most out of them all and yet she was the person who was the slimmest of them all.

Kina felt her smile growing as she looked at the people on her table. Right now... life really feels fine.


* * *


Kim Jongin sighs at the amount of paper work on his desk. When was he going to go through all these? Remind him again why he only accepts printed out versions of assignments. He groans, takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose. God! This was tiring.

"Kyoungsoo... come to my office." He called up his lackey, a new freshman who was seriously easy to get along with or order around with.

In 10 minutes, the student came over looking curious.

"You called for me sir?" This student, although been only 2 months had become his favourite person to assign work to. From ironing his clothes to laundry... Kyoungsoo does it all for him all the while laughing and smiling and in return Jongin treats him to amazing meals.

That was a good deal to be honest.

"Yes. Carry all these papers to my room and also clean my room. We will be having pork belly tonight." He announces with vigour, giving out a little booming laughter like he always does.

At this, the younger man

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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977 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
977 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
977 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
977 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
977 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.