
What is Love?
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Kina fidgeted in her clothes as she pulled up at her college. Sehun had ordered the cutest lavender skirt for her which had frills and everything along with a -colored blouse with billowy sleeves. This was a far cry from the usual dark, comfortable clothes she wears so obviously she had her reservations.

A knock on her window surprises her and she looks up to see Baekhyun peering curiously at her. Great! Just her luck to see Baekhyun the first thing in the morning. What was he doing here so early? Isn’t he usually late?

Taking a huge gulp of air, she gingerly steps out of her car trying not to fidget too much. As opposed to the laughter she expected, there is pin-drop silence so she turns to look at the guy who was gapping at her but not like good gape… like shocked.

Oh god. She looked ridiculous, doesn’t she? If it weren’t for Sehun who said she looked like a fairy she would never wear something like this in public.

But then a moment later, the red-faced Baekhyun bursts into the loudest laughter she had ever heard from him as he clutched his stomach and literally squats down to control himself.

Kina scoffs where she stood and folded her arms. This was the expression she had expected however that doesn’t lessen her annoyance.

“Sure… Sure… laugh at me,” She says feeling grim. When she had walked out wearing that this morning, Sehun had been stunned and she had felt so beautiful under his warm gaze. He then came and smothered her with kisses saying she was the most beautiful thing… but here she was being laughed at by this vermin. Such a contrast. Tsk.

Baekhyun stuck to her the entire day laughing and wiping off imaginary tears while being annoyingly clingy. She was never going to wear anything like this ever again no matter how much Sehun adored her in it.



Jongin scoffed openly at the way Kina was acting unable to keep it in anymore. She had been avoiding him all evening even chasing him out of the kitchen. He was here for a dinner on self-invitation without his partner just like old times. Sehun was busy in his room doing some company work while he is left all alone bored out of his mind.

Normally he would be laughing and joking with her in the kitchen as they cooked together but today he was not allowed. And if he was not cooking, he will be talking with his girlfriend but she was also not here. She was busy working at a party tonight and since it was a high-class dinner of some stuff, she was mad busy.

“Are you seriously doing this so that I stop coming?”

She had not only been avoiding him but also plainly ignoring his existence darting her eyes away the second they met.

But then he wonders if she had acted like this shy girl in the first year then he doubts he will have ever moved on from his infatuation.

“Sehun!” Kina ignores him again and calls her husband. “Dinner is ready. Let’s eat.”

He was already seated in the dining table waiting for goodness knows how long till she is done because what else would he do? Sehun was busy as , his head buried in the files. He was going to have gray hairs soon if he continues like this. His girlfriend can't even come to the phone and Kina was ignoring his existence. 

Sehun does not come out though and Kina sighed worriedly before going to her room where he was. Jongin wondered if Sehun even goes into his room anymore. Some minutes later, Kina comes out with a disgruntled Sehun who is pouting and mumbling something like having so many works.

Jongin couldn’t help but let out a small smile looking at the way Kina had her hands on his waist guiding him. Kina was the perfect girl for him. If anything, Sehun was a big baby and with Kina around, he becomes a bigger baby but Jongin doubts anyone could have handled each other better than this couple.

Kina was headstrong and wants almost everything her way when Sehun was a baby who couldn’t care less. They were like a puzzled fitted perfectly together.

“Shall we eat?” He says getting annoyed as Sehun instead of sitting down hugged Kina, putting his head on her shoulders and pouting some more. He knows if he let them be Sehun will start to kiss her.

Ugh! Couples.

The next minute there were chinking of cutleries as they filled their plates with food.

“Kina…” Jongin notices her distracted behavior of filling Sehun’s plate and decided to take advantage of it and he wins when she turns to look at him. “Gotcha! You can’t look away anymore.”

Kina of course decides to choke on dry-air at that.

“What’s going on?” Sehun asks rubbing her back and pouring water for her.

“She’s been avoiding me all evening!” Jongin points at her with an accusing look. “She even chased me out of the kitchen.”

Sehun smiles at that, amusement evident all over his face as he turns to look at the girl who was still coughing, red in the face.

“Why?” He asks but he sounded like he was teasing her.

It took some time for Kina to fully cool down. When she does, she turns solemn making the two men there raise their eyebrows.

“Yah! Did I seriously do something wrong?” Jongin asks, his heart beating a little faster. Did she figure it out or something? But that was only momentary and nothing serious or anything. He simply had a small crush. No big deal.

“I talked to my uncle…” She finally says flashing both of them with guilty eyes before training them on her plate. At that Jongin leans down on his chair, a little uneasy at the topic.

“And I think I know the reason why you two were picked by him,” She says playing with her fingers.

“There was a reason?” Sehun asks, his chopsticks going to pick on some food. He places one on Kina’s plate while taking the other one to his mouth. Kina all but ignores the food like she had ignored Jongin the whole evening.

“Apparently…” She mumbles, her head going even lower than before. “Um… I was the reason.”

“WHAT?” Both the men exclaims with Sehun placing down his chopsticks and Jongin sitting up straight.

“How on earth did you even come into that picture?” Jongin asks, brows puckered. “Were you even born then?”

Kina threw him a look at that making him keep quiet. She returns her gaze to her fingers and clears .

“You guys remember meeting me at a basketball court?”

“Dude…” Sehun sighs picking up his chopsticks again. “What crazy story did he spin this time?”

“No… I remember it.” She argues, “Oppa brought me to your campus when I was little… probably around 7 or 8 and I slipped away from their group because they started doing something boring.”

“Wait a minute…” Jongin looked shocked, “Wait a minute! You can’t be that little girl? Is that seriously the reason?”

Kina nods grimacing.

“What is going on? What little girl?” The two turns to look at Sehun who was chewing his food and looking absolutely lost.

“Remember that time when we were playing basketball and we saw this girl who was watching us and we took her to eat ice cream and Loey came over with a bunch of friends and took her?”

Sehun’s eyes looked like it was about to bulge out as he looks at Kina then at him and then at Kina.

“That was you? That goat was you?” Both the table occupants looked surprised when Sehun started laughing. Jongin groans when his friend starts attacking Kina with head pats and cheek squishes all the while laughing and saying how cute she was when she was a baby and that he can’t believe he actually saw her.

Come on! Whipped friend. What about the subject at hand?

“I remember you refusing to go back with him and clinging on to me that day,” He continues, smiling a little at the incident but still being serious. Thankfully Sehun was now listening while still playing with her hair, his other hand eating. “Are you saying that is the reason? That you choose me over him?”

“Yah! She did not choose you. She chose us!” Sehun angrily points his chopsticks at him, his other hand coming back to the table.

But as Sehun angrily points at him he misses out the obvious blush at Kina’s cheeks. Oh goodness, she was adorable.

“Look at your wife Sehun! She keeps on blushing at me. I am starting to think she has a crush on me,” He panics and calls his friend to the rescue feeling his heart going gooey at Kina’s cuteness. Right now he cannot see Kina as a woman rather as the cutest little sister ever and especially after knowing they met when they were younger.

“Yahhhhh… You cannot blush at anything else other than me.” Sehun not surprisingly whines at her and forces her to look at him making the girl roll her eyes while trying to remove his hands.

“He said that you laughed at him when I chose to stay with you and he got annoyed.” She says, solemnity finally resuming. “He was a late child with three parents, mom included to grant his every wish. Mom was more of a mother to him than to me so he was spoilt rotten. If anything ever goes the way he did not want, he began to do something about it. He is quite the psycho.”

“So you are saying that it was normal for him to leave mutilated corpses of farm animals in other people’s tables, lockers, and bags?”

Kina’s mouth went agape. For a while, she closes and opened like a fish out of water.

“My goodness…” She mutters after a while, shaking her head as though she couldn’t believe that, and then she adds. “That was where all the animals went.”

“Excuse me?” It was now the turn of the men to look at her with opened mouths.

“That was where all the animals went?”

She winces at the question and started playing with her fingers again. “He liked torturing poor animals… but most of their corpses were never found so…”

“My goodness… He is a psycho…” It was Sehun who shook his head now. “That simple reason took him so far as to bully Jongin for 2 straight years. My god! He even forced Jongin to strangle a puppy knowing Jongin likes them.”

Jongin flinched at that memory which haunted him to this day.

“He… what?” Kina looked like she wanted to cry as she looks over at him. “Oh god! I am so, so sorry Jongin…”

“It’s not your fault.” He replies trying to smile at her but she shakes her head.

“I- After that incident, Oppa was adamant that he had to be my favorite but I kept insisting that you were better than him.” She says looking u

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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973 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
973 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
973 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
973 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
973 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.