What is Love?
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What is Love?

Part - 3


Junior Year




Kina watched her uncle sleep and let out a deep sigh. She had nightmares so she had ran to him in the middle of the night.

“My little baby would not be harmed by anyone anymore,” He had said with an angry face when she had gone to him before. “Now your uncle- I mean your Oppa will protect you from all the evil forces. Nothing will come now. Go to sleep.”

He was still holding her and she was glad for that. And true to what he had said, the nightmare had stopped but it was morning now and they had to wake up.

“Oppa?” He doesn’t wake up so she decides to just go away.

“My little, tiny, precious puppy,” He plopped himself down on the chair as Kina was having her breakfast and go to school. “Did any nightmare come again?”

She shakes her head and shoved another spoonful of chocolate cereal into that still had some front teeth missing.

“Of course!” He grinned widely at her, “When you Oppa is here you need not worry about anything!”

He takes a toast and smears a huge heap of butter upon it making Kina crinkle her nose in disgust.

“Do you want ice-cream? I’ll take you out later on for ice-cream okay? Nothing like ice-cream to chase away bad dreams.”

That day Kina was as happy as happy can be with the nightmares no longer any problem at all.






Spring meant a lot of things. Spring is youth, spring is beauty, spring is cherry blossoms and new academic year, and spring is lounging with friends in the grass taking in the sun… And it was spring right now.

Kina laughed out loud at the lame joke that Junmyeon was telling them as they sat on the grass, soaking in the sun during a free period.

It had been a week into the new academic year. For plenty of unknown reasons, Junmyeon seemed quite different from the cocky one he had been the last time they saw him and there were fewer reasons to dislike the guy now and it was safe to say that they were all starting to accept them. Starting to.

Minah said nothing but they knew that she was happy with Junmyeon being slowly accepted in the group so they were also trying not to be too annoyed by his presence alone… and they can also see Junmyeon trying.

Only Soomi was absent from the group, this time it had been her and her choice of subject that was unlucky.

Baekhyun was sitting with them looking all sunny and happy. He seemed much better than how he looked last year and it made Kina sort of glad.

“Shall we take a photo?” Junmyeon suddenly asks forgetting that he was cracking some jokes. “The light is amazing right now and I think we can upload it on our Instagram.”

“Why don’t you just say you want us to follow you?” Jimin looked at her nails looking done as he said that. This girl really gave no .

Junmyeon lowered the phone which was already halfway with an embarrassed chuckle. Kina smirked a little seeing the flustered Junmyeon. He probably was like so because they kept him in his place. Merely weeks back, the old Junmyeon would not even be sitting on the grass with them saying that was a commoner sort of thing to do and as a leader, he needed to be somewhere and be an idle student or something.

At least he was trying to be a better person. But before that, Kina shrugs and winked at Jimin who winks back... She was glad that they did not have to deal with that balloon headed Junmyeon.

Aside from Soomi, their group of friends had the most boring Instagram feed. They most likely upload a photo every 2 years or so.

Baekhyun though seemed to have another thought. “Let’s take some photos! Tag me too!”

Kyoungsoo, Jimin, and Kina collectively rolled their eyes while Minah chuckled wearily eyeing them. They were not 'photo' people until Soomi forces them to pose. For her they could give any pose but that special offer was only available for Soomi.

“Everybody say cheese….” Baekhyun already had his phone up while Junmyeon posed still looking abashed. The other four just sat there, stiff as wooden boards. At least they were smiling.

“What on earth is Baekhyun doing here anyway?” Jimin mumbles to her when everyone goes forward to look at the photo. “Shouldn’t he be with his loud friends? Soomi is not even here to begin with.”

Kina shrugs her shoulders again not really liking it either. They were friendly people but when their circle gets encroached, they become mighty defensive.

Her phone buzzes inside her pocket just when Baekhyun and Junmyeon were striking a different pose with Minah and Kyoungsoo joining them. They had not even asked Jimin and her to join again knowing they were going to get beaten if they did. Also, Jimin was already sleeping on the grass.

S: Taking in the sun?

That was a text message from Sehun and it automatically put a smile on her face. She was tempted to look around for him so she did but does not see him.

K: Where are you?

She replies with a shy smile.

S: Coming out to take in the sun as well… Just finished with my lectures.

She looked around and sure enough, he was walking slowly towards their direction, a smile planted on his face as he glanced at her and then at his phone.

She hopped with all her being that they were not being obvious.

K: Why are you alone? Jongin?

S: Tsk! Since when did you stop calling him Professor Kim?

K: Since he fanboyed about Unnie to us. XD

His shoulders shook when she sends him that making her feel all fluttery inside. There was some thrill to this. This star-crossed lover or whatever this was… it felt nerve-racking but thrilling at the same time.

He had reached some distance away from her when he changes his direction to a group of teachers which she had not noticed at first. There were a bunch of them but Jongin was nowhere in sight. They all had coffee cups in their hand and looked relaxed.

K: Why are you all outside? Aren’t you supposed to be teaching or something?

S: Give us a break student. We are humans too.

She titters at that and looks over at Jimin who had kept a whole book on her face to block out the sun.

K: Have fun then.

S: You too baby…

He had only recently started using pet names to her and it makes her cringe so bad every single time but that did not mean it did not feel good either. It made her all mushed up inside.

Putting down her phone, her attention went back to the four noisy people who were still busy clicking and trying to get a proper angle. Minah was at awe of Baekhyun’s phone camera saying it was the best.

“Hey, Minah! I got bubbles… Shall I blow them for you? I think it will look good on the camera.”

Minah’s face lit up like a Christmas tree as she crawled to her and hugged her.

“BOSS! You’re the best!”

Kina laughs aloud and pulls out the Bubble maker from her bag making the two new duos scrunch their face in confusion and surprise.

“You have a bubble maker in your bag?” Junmyeon was apparently too scared to voice his thought but not Baekhyun.

The original members of the group, including Jimin who had already sat UP upon mentioning of bubbles just shrugs their shoulders.

“Yeah… You don't?” Kina asks and begins to blow bubbles from the stick making Jimin, Minah, and Kyoungsoo laugh excitedly while Junmyeon and Baekhyun watched uncomfortably.

“This group is soooo weird,” Kina heard Baekhyun mumble to Junmyeon who nods his head but they were both smiling. Kina wanted to laugh at how they looked like they wanted to get out of there but now it was too late.

“Alright… That looks nice. I’ll make a slow-mo video of it.” Baekhyun snaps his finger and started taking the video while Junmyeon shows his thumbs up indicating that it was all going good.

Funnily their HOD came over to them jogging slightly. Now their HOD had been teaching them all of last year and even this year. He was a handsome man in his early 50s. Kina liked him quite a lot.

“You guys look like you are having fun!”

“We are sir!” Kina quips up, her eyes going crescent.  He was such a father figure to them but especially to her so much that their group had dubbed him as her college father. She was not complaining though.

“Good, good! You should enjoy life when you are young.” He laughs amiably and took a sip from his coffee.


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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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977 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
977 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
977 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
977 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
977 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.