Han River

What is Love?
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Baekhyun groaned and forced his mind to the game. He and his friends had been playing video games to pass the time and enjoy their holidays but he had been doing poorly. He couldn’t help it though. The entire holiday his mind had been swirling around a certain girl who had awoken his curiosity.

He thought it would be a short term infatuation but it had been months since Halloween and weeks since he actually saw her in person but she was still in his brain.

He groans at the screen which showed that he had lost for the 6th times in a row while his opponent shouted in victory. Byun Baekhyun was known as the undefeated gamer and yet he had suffered losses for the sixth time now however he did not feel any anger at all, in fact he laughed aloud making all his friends look at him in surprise.

He was a sore loser but now he was laughing.

He smiled widely later on when he was alone looking at the photos of them on Halloween night. She had come as Cookie monster in that large furry custom, making him feel like melting at how cute she looked.

They had clicked a photo together, just one. He had gone as a vampire and they looked so odd standing together like two identities from different universes coming together but that was the only photo of them together and he had stopped counting how many times he had been staring at this photo.

Feeling like he had caught himself crushing over a girl like a middle school boy, he cleared his throat and decided to look at other photos of him with all the others on that night.

He laughs a little looking at the photo that he took with Professor Oh and Professor Jongin. His favorite professor Jongin had donned a cool pirate custom while Professor Oh had only donned a blue coat with a silk shirt that had prints of cookies in them.

How boring.



Han River



Sehun sighed happily and sipped the water on his bedside. He felt completely fine this early morning. No more headache or muscle cramps. Heck, he was back!

He snuggles into the bed again seeing that it was still dark outside. Kina was sleeping soundly by his side, probably tired. She had her hands thrown all over the bed.

He gives a little chuckle and goes to bring her hands in and pulls her closer to him. Her eyes fluttered open at that but seeing him she closes it and sleeps off again.

He plants a kiss on her crown and let his hand trail her .

“Are you better?” She murmurs sleepily, “Do you need anything?”

“I am perfectly fine,” He assures her and kisses her crown again.

“Are you sure? What about your headache?” She rubbed her eyes and looks up to him. His heart swelled with love and longing even though she was right there, in his arms. This tiny, little baby cared for him so much…

Instead of saying anything, he snuggled even closer to her and sighs happily again. This makes Kina chuckle a little.

“Big baby…” She mutters and drifts off to sleep.

They were sharing his room today but Kina’s room had become their official room. Their things were still in their proper places but after their honeymoon, Sehun only stayed inside her room making her grumble every time because he would make a big mess.  Even her bathroom was not safe anymore. He probably smells like Kina as he had been using all her products making her cry in one or two instances.

One time he had used her foam face-cleanser as a body wash and she had nearly had a heart attack when he came out smelling heavenly. He most probably used half the bottle and it had been new. After that, he was forbidden to use her bathroom but a week later, he was all over the place again.

Kissing her bare shoulder, Sehun hugged his new pillow even tighter making her groan. With a chuckle, he loosens his hold on her making her give him a stink eye.

“Go to sleep!”

Right now though, his stomach was churning with too much love he couldn’t possibly close his eyes. All he wanted now was to stare at her but he nods making her close her eyes and drift off with a frown.

He tried to be romantic and kiss of the frown away but she slaps his face before turning to the other side. He was now laughing but he grabs her by her tummy and spoons her and made sure to kiss her neck and back.

“I swear I am going to my room if you keep this up,” She sternly warns making him cackle, shut up and quietly cuddle her.

Will this girl ever understand that even in the middle of the night, even sleep-deprived she could make his heart pound like crazy. His comfort pillow had long gone… although it was somewhere in his room, he had Kina- a much better one to fall asleep too.

No matter how many problems might be there in his mind, how much anxiety built up, each night when he holds her… nothing seem to be a problem anymore and he would have the best sleep ever.

Is this what love is?


* * *


“That is only a part of it!” Jongin was in their apartment, excitement painted all over his face.

“You went somewhere with her after that?” Sehun asks looking bored but they both know he was invested.

Kina felt sort of weird knowing that her professor was accounting his date to them but she couldn’t help but feel elated for him.

Jongin nods his head vigorously and even clapped. Kina bit her lips from laughing at the little boy who was sharing his crush issues with his another little friend.

“So like after the dinner we went down for a stroll at the Han River…” His brows were up and his eyes were bright with excitement. “It was so romantic. I am telling you my bad luck with women is now over and she is the ONE!”

Sehun and Kina looked at each other and smiled. Jongin was excited to the max and it was rubbing off them.

“That is incredible. We can’t wait to see the one who’s made you this crazy.” Sehun finally congratulates Jongin with a smile while the other guy beamed.

“She is amazing. We have so much connection and I really think she is the one.”

“Do I know her?” Kina looked over to Sehun who looked a little worried.

“Um… no. I’ve known her for some time but only as an acquaintance. It was only last year when you two dumped me and went to Japan that I happened to bump into her… so I asked her out… on a date.”

“Should we be worried?” Sehun pushed on making Kina smiled encouragingly at her professor who had stopped talking and rubbing his neck.

“No… She’s very nice. She works as a planner for a company… um, also she’s like 33…”

“She’s older?” Sehun’s lips curved upwards. “Figures… That is good for a change I

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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973 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
973 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
973 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
973 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
973 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.