
What is Love?
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Sehun frowned as he listened to a couple of freshmen boys’ gossip. He was listening because they were discussing about a certain someone that was his.

“Dude I swear… Senior Kina is freaking cool man! I see her every day and I am always getting floored.”

“Dude totally. I wish I could be close to her. She seems so nice.”

“She is nice.” One boy replies smugly, “I am a friend of hers.”

The other three openly scoffed while Sehun scoffed inwardly.

“You talked to her once, one time.”

“Yeah, but she was so nice and friendly.”

“I think she’s kind of so-so for me.” Sehun scowled at that and wished he could turn back and see who it was so that he could deduce all his marks.

“She’s cool and everything but she seems boring.”

“But then don’t you think she is such a good girlfriend material? She does not seem the type to play around.”

“Dudeeee yyyesss…” Everyone chorused making Sehun slightly buffed up.

“Do you think she’s single?”

“Maybe… She is always with that small group of friends and that guy. Don’t think they’re anything like that.”

“I bet we all have a shot then?”

Sehun wanted to laugh out loud at that but decided to simply clear his throat to conceal it. There was no way they were even getting near her. She was all his and his only.

His wife!

“Professor Oh? Are you listening to us?”



(WARNING: Implied )

(Celebrating 300 subs and 50 Upvotes!! Thank you all so much!!)



Sehun took off his sunglasses and breaths in the Tokyo air. Ah! This place never fails to surprise him but this time it was even more magical than ever before! His lady was snuggled by him, looking out at the passing scenery with that twinkle in her eyes. This was true magic.

Unable to help himself as he always is whenever he catches her looking all vulnerable, he leaned in and kisses her temple making her look up and blink at him in surprise.

But then she smiles at him and probed herself up to give him a peck on the lips. “This is the best gift ever.” She murmurs fondly, her eyes soft and happy, making his heart travel faster than light.

Hugging her even tighter, he hopes that their stay in Tokyo remains this mushy the entire trip. This was their honeymoon after all.

“Are we spending Christmas here?” she asks after some time. Their cab was still cruising and their hotel was a good 20 minutes away.

“If you want, we can,” Sehun replies putting his cheek on her head. “I did not book a round trip… It is your gift after all… you can stay as long as you want.”

Sehun takes her hand and laces their fingers when he notices her ring and sits up straight.

“You’re wearing the ring!” His heart gave a long happy drumroll. This was almost like saying she would marry him and it seriously made him ecstatic.

“I’ve always carried it with me in my necklace but we’re here… out here.” She says as she held on to his hand tighter. “It looks good on me… doesn’t it?”

Sehun nods as he chuckles unable to keep the bubble of happiness inside. Their couple rings were finally in place.

“We are going to take tons of photos together and tons of things together. There is just so much here that I want you to see. I cannot wait!”


* * *


The Cab driver rolled his eyes and tried to keep it on the road. This Korean couple was annoyingly lovey-dovey and it was not rocket science that they were here on a honeymoon.

They both looked very young and were having the best time of their life. They were also probably loaded judging from the way they were in a premium car and was driving to this luxury hotel that was on top of a luxury mountain. He wouldn’t be surprised either if he finds out that they were celebrities because they were both very attractive.

Judging from the giggles and their soft tones, they seemed awfully in love with each other, making him jealous. It was only a short drive, only one ride from among many yet these two seem to interest him much more than anyone who has ridden his car today.

“Have a wonderful stay in Japan,” He greets them as he should upon reaching their enormous hotel. He was half expecting them to ignore them like everyone normally does but he is surprised when the male greets him back in perfect Japanese while the girl beams at him.

His heart warms when he drove away from the hotel feeling elated all of a sudden. Love really rubs off you, doesn't it?

He went home happy that night wishing that all couples will be like them.


* * *


The first day they had reached their hotel in the afternoon and therefore lazily lounged on their hotel room and marveled at the view down below. They had booked a week's stay on this luxurious hotel which overlooked the entire or maybe some part of Tokyo and it was breathtaking.

Kina lets out a contented sigh as she sips her drink on the couch. The view from there was worth all the distance and travel.

It was nightfall already and the entire Tokyo was lit up with extravagant lights and especially with Christmas just around the corner, it was extra festive.

Sehun was fresh out of the shower and looked every bit wonderfully gorgeous. With his hair dripping and his shirtless, toned body... She needed to focus on the view outside or she would be caught ogling.

He comes over and literally tackles her until she was sleeping on top of him. He smirks at her from underneath and gives her a sloppy kiss.

“My wife is so pretty.” He giggled like a teenage girl at his comment. Kina groans in disbelief.

“Sehun! It is just the first night here and you are already drunk?”

“Only a little bit…” He admits mischievously as his eyes darted everywhere around the room finally landing on hers.

“When did you even-?”

“Before shower… When you were showering.” He giggles again as though amazed by his smartness.

Kina groans again but rested her cheeks on his chest and remained quiet.

The night skyline was exhilaratingly beautiful and the man she’ll choose to be with, out of 7 billion people was here with her.

Her thoughts reeled back to the lonely nights back home and back at the farm where she would sleep like this on a couch and count the stars trying to mask her loneliness.

She felt her emotions rushing past her and her eyes pooled, her nose stinging like crazy. Curse emotions really.

“Are you crying?” Sehun was alert, his eyes wide and alarmed as he sat up, she sitting up with him. He probably heard her sniffles. “Oh gosh… I swear it was only a can of beer.”

Letting out a messy laugh, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“I am just happy, idiot.” She mumbles into his neck making his tense shoulders relaxed.

“Then why are you crying? You must laugh when you are happy… You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

Sehun was hugging her back cradling her like a small baby. His hands, since it was a mile long could wrap her around completely. Feeling safer than ever before, she lets out a little laugh.

“I am so happy Sehun,” She tells him loosening the hug a little bit.

“You want to tell me about it?” Sehun asks her, his face radiating her happiness. Her hear

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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977 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
977 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
977 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
977 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
977 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.