
What is Love?
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 “What have you guys being doing?” Jongin had laughed at them when he visited them. “Tanning?”

Jongin had brought in some high-quality beef and he had insisted that he be the one to cook. Kina’s kitchen was a delight to anyone who loved cooking as they will find everything they are looking for besides he misses cooking. At home, his mother hogs the kitchen and refuses to let anyone in. He swears he gets it from her.

“Professor Kim…” Kina was seated at the dining table peeling potatoes on his command. “Don’t you think you should get a partner?”

Jongin rolled his eyes at her question and kept cooking.

“I mean you’ll be 30 soon…” Kina was grinning at him, a little more mischievous than he would recommend. “You should stop chasing after a married man.”

He chokes on air at that. Did she figure it out?

Wait. She said ‘man’.

“You think I am gay? And Sehun at that?”

Kina lets out a peal of laughter and it does nothing to lessen his liking for her but only as a person. She had grown massively close to him as the past summer they have been together almost every day. For her summer classes, she had taken up English courses which he also took up. They were classmates and it was terribly awkward at first but they had gotten along well. Besides she was the one who drove him home every day so she was easy around him.

There were other people along with them as well and she had become their chauffer dropping everyone off from the coaching to their stops before she finally gets home.

Minah, Soomi, and Kyoungsoo were there and it had been always a carful of crazy save for the first few days when they were decent before they all got used to it and became their wild selves. He needs to buy a car.

“I mean look at it from my perspective,” Kina begins swaying around the knife, “You are always here during holidays and always with him during classes and even forces him to go to every party you are invited. It’s like you need him everywhere with you. Did I come in between?”

Jongin swallows his saliva in sudden nervousness. The irony of what she says… He was here because he loved their company and he was always with Sehun because they kept on discussing about her. Sehun was his dear friend but now he had become 10 times more interesting because of Kina. So basically he was trying to spend time with Kina although he knows it is not right.

His one-sided infatuation was going to remain as it is.

“You know…” Jongin grins as well looking at Kina who squinted her eyes as though recognizing that smile. “If I did not know you married Sehun, I would have thought you were dating Kyoungsoo.”

“You mean that small dude who always hangs out with her?” Sehun comes in just then opening the refrigerator for a bottle of water.

“Yeah… Aren’t they cute?” Jongin chuckles giving her an evil look as she looked scandalized.

“Stop hanging out with him,” Sehun suddenly sits down beside her and flicks her forehead. “I don’t like my wife going around with other boys.”

Kina lets out a scoff glaring at Jongin’s back, his shoulders were bopping up and down.

“Kyoungsoo is the last man I would date. He’s basically my younger brother.”

At that Jongin gasps his dramatic gasp and turns around theatrically. “If he hears that he will literally die. He’s got a massive crush on you.”

It was true though. Kyoungsoo was currently massively crushing on Kina. He really can’t stop talking about how cool Kina was. But then who doesn’t? Everyone, both girls and boys looked up to her with only the main lady being oblivious about it. She did not seem to notice how a bunch of juniors followed her everywhere.

“Stop lying!” Kina points the knife at him as he pulls a face at her. Sehun though did not look happy. “Kyoungsoo is like the last person who’ll have a crush on me.”

“Sehun! You can’t trust that man,” Kina adds a moment later probably noticing his expression.

“I don’t trust any man,” Sehun says, folding his legs and leaning on his elbow facing her. “You should stop hanging out with him so much so that he does not get the wrong idea.”

“But he’s my friend! What would he think if I suddenly stop hanging out with him?” Kina had long forgotten the potatoes so Jongin went forward to take it from her. She pushes it to him glaring at him. He only smirks though and began cutting the potatoes enjoying the drama.

In all honesty, as much as he liked Kyoungsoo he was the biggest Kina-Sehun shipper. He would never do anything to break them apart and would fight anyone who tries.

“Kyoungsoo never shuts up about you, you know…” Jongin added some fuel to the fire as he cuts the potatoes innocently. “He is always going on about how cool you are, how smart you are… etc, etc…”

Sehun’s face darkened visibly and Kina looked like she was about to throw hands.

“Being popular with boys…” Jongin clicks his tongue shaking his head disapprovingly, “… even after being married.”

“Stop it,” Kina sounds defeated as she covers her face with her hands. “I am not popular with the boys. Heck, I have never, ever heard of anyone other than your lies that someone has a crush on me!”

“I do…” Sehun suddenly blurts out looking fiercely dedicated. Kina’s face turns tomato red at that making him want to chuckle. “I have a huge crush on my wife.”

Jongin pretends like he was going to gag as he watched Sehun confess while tucking her hair behind her ear and giving her a soft gaze.

“Oh my gosh…” Kina whines stomping away from the kitchen to her room utterly defeated.

“Isn’t she supposed to reply?” Sehun dumbly as they watched her walk away. He sighs at this hopeless man and face palms himself.

“But anyhow that Kyoungsoo needs to move,” Sehun says standing up with a frown on his face, hand on his hips. “They’re always together. It is so annoying.”

As much as he like Kyoungsoo, the only ship sailing was going to be with Sehun and Kina on it.


* * *


Baekhyun gave a giant yawn at the boring lesson that was going on. He liked Professor Jongin’s lectures better honestly. This class was boring as . Why did he even take up economics?

His eyes sweep across the room and it naturally ended in that small group of friends who he had been more or less observing since year 1. That group was weirdly fun.

Baekhyun goes back to the discussion among his friends feeling bored and tired. This year had been crazy for him and he turns back to look at the small girl Soomi. Surprisingly they had gotten along well and became good friends and he had been able to share things with her that he couldn’t with other friends of his.

He had needed someone to listen and she had been there. He had recently gone through a rough breakup and his spirit had been down. Thankfully Soomi had restored some power in him. He sighs in approval at his friend, thankful that she had been there for him during his tough times.

His eyes stop when his gaze lands on Kina. This girl was strange. Baekhyun thinks himself to be very observant and as such he observes the people around him very well. With his easy personality, he was close with everyone in the classroom… except for her. Even Minah and Jimin were his friends and that was saying something … everyone and that included the Professor.

There was a wall around her and it does not even seem like she put it there… it was just there. She talked to everyone who talked with her but she was only close to that group of people. He’s seen her talk to the quiet boy in his class. His name was Yixing, right? He turns his head to the other side of the classroom where the group of quiet boys sat. They were all on their phones probably gaming. She seemed happy whenever she talked to him. He wondered what do they even talk about.

He hums and turns his head back to the same group. He wondered if he’ll ever get to know her. Being curious by nature, he wondered how this girl was really like. She seemed rather perfect on the outside, sometimes strange but still perfect.

She does the weirdest things honestly, like galloping around the classroom when she’s bored or just plainly sitting on the floor and reading her books… and she does this everywhere. She would just fall and sit there. One time she brought in a pot of aloe Vera plant to put it in her desk but by then everyone was used to her quirky ways that nobody batted an eye-lid. The thing about her was that she seemed so weird but so normal at the same time.

She was nonchalant to the max. She seemed to be that sort of person who’ll knowingly sleep through an earthquake and he wondered what could be the things that unraveled her.


* * *


Oh Sehun unraveled her. He really did. When she had entered the café after classes for a meeting, Sehun was already there waving excitedly.

“I ordere

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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973 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
973 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
973 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
973 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
973 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.