
What is Love?
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“Have you noticed that girl from our class? The newbie.”

“Yeah… Isn’t she terribly quiet? I’ve never seen her before. You think she’s sort of new money?”

“I don’t know man. Just look at all her stuff… it looks like she does not even know what to buy.”

“I heard she’s from some country side school…”

“No wonder she talks like a grandma.”

“Shall we try doing something to her? Bet she’s a scholarship student who have nothing. It’ll be easy to bully her.”

“That sounds fun. School is so boring without someone to tease. The last one already left. Ugh. Let’s go.”




February was a cute month mostly because there are always decors of hearts, roses, teddy bears and red and whites everywhere… Valentine.

Sehun gritted his teeth in frustration. He was going to be celebrating his first valentine with his wife and he literally knows nothing. He never had a proper girlfriend before and had never celebrated valentines with anyone ‘romantically’ before.

Was he supposed to get her flowers and chocolates and teddy bears? Are they supposed to go and dine out in some fancy diner with her in a red dress and he in a suit and dance all night? Movies are BS because they give such an unrealistic aspect of life. In real life, everyone simply goes to work and worry about their well-being. A little group of people, i.e. the unemployed had time to plan out for all these things.

And it was tomorrow!!

“What do you people do on valentine?”

His students look up at him in surprise. Professor Oh Sehun was stern in classroom and hardly deviated from his lectures… and to think he asked for something such as ‘valentine’? No one answered, feeling too taunted. Was this some trick question?

Sehun squirmed where he stood but he tried not to show. He was still a professor after all and he obviously had some image to maintain.

“Ah… Eat ice-cream and cry?” A timid voice broke out from somewhere behind making everyone chortle with laughter. Sehun also couldn’t keep a straight face at that.

“Professor,” Byun Baekhyun, a popular boy from the first year raised his hand, his lips stretched into a smirk. Sehun knew he was up to no good but nods at him to continue.

“Are you asking because of…” He trails off showing his pretty hands indicating Sehun’s band.

Sehun probably blushed but he tried not show his embarrassment as all the students present began their coos. Drat, why did he dig his own grave?

“Professor!” a girl bounced on her seats, excited beyond believe. Sehun sighs inwardly and nods at her, “Take her out on a date and kiss her! Then you can give her a gift!” Then she literally threw herself down to her friend’s embrace and squirmed. What the hell?

What was he supposed to gift her? He could get her a pot of flowers… or a basket of vegetables. Gosh! He was terrible at this.

“I am taking her out for a date in an amusement park,” Sehun whips his head to the blonde boy Baekhyun as the student winks at him. The nerve.

Girls giggled shyly at that and boys whooped.

Sehun frowned. Do girls like that? Now that he thinks about it, she was also their age… kind of surprising to be honest and she most probably like what they like… or not?

“And…” Baekhyun continues as the class waits with bated breath, “… I’m going to sing her a song that I wrote for her.”

The class erupted in cheers and coos, while Baekhyun smugly high-five his friend.

Sehun’s eyes flitted towards the girls who were gazing at Baekhyun like he put stars into their sky.

My gosh! They really dig that?

“Quite the Romeo… aren’t you?” He comments at Baekhyun when the students finally calm down making a round of giggles come.

“I try,” He bops his chin arrogantly. Even this seems to make the girls giggle making Sehun want to roll his eyes but stops. He was a teacher.

That was not the most helpful but then it made him remember that Kina was only a young girl and perhaps prefer young stuffs.

Am I supposed to write her a song then?


* * *


Their department was doing a fund-raising for some future plans and Kina was busy at their booth selling red-roses which were going out like hot cakes. The seniors had put the first year in-charge of this and Kina smiled happily knowing they were doing well. Professor Kim was watching them with a huge smile and she could only conclude it was because their department was going to be richer.

Other departments were also selling valentine things on this special day but it seemed as though their stall was doing the best. She turns her head to the side where the Bae guy was belting out love songs in the microphone while the other kids cheered him on. He was part of the attraction, to be honest and most girls were flocking around their stall. This obviously made the boys also linger around the store and they end up buying a rose or two.

Damn. Economics people really know business.

“SEHUN!” She almost jumped when Professor Kim hollered his name with her heart doing a sudden drum-roll  and she controlled herself not to directly sweep her head in their direction. The economics department had cancelled some classes today for the sake of fund raise but now since it was lunch break for most people, Sehun was also probably out.

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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980 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
980 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
980 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
980 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
980 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.