

























Woah what is it little fella. 


You can't believe what I just saw. 


Don't tell me you found another white fox again. .


Nope. This is a cute Cerberus. I found it in the  woods. ITS SUPER CALM AND CUTE. oh i kind of fed it with some leftovers that we had yesterday. 


That's kind of you and why the heck you bring them back. The White fox you bought is not even small anymore. 


Guys they are just like our guardian. Will be alerting us when there are intruders or someone that we don't even know. 


Seriously guys....


Yes you can keep it but not in the house. I will build one for it soon. 


You are the best brother ever. Now i'm gonna have a walk with this Cerberus. 


You aint naming it like how you name snow the White fox


I should name this Cerberus. Wait should i...


Yeah name it. So you know what is what. Sometimes you are forgetful. Sometimes you are weird. 


I can't deny that since the start. 




Min what. 


Minyoung. Im naming this Cerberus Minyoung. 


Where did you even get that name. 


It's the only name that I can remember. It's been in my dreams every single day. 


Thats a nice name. Be back before Sunset. You don't want your Minor element power to kill things.


I will control it. What's for dinner. 


Stew and your favourite dish. 







Of Course she will. Now you and me have a mission. 


And what mission is that. 


I heard that the border is in tight security after something happened to one of the Masters there. 


You mean you have been looking out to see if you could get in ARTICIANA. 


That's not what I meant. 


Wait where did you even get all of this. 


It's been a week. My mom have not step out of the border to meet me. I suspect that they change the security system. I even hack their security and i was being kicked out. 


I thought you are the best hecker. 


I was till my mom tracker was destroyed. 


That . So what's the plan. 


I thought of going there. I just want to meet my mom. 


Yeji ah... What will Minseul say....


Minseul don't even know what i was planning all the time. I can't let my mom be trapped in that AEREDALE FOR MANY YEARS. 


Woah okay okay. Lets go and see. Who knows you will meet the guy that you always meet. 


Ahh that guy. He is the main reason why I love hunting. 


Someone fell in love with the guy huh. 


Yah its still hard for me to talk to him. He always have guards around him. 


Don't you ever think that he is one of the higher ranks. 


I don't know. I can't assume anything at all. 


Well there's only one way to know. 


Before that. My feelings tell me that something bad will happen to Minseul. 


Yeah lets go. Today is the day where we need to be there for her....




So Leeknow. Tell me why are we out here when we have so many things to do back at the Headquarters. 



My sense tells me that there's a new animal spirit found in this forrest. Also its my first time out after months of not having the time here. 


New data analysis would be grateful than this Leeknow


Masters you know that my senses won't fail your expectations am i right. 


Well yeah. It always meets more than Seungmin's expectations



It does but why you pick us two to be out. 


Masters. It's my duty to tell you everything but not to Master Seungmin. 


You mean. Seungmin doesn't know that you bring us out to do this research behind him. 


I'm here to show you that Minyoung's soul is trying to tell us that her incarnation is out here somewhere. 


That's weird. Hold up what are those traces of paws on those grounds. 


Leeknow squat down and touch the trace making him frown. 


It's not typical traces.... It looks recently made. 


Yah you are creeping me out. Is this why Haechan is begging us to go and see the forest ourselves. 


I don't even know what's special in this forest. 


Leeknow what's wrong with you. 


Someone is near us. We need to be alert  


How can you sense something like that. There is no one around. 


If there is no one at all he won't be like that you idiot. 


Aish jinjja. Seriously why wou- OUCH. THE HECK WHO THROW ICE TO ME. 


All of us don't even have that power....




Before they could move the Cerberus attack both Renjun and Jaemin till they are being held on the ground by the Cerberus. It look quite angry and was about to snap both Renjun and Jaemin head. All of them were about to use their power but someone stopped them.


DONT HURT MY CERBERUS. Minyoung get down from those two useless people. 


Both Renjun and Jaemin were free from the Cerberus. Leeknow looked at the person who is walking out from the tree. All of the boys eyes went wide when they see the person clearly. It was you who is looking furious and was giving a pet to the Cerberus. 


Stop giving those eyes. It makes Minyoung wants you eat all of you. 


Who are you. 


My question is who are you. Why did you come into this zone where is full of monsters and enemies all around. 


We came with no harm. We were just walking around to do some research. 


Prove it to me. I don't trust intruders coming to my zone without any purpose. 


Look we are the Spectura from ARTICIANA. We came with no harm that could possibly even hurt you without any reason. 




Leeknow tried to walk towards you but he was stopped by the sharp ice spears all around the boys making them flinch. 


Move one more step i will kill you with the spears. 


We won't die unless there's the Dagger of Exiled. 


You won't know what im capable of. 


Jung Minseul. Knock it out. 


No Changbin. I don't even know who the heck they are. I don't even know how he knows my name. 


Let them go. They are here with no harm. For once let them go before you killed them instantly. 


Why would I let them go when they intrude our zone Changbin. 


Yah Jung Minseul let it go. Remember what your mom told you. Don't harm people when they have no intentions to kill you. 


No i wont this time. Its their bloody third time intrude. I can't let them go. 


Yeji now. 


Yeji uses here powers and make you asleep. Changbin catch you and put you on your Cerberus. He uses his ice power and crash all the ice spears away. While Yeji turn to the three guys who stood in silence. Not believing what just happened. 


Don't spread anything to anyone. Not even to the King. Now please go. 


Wait what are your name. 


Hwang Yeji. Please go before the wolves come and make a mess here. Remember not to spread anything you see today.....


With just like that. The three of them just stood there till you and the rest are out of their sight. 


Now what report are we gonna tell to Seungmin later. 


Is it just me or Minseul looks like Minyoung. 


Also why is the Cerberus named Minyoung  


Why is Changbin the same as the Changbin we know. 


Do they know who we are. 


Hold on. Wait a minute. This is what you, Leeknow trying to say all this time. 


That's what I have been telling all of you. Even Yujeong say all those things. 


That means....






Five thousand eight hundred and fifty two.....


Yah you barely even reach the third one. 


Why do you have to put so much weight on me. 


Because you never tell me where did the rest go. 


I told you that I don't even know. Please this weight is so heavy. I can't do it. 


Fine. Bangchan lift those weights away. You may go once its done. Gather some reports of our people status. Report it to Haechan immediately


Will do master. 


The heavy weights off Felix. Felix drop to the floor and breathing heavily. 


It's just weights man not even an elephant. 


Well that is not as worst as kissing your foot. 


Oh those moments. Now tell me what are the news that i should know. 


Well you would probably know half of it since Master Haechan told you about it. 


There's more and i don't know. Tell me Felix. 


Fine fine. Yugyeom told Renjun that something bad is going to happen. 


Elaborate more on that please. 


Listen. Seungmin ah. You need to be ready when the Guardian of Light returns. It may be the same as how Minuoung is. But just remember that nothing is the same if you know what's within you. 


You mean there's someone who is exactly like Minyoung but upgraded ones. You gotta be kidding me. 


I'm not joking Seungmin. The Light has return and so will your powers will rise. Don't you ever see the aurora been up every night. It's a sign Seungmin. 


I know that Felix....


If you want Minyoung to rest in peace. Do the things that the sign has been showing you. 


Guys can i come in. 


Come in Jeno. Omo Yujeong is here too. 


I can't find my mommy and daddy. 


Don't worry you can play around here with Felix ahjussi okay. 




Seungmin just gave a smile to Felix. Felix smile back and took Yujeong away from Jeno. Jeno look at Seungmin and sigh. 


Whats up. 


Scattered petals. They aren't reviving back all the flowers


Minyoungs spells must be losing up. 


Not only that Seungmin. 


Spill the tea. 


Something happened to Renjun, Jaemin and Leeknow. The wind is not as normal as it is. I suspect that they encounter someone who has the same aura as Minyoung use to have. 


Whats the statics of it. 


We didn't get it since I.N and Yuri are still trying to figure out the final conclusion. However we have minor problem about Yujeong. 


What about her. She looks fine to me. 


She is not like the normal kid in ARTICIANA. I have analysis her and something strange we encounter  


She must have the power that is ordinary. 


Thats right. Her power is still in configuration. We might not know whats next. However Seungmin. She can see the soul of the dead.


That means she can see...


Yes Seungmin. She can see Minyoung soul. Minyoung been around quite some time but she will only be seen by Yujeong. The rest can't see or even feel. It's just Yujeong. Plus there's some days where Yujeong have been talking about Minyoung asking you to get Minseul here 


Who is Minseul. 


An unknown from the deepest forest. Seungmin. You can't let this go anymore... 


We need to find her....


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