Is it over?

Fifteen years and counting
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Ian tried to reach out to Kaye but it seems she did not want to talk to him still. He even tried to ask Sue for help but Sue just said she got a short response from Kaye telling her that she has been very busy since and was sorry that she did not get a chance a keep her updated. Ian really felt betrayed that Kaye did not even gave them the opportunity to sort things out. He even tried reaching out to her public social media account but to no avail. 

Ian: Is this how it’s supposed to end? I can see now why long distance relationships are hard. It frustrates me that I cannot even talk to her personally about what brought on the issue.

Sue: To be honest, it is not just the distance but also the communication that needs to work. I think it’s time for you guys to move on.

Ian: Sue, tell me if she said something, I promise I will not get mad. I just need to know why.

Sue: Are you sure?

Ian: Yes.

Sue: Okay… (Sue paused trying to find the right words to say). She said it was burdensome to continue a long distance relationship, but she believes if you guys are meant to be, fate will find a way.

Ian: I don’t know what to say. How could she easily give up on us?

Sue: Look at the glass half full not half empty. She’s saying that she’s leaving your relationship to fate. She is not closing the door to the possibility you’ll get back together. It is more about the issue of distance and timing.

Ian: (Keeps silent, try

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