
Fifteen years and counting
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It has been 2 weeks since Kaye left but Ian has not heard back from her. He wondered if she has read the letters he wrote. He decided to visit Sue during the weekend with hopes that maybe Kaye has contacted her already.


Ian: How are you Sue?

Sue: I’m good, how about you?

Ian: I was wondering if you heard from Kaye…

Sue: No, not yet, but I can understand why it might take time for her to keep in touch. Moving to another country is challenging. They might not even be finished unpacking.

Ian: I just miss her, that’s all.

Sue: You should find something that will keep you busy. You know what, there is an audition for a boy group this afternoon, would you like to try joining?

Ian: I don’t have anything prepared.

Sue: That will be okay, I’ll let them know I just forced you to join. Oh, this is exciting; I promise it will be a lot fun.

Ian: Okay, if you say so.


Abroad, Kaye has just gotten back from the grocery store and started putting away what she bought when her mom told her that she found the box that Kaye was looking for.


Kaye: Oh mom, thank you! Where did you find it?

Mom: It was inside the box marked miscellaneous

Kaye: How did it get there?

Mom: I’m not sure, you have been moping for days when we got here and did not want to start reading what’s inside so someone must have put it away.

Kaye: Thanks again mom. If you need me to help with dinner, just let me know. I’ll be in my room.


Kaye nervously opened the box containing Ian’s letters. Her mom was right; she did not want to read the letters

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