| 15 |

| Cat | Kim Inseong | IG |


When he told his friends that he had a day off on Friday, he was not expecting them to drag him  along to the nearest lake. Especially not because it's still February and the weather outside wasn't warm enough to go swimming.

But that wasn't even the worst part, no the worst part was when his friends decided to sing along with iKon songs, knowing fully well that they can't do the high note- or sing in general.

It was only Z who was bumping his head softly against the window, in the hope that his friends would get the clue but sadly they didn't even see him act like that. That's why he was glad when they got out of the car, so they wouldn't have access to the cd player and cry along with their favourite songs. Now he was hoping that his friends would leave their phone in the car or not get the idea of playing music from their phones.

"Now we are here, can I now sleep please" Z asked as he laid down on his stomach on the wooden dock, not caring about what was on it.

He was tired from working four long days in a row and late at night having meetings with his father about the cafe, his father was thinking about retiring earlier- but only when he figured out if his son could handle it. While his father was deciding if Z was ready or not- Z was trying to fulfill his dream and he needed his father to be on-board.

If his father saw him laying like this on the dirty wooden dock, then his decision was made.

"Since when is this kid such a buzz kill" Cyriel said while leaning against their older friend Yuan.

"Don't call him kid, you two are the same age remember".

Z looked up at his friends, deciding to stand up since it wasn't his best idea to lay flat on the dock. It was Yuan who gave him a tissue to clean up. Z has raised his eyebrows, not fully understanding why his friend gave him a tissue..

"You got something there" Yuan said while trying to not burst out into laughter.

When Z looked down he saw the white dot on his black shirt, immediately disgusted by it he took it off. Making his friends laugh even harder about his actions, not that Z cared about any of that.

"You do realise it's February so it's not hot" Yuan pointed out.

Where their friend Cyriel had something to say about it as well, "that's what he thinks about himself".

In the mean time Z had cleaned his shirt as much as possible before putting it on again. The weather this year wasn't as cold as the other years had been, it was actually pretty nice- as if spring was around the corner. So the changes of him getting sick were small.

Although he didn't know who else had seen him shirtless other then his friends. 


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