Feelings and Fears

How The Playboy Stole My Heart.

A/N: There is a bit of swearing in this, hahaha! Sorry guys! I thought it might help the mood :)



"And that's basically how I got all these cuts and bruises." I was looking down the whole time, trying to avoid Minho's eyes. His flaming charisma stare would kill me. I didn't want to face him. I told him the truth. Why did I? I don't know why..I just feel safe with him. That's probably the stupidest thing to think, especially since he's the biggest playboy and I have every reason NOT to trust him..but my heart poured out to him. Gosh, this feeling in my chest again. But it felt more at ease. We stayed there silent for a while. Through all this time, he held my hand tight. He still held it. It felt..warm. I felt loved. Oh , the butterflies in my stomach. Why do I feel this way? Without realising. I was sniffing really loud. When I cry, the sniffles could go on forever. He finally spoke.

"I..I-I am sorry, Yuri. I had no idea that this is what happened to you." He looked at me with truth in his eyes. He really did mean it.

"No, it's okay. It's not like it's your fault or anything." I laughed bitterly. He clutched my hand tigher and it. This was really sweet of them..TOO sweet. Is he hiding something? Why is he being so nice? Why isn't he being some kind of playboy to me? But here he is, at me and looking at me..in this way. I can't describe it. Although it made me feel better. I smiled at him. He looked confused.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Aish, Minho. Would you prefer it if I frowned?" I started to laugh. And so did he. Once it fell silent, I asked him.

"Minho?" He nodded at me.

"How come..you're not being all playboy-like to me? How come you're acting different?" He was taken aback by this.

"What do you mean?" He looked genuinely confused.

"You know, like why aren't you winking at me and trying to like kiss me or something now? Why be nice all of a sudden?" He looked like he didn't know what to say. I stared at him, hopefully finding an answer. He sighed and he looked lost in thought.

"There is ONE reason."

"Really? What is it?" I was intrigued. But he didn't look like he wanted to share.

"I'd rather not say." He looked serious. But I couldn't help it. I needed to know.

"Awh, you can tell me, Minho Oppa." Oh gosh, I called him Oppa. I covered my mouth. He started to grin.

"Oppa, huh? Took your time to say it." He winked. The nice, normal Minho was gone in a flash. He pulled me closer. 

"I only said that because you called me Yuri, like I asked. I'm only ever saying that once." I looked away and crossed my arms. But he turned my head to face his.

"Come on, Yuri-ah, babe. Say it. Say Oppa. It makes me feel oh-so good." He whispered oh-so good in my ear. I shivered but pushed him away. Ugh, this loser.

"Come on. What's the reason?" His smirk was gone. His face fell serious.

"I..I-It's becau-" He's stuttering?


"OKAY. It's because..I think..THINK..I love y-" Just then, Sooni came in, and hugged me. She knew about the cuts so she knew I'd be here. She think looked at Minho as if he were stupid.

"Uh..Minho. What are you doing in the girls bathroom?" She eyed him as if he were wearing his pants inside out.

"He was telling me something. Weren't you?" I smiled sincerely at him. He cleared his throat and continued.

"I was saying I love..to help people." He chuckled. Awh, he's too sweet when he isn't a .

"Awh. I see. Thank you, Minho." I came to him and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. It took him a while to respond. When he did, it felt..so right...AISH YURI. Don't do this to yourself. Don't give him the satisfaction. I slowly let go, and cleared my throat.

"Sorry about that hug." He looked happy..then he changed to playboy mode.

"No worries, babe. I knew I finally got to you." as he winked. Ugh. 

"I'll see ya soon, Yuri-ah, babe. And remember you owe me" He bid us adieu and left. Sooni just squealed.

"OMGGG. He so likes you!" I looked at her in astonishment..could he really? Psh, no. Why would he?

"Uh, no. Why would he?" Her response was a wink and a nudge. Wait. Why did I even care about Minho whether he liked me or not? Could it be..oh no.

I think I've fallen in love with Choi Minho.




Minho, you idiot. Why didn't you just tell her? Why couldn't you tell her you loved her? , you're such a chicken. I can't believe it..but those eyes. Her tears..they broke my heart. I wanted to hug and kiss her until her tears were gone. But I know it won't work like that. Argh, why couldn't I say it? I punched the wall next to me. I soon heard Taemin running.

"MINHO HYUNG. What are you doing?" I just screamed.

"I LOVE HER, TAEMIN." He knew exactly who I was talking about. He seemed pleased

"Yuri? Duh! Finally! How long did that take to admit?" He started to laugh. I pushed him against the wall.

"Oi, you . Let me go."

"I love her, Taemin. You should've seen her crying. I wanted to kill who was responsible for those tears falling down her face."

"She was crying? WHY? Is noona okay?" .

"Yes. It's just complications of things..don't worry. But my heart is aching when she's aching. What the ?" He smirked.

"It's called love, Minho. You're in love with Kwon Yuri." He grinned. I let him go.

"Love? What's love? No such thing. I'm probably just or some ."

"HAHAHA, nice try. Love exists, and that's what you feel. Don't deny it, Minho."

"It's not called denying if it isn't the case." With that I left. Taemin left me alone.

I can't be in love! Not with what happened last time. I can't let another girl make me go crazy. This'll do nothing but hurt me all over again. But Yuri..with her beautiful, brown, flowy hair. Her body is perfect. She's smart. And her eyes..I feel like I can stare into her soul. And her soul's pure and beautiful..just like her. And her laugh..it takes me to a whole different place, where nothing matters, except her.

Holy , I'm in love with Kwon Yuri.




NO WAY. I can't. , , . But Minho..he's special. Apart from his hod bod and looks, he's different. Sure, he acts like a playboy..but it's more than that. I saw that side today. The way he comforted me...didn't leave my side. Not to mention he's smart as hell. I can see it in Chemistry, even though he won't admit it. He's different from anyone..from Josh. 

Holy , I'm in love with Choi Minho.




How was it? It's very lovey-dovey, I know. It'll change soon, don't worry ;)

Yay! They admitted it! <3

Even though it's not to each other =="

But still! :)

Comment and subscribe if you like what you read! :D

Goodbye for now, lovelies! <3

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I'M BACK. I've been editing and revamping. Expect 'The Playboy who Stole my Heart' to commence! x


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Chapter 55: your one shot is amazing! i hope you make a lot of minyul one shots..

you are really awesome! :)
narsha-everlasting #2
Chapter 53: thx for the fanfic♥♥♥♥
Chapter 54: I spent the whole day reading this from the beginning till the end.. It really worth speding most of my time reading it.. Good job ^^
yurisaranghaeminho #4
Chapter 53: that was amazing i hope you can write more stories about minyul i'll sunscribe!!!. :)
Chapter 54: that was nice....
Chapter 54: Aww its an honour to be able to read a great story!
Im so thankful everything ended well and Minyul are finally able to be together!
Its really a great story! The story flowed really well and it did not felt like it was too sudden!
im so glad to have come across this fanfic!
Thank you for completing it!
I will definitely read any future minyul fics if there were more :D
sweetmelody915 #7
Chapter 54: I really just want to say THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS EPIC STORY!! It was one of the minyul fanfics I have ever read!! And I'm really sad that it ended already... but again Thank you!! Sequel anybody??
Chapter 54: Aaaaw, it's already finish! T^T

I love the ending.....

It's sweet, i literally cried here when Yuri left to go to Sydney, and Minho didn't showed up to her when she's still in Korea.....I was like "Where the hell are you Minho?! Do something!! Stop Josh!" And then poof! When they're in the airport in sydney, and th edriver and the hand writing in English, I was like "Oh! It's Minho! Kyaaaaa!" I was imagining what the hand writing looks like, and i was laughing out loud.....

It's sad it's already finished, maybe a sequel??
bubbleteacraze #9