How The Playboy Stole My Heart.

I am extremely busy with university, but.
Sometimes the fanfic feels flow and I need to write something.

So, I thought a oneshot wouldn't hurt. 
If I ever want to write a oneshot (once in a few months probably), I'll just post it here for my subscribers to see.

Hope you're all well~



Everlasting Euphoria; 

My eyes shot open. Or were they really? I was surrounded by the depths of darkness that swallowed me up. There was nothing but silence. I was lost in a black void, unable to find my way out. I tried to scream out, hoping some form of life would know of my existence. Instead, my mouth opened to form nothing more than a wasted breath. I was silent. 

"Yuri!" I desperately turned around, trying to follow the chimes of life that called out to me. I spun, hoping to find a gleam of light. However, it remained pitch-black. I gasped. 

"Help me!" Again, breaths simply left my trembling lips. My thoughts were the only thing that yelled across the vast space. I panicked. 

"Don't let go.." I shook my head.

"What do you mean?!" But I knew he couldn't hear me. Tears escaped my eyes. I was desperate for any feeble sign of safety. Of love.

"Just..don't let go.." I tried my hardest, finally able to scream into infinity.


Everything turned white. 


"Yuri, please". I turned, staring into Minho's eyes through the blurred vision of my tears. Everything seemed to be viewed through a frosty plane as I couldn't believe what I had just seen before my eyes. Minho..and Micha. Looking into one another's eyes. Hands over one another as he gently her palm with his thumb. I tried to shake the sight out of my mind as Minho held my hand, trying to bring me back.

"It's not what you thin-" 

"But that's what they all say. So this is why you've been blowing me off? Everytime I called but you claimed you were "busy"? Everytime I looked into your eyes, and you were simply staring into the words on your phone. I thought I was the only one for you.." A tear slowly ran itself down my cheek. Minho sighed and slowly wiped the tear off of my cheek. 

"Yuri. She is just a friend in need". I shook my head.

"And I'm just your girlfriend who doesn't have the same needs?" His eyes grew wide. 

"No, Yuri, lis-"

"This has been happening far too long. I just wish you had told me sooner so it wouldn't have hurt this much.." I shrug Minho of his hold and walk away slowly. Minho yells out.

"But Yuri, I love you!" I shook my head, not wanting to hear anymore of the lies that escaped his poisoned lips. I soon began to run. Where I was going, I had no clue. I just wanted to escape. The sounds of Minho's cries were soon drowning in the overwhelming power of the city traffic. The fluroescent lights of the night life were flashing before my eyes. Why can't I find a place to forsake? I closed my eyes,wanting to block it all..


I crouched in the white space, sighing sorrowfully. Now I could see all white, but nothing more. I still was stuck in a void without the structures of space and time. What was I doing here? Why couldn't I go home? Why aren't I..with Minho? I shook my head, trying to forget the sight that ended it all. I pulled a bit of my hair behind my ears, looking down. 

"Yuri?" I look up, unable to see him. But I knew he was there.

"I'm not exactly sure if you can hear me right now.." I gasped silently. I immediately shot up, trying to find the source of his heavenly tune. 

"Minho?" Again, nothing but the stillness of my silent words replied back to me. 

"I know it's hard. But you can do it. I..I.." I stared above me, assuming it was coming from above.

"I believe in you". Those final words cracked out. I froze. The hurt in his words shot through me achingly. What was happening? 

"Minho, I don't know what's happening. I don't know where I am, or what I'm doing here. I..I need you". My thoughts yelled with confusion. I breathed in and out, my thoughts proving physically exhausting. I slowly fell to the ground.

"No, Yuri! All you need to do is not let go. Please.." I breathed heavily. I began to realise that I wouldn't survive being in here any longer.

"Please, Yuri.." His voice echoed as I could no longer hear anything.


I stared into the night sky at the edge of the river. The water sparkled, reflecting the stars that shone above. I was standing on the wooden balcony, slowly the etchings on the balcony's surface. Declarations of love were etched all over the wooden plank, giving off a romantic vibe. I smiled sadly at the thought of my own personal declaration of love and where it lead to..

"Yuri". I look up slowly, dreading to see the very person who both stole and destroyed my heart. Minho. He took one step forward, aware of the distance between us.

"You know I care for you, right, Yuri?" I took a step back, silently answering his question. He took another step forward.

"All those times we shared.." A step creaked in the silence of the night.

"The hugs.." Another step.

"The kisses.." Step.

"Coming together as one". And there he was, right in front of me. I looked away, not wanting to be hypnotised by his flaming stare. Fingers delicately turned my head towards his eyes. I was frozen. 

"I love you". He whispered his declaration across my lips. I was unable to speak. He let go slowly and turned away. Before leaving the balcony, he turned back.

"All you need to do is not let go". I shook my head. He turned away. I soon snapped into reality and began to run towards him. 

"Minho, wait, don't let go?!" I ran towards him. I soon reached him, wanting to hold him once more. However, the second my arms wrapped around him, he vanished. I fell to the ground, losing consciousness.


"Yuri.." A breathless Minho whispered. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself back in the white sphere that I was trapped in. I looked up, no longer having the energy to stand up to try and find the source of his words. I looked down.

"Yuri, can you hear me?" I slowly nodded, closing my eyes. My energy levels drained by the second. I couldn't move. A gust of wind soon enveloped around me. I slowly opened my eyes to find Minho crouching in front of me. My eyes shot open. 

"Silly, don't act like you can't hear me". He chuckled. I tried to stand, but I was too weak. He slowly frowned.

"Minho..?" He simply looked at me.

"It must be hard". I stared at him in confusion.

"But you're Kwon Yuri. You can do it".

"What are you talking about?" He sighed.

"I thought I told you not to let go". I shook my head.

"I don't understand. What do you mean, don't let go?" His voice lowered.

"I didn't have a chance to tell you that I love you, and that I'm sorry". I opened my mouth.

"No, I'm here. I'm listening". He looked up.

"Let's hope that this gets through. Just..I love you, Yuri. It's only ever been you. Noone else. Not Micha. Not anyone. Only you". I wasn't able to stand up; I was frozen to the ground.

"I love you, Minho. Help me. How do we get out of here? I'm so scared and I don't understand what's happening!" A tear ran down my cheek. He looked down, reaching to wipe a tear away.

"Don't let go. Hold onto me". He reached his hand out. I looked at his hand then back at him. He watched me as I took a breath and held his hand tight. He gasped.


White light soon blinded me.


I waked up to find a room? I was no longer trapped in the white sphere of emptiness. I tried to absorb the atmosphere as my eyes slowly fluttered opened. The room was tiled and shined in cleanliness. The distinct smell of disinfectants and medicine circled me. I looked down to find myself in a simple baby blue blanket. I turned to my left to find a curtain covering the left of the room. I turned to my right to find someone holding tight onto my hand with both of theirs. I slowly looked up to see Minho staring at me. His shaggy hair, slight stubble and dark circles said it all. Why did he look so tired?

"Yuri!" I blinked at him, fully awake. He stared at me.


"Are you okay, Minho?" His eyes grew, bewildered at my question. He scoffed.

"ME?! Am I okay?! What about you? Oh my God, I thought you were gone. I just. Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Yuri". He hugged me tight. I stared at him with my eyebrows raised. I shook lightly under him for him to let me go.

"What, what do you mean?" He stared at me, his hands still clasping onto mine.

"..You don't remember do you?" I slowly leaned back, trying to understand what he was talking about.

"You were hit by a car. You were trying to run from me and you didn't see the car coming your way. The trauma on your head was so intense the doctors were convinced you wouldn't make it.." I stared at him, my eyes bulging out in bafflement. He continued.

"But I wouldn't listen. I refused to. I stayed by your side, hoping you could hear me. Even know I was by your side. I wasn't sure if you could hear me.." It now all makes sense. 

"You told me not to let go". He stared at me. He stuttered.

"" I placed a finger on his lips, smiling at him.

"I heard every word." He shook his head, not believing it. 

"I love you, Minho". He smiled. He brought me close for a loving hug. I sighed, wrapping my arms around him. He soon moved back to my hair and breathed in.

"I love you too". 



I hope you do. 
Basically, i like to think she was stuck in limbo. Not dead, but not exactly alive.
However, Minho's consistent calls of life were the only link between her and being alive. 
And she was hit by a car when Minho was chasing her to come back. In case the city traffic wasn't obvious enough /hides

I hope that was lovely. 
I don't even know the possible genre of this.
But I hope you enjoyed this.

I want to dedicate this to a certain magneticminyul shipper..I hope you enjoyed it~
Have a lovely read, all, and thank you <3

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I'M BACK. I've been editing and revamping. Expect 'The Playboy who Stole my Heart' to commence! x


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Chapter 55: your one shot is amazing! i hope you make a lot of minyul one shots..

you are really awesome! :)
narsha-everlasting #2
Chapter 53: thx for the fanfic♥♥♥♥
Chapter 54: I spent the whole day reading this from the beginning till the end.. It really worth speding most of my time reading it.. Good job ^^
yurisaranghaeminho #4
Chapter 53: that was amazing i hope you can write more stories about minyul i'll sunscribe!!!. :)
Chapter 54: that was nice....
Chapter 54: Aww its an honour to be able to read a great story!
Im so thankful everything ended well and Minyul are finally able to be together!
Its really a great story! The story flowed really well and it did not felt like it was too sudden!
im so glad to have come across this fanfic!
Thank you for completing it!
I will definitely read any future minyul fics if there were more :D
sweetmelody915 #7
Chapter 54: I really just want to say THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS EPIC STORY!! It was one of the minyul fanfics I have ever read!! And I'm really sad that it ended already... but again Thank you!! Sequel anybody??
Chapter 54: Aaaaw, it's already finish! T^T

I love the ending.....

It's sweet, i literally cried here when Yuri left to go to Sydney, and Minho didn't showed up to her when she's still in Korea.....I was like "Where the hell are you Minho?! Do something!! Stop Josh!" And then poof! When they're in the airport in sydney, and th edriver and the hand writing in English, I was like "Oh! It's Minho! Kyaaaaa!" I was imagining what the hand writing looks like, and i was laughing out loud.....

It's sad it's already finished, maybe a sequel??
bubbleteacraze #9