Favours and Fantasies

How The Playboy Stole My Heart.


The classical music escaped the closed, antique doors that I was currently staring at. The doors, with a carved, gold-painted doorknob, stood much taller than I was. I had no clue where I was, or why I was here. I slowly survey the area, hoping to find a familiar scene or person. Alas, there was nothing that triggered my memory. I sighed and began to wonder. I continue to look around, and begin to get annoyed at the sound of the click-clacking of high heels. I then stop looking to slowly look down and gasp. I was the one wearing the high heels. But not just that. I was wearing a golden gown. I look down at myself in confusion and begin to scratch my head, only to realise a mask was in the way. I look through my clutch for my phone. Sure enough, I was wearing a golden mask. So, I'm at a masquerade? I pout in annoyance and have a look of my surroundings, until a man comes towards me. He was dressed like a bouncer, wearing the thick shades, dark suit, and security tools in hand. He looks at me and smiles.

"Miss Kwon, I presume?" I slowly nod to the stranger who knew my name. He chuckled and slowly turned the knob to open the door. He ushered a hand towards the inside. 

"I can't believe you're late to the same event you organised. Aish, school kids and their formals". I begin to let it sink in. Formal? It's already formal? I guess time does fly when you have fun..but what fun have I been having without Minho..

"Erm, Miss Kwon?" The bouncer still had his hand ushered towards the hall. I bow an apology and slowly step inside, with my dress in my hands to avoid it being stepped on. I walk in to a white, sparkling hall with the chandelier glistening above my head. The smell of perfume and cologne filled the air, giving the scenery a classy atmosphere. I continue to slowly spin around in amazement, until a throat is cleared. A deep voiced throat. I stop and slowly turn around, to see Minho, in a suit with a golden bowtie to match my gown. I stare at him and his dark chocolate orbs staring back at me through his golden, shining mask. A gentle smile forms on his lips and he slowly walks towards me, only to stop centimetres away from my lips. He places his fingertips on my lips, only to bring that same hand down to mine, and intertwine our fingers together. He leads me to the centre of the hall with all the other couples. He smiles as he puts his arms and mine into the typical ballroom-style fixtures, and glides me across the tiled floors. I could feel the cool air blowing against my face as he began to take me on a journey that only he could. I missed the freshness. I missed Minho. I placed my head on his chest and sighed as we gently swayed with the music.

"This is really nice, Minho. I missed you". I could feel his head nod on top of mine.

"I missed you too, baby boo". I stop, frozen. I slowly bring my head up and push him him off. He chuckled and gave an exasperated sigh. 

"You really thought I was Minho, didn't you?" Josh took off his mask, and ran his fingers through his hair. I begin to take steps back, but he harshly grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. I begin to scream and cry for him to let go, but noone around us pays attention. It were as if noone could hear me. He kept a tight grip. 

"Come on, baby. I just want to be with you". I begin to fume.

"I'd rather die". He begins to almost cackle at my feeble attempts of escape.

"Oh, really? Rather die. Minho finding out would count as rather dying?" I stop struggling and take deep breaths. He brings fingers to my chin and forcefully brings my head up to face him. 

"Minho will never accept it. But I know the truth. And I still love you. Love me too.." He slowly brings his lips closer and closer-




My alarm causes me to shoot out of bed in heavy pants. I look around, to find myself in my bed, with my hair all messed up and the sheets tangled underneath my legs. I take a few more breaths to calm down. All..just a dream..




I walk through the hallways aimlessly as my mind continues to wonder. Donghyun constantly calls out my name. However, his calls do not process in my mind. I continue to wonder through the hallways with him rambling on until I unexpectedley hit into someone. Everything snapped back into reality as I realised I was on top the student I bumped into. However, I am frozen on top of them. The gush of her perfume brings back everything that I tried to forget about her. I take a moment to look at her shocked face. She definitely looks very different. I know it had been weeks since the breakup, but it was a drastic change. She appeared more tired, with dark circles revealing itself under her makeup. Her face looked much paler and thinner. Her hair was all over the place, probably due to the impact. I stare into her beautiful eyes. Beautiful? Why should I be calling them that? But they're too enticing to look away. But they looked empty. What was running through her mind? I clear my throat.

"Are..are you-"

"Yeah. I'm okay". She sounded completely drained. I nod and slowly get off her. I offer my hand, but she quickly refuses. She slowly gets up, only to lose her balance, and almost fall. Luckily, I caught her in my arms before she hurt herself. We realise what situation we're in, and we begin to straighten ourselves out. Donghyun clears his throat in clear anger.

"Sorry about that, Yuri. Minho's just very clumsy". Her eyes widen, but slowly nods. She then faces me and bows.

"M-Mianhe". I shake my head profusely.

"It's okay, really". I gave her a large smile, for her to give a small one in return. She bows once more and begins to run in the direction Donghyun and I came from. My fists slowly clench. Why do I still feel something? WHY does it still hurt? It's been weeks. I could tell Donghyun could feel the tension in the air as my fists clench tighter and tighter. He wraps an arm around me.

"Mate, forget about her. Like you need her. There's many more fish in the sea, you know". But she's the only one to make me feel this way. He sighs and turns me around to a group of girls. 

"I heard you were quite the playboy in your time". He winks and nudges me. I sigh and turn in the opposite direction.

"I don't do like that anymore". He, however turns me around back in the direction of the girls. 

"COME ON, mate. Once a playboy, always a playboy, huh?" After a moment of silence, he begins to smirk.

"Man, she sure has great legs. Look at them, mate". He nods his head in her direction. I force my head to turn around. He wasn't kidding. Her legs were flawless and tan. However, Yuri's legs are better..NO. Why is she still in my head? I CAN'T..I suddenly begin to have a pounding headache. I crumble to the floor, with Donghyun rushing down towards me.

"Mate, what's going on?" I continue to hold my head, which was pounding excruciatingly. He takes a water bottle out. 

"Drink". I nod and drink as much as I could. Within a few minutes, the pain subsided. But something grew inside me..I couldn't describe it, but I felt on top of the world. Hell, I was on top of the world. I didn't need Yuri. Wait..what? I turn to Donghyun and grinned.

"Wish me luck". I stride towards the group of girls. It were almost as if there was a force pulling me towards her. The bright neon skirt she wore brought out her legs nicely. I could hear the giggles of her friends as I approached her. She crossed her arms, but clearly loved the attention I was giving her. I snake my arm around her waist.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Choi Minho". The girl giggled. Was I really being mean to Yuri here..? But she's not my girlfriend..and there's something inside me right now. Please, let me know I'm doing something right..




I smirk as Minho worked his magic on the girl. I look down at the water bottle he drank from. I slowly pick it up and swirl the remaining contents. I shook my head. If only you knew what was actually was in this drink, Choi. I wonder if he'll put two and two together that something in him changed when he drank the water.

Oh well.

At least the Minho part of my plan was working pretty well. I suddenly hear giggles as Minho begins to whisper in the girls ear, with his arm around her. Perfect. But one more thing to make my plan continue to run smoothly. Just where did you go, Yuri?





I took a deep breath. The air, mixture of flowers and perfume, surrounded me. The rough grass against my soft fingertips. I looked up at the sky with a sad smile. It was blue. Much of a contrast to how I felt at the moment. I just wanted to forget. Take my mind off things, and forget. I look around the oval one last time before walking towards my iPod dock. I unlock my phone, and look through my playlist. Scrolling through, until I found the perfect song. I sighed and took a few steps backward before getting into position. 
I began to dance.
The feeling was exhilerarting. The wind wrapped itself around me as I spun and moved to the beat. I could feel the fears and troubles flying past me.I had forgotten how being free actually felt. I moved my arms in time with the beat, and popped my way through the sounds of the bass. Dance, was a part of me. The rawness of the moves really come out when you move according to you, rather than choreography. It was almost as if the troubles were popping out of me. The energy was coming back. I felt recharged, and I truly missed this feelin-
I stopped, frozen in place. It's as if the electricity running through my body had been cut short. I could not move from the stiff position I was left in. I could sense the annoyance, just from his presence alone. I slowly moved out of my frozen position to stand straight. I took a slow, deep breath before turning around to look in Josh's eyes. He stood there in loose Adidas trackies and a Basketball jersey, with the number 21 (A/N: Yuri's number on her cheerleader in Oh!) and a hoodie..wait, 21?
"Is that..M.." He looked at with his hands crossed and laughed.
"Yep, this is Minho's jersey". I gave him a look of confusion. He looked and smiled.
"Don't worry, it's just for today. He said he felt sick, so he didn't want to play". I just looked at him and slowly nodded. He began to observe me. It were as if he were analysing me. He started to come closer, with the strong smell of CK circling him. I was taking steps back as he took them forward. He soon shook his head, and spun me towards him. He was now holding me close to him, the scent stronger than ever. I didn't need this. I pushed myself off him, and was walking towards my iPod dock. He somehow caught up and stood right in front of me. He was looking at me, with what LOOKED like sincerity in his eyes. He slowly brought his fingertips to my hair and it. I couldn't move, despite the anger erupting within me.
"You know how much I missed doing this to you?" He sighed and smiled warmly at me. I shook my head away from his hand and looked away.
"What is it you want, Josh?" He tsked and took a step closer. I slowly looked up to his deep, glowing brown eyes. With a hint of malicious thoughts in them
"Why do I assume I want you for something? Can't I just want you..?" As he says you, he leans closer and closer. I, however, push off him harshly. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Aish, Yuri. Always the difficult one, aren't we?" 
"What. Is it that you want?" He looked annoyed but soon smirked. That stupid smirk.
"Well, now that you mention it..I have something to ask of you.." He gave another up and down look, almost approving me. He grinned and nodded.
"A favour. For old pals. Come on. What do you say?" I shook my head with a stupendous look on my face.
"Oh, yeah. TOTALLY" I gave him an "Are you kidding me?" look and packed up my dock and iPhone. I suddenly felt dizzy as I picked up my stuff from the floor. I almost fall, to find myself falling into his arms. He gives me a grin.
"See? Old pals". I immediately stand up and brush myself down. I give him a look.
"..what is it exactly..?" He chuckled and came towards me. His built body strided towards me in a determined manner. He had something in mind. He came slowly to whisper into my ear. My eyes grew wide as what he asked of me. I pushed him off.
"WHAT?! I will not get back with you!"
Expected ending, I know. All in good time, m'dears. 
Hope you enjoy! x
And a SHOUTOUT to T.I.Y.A. I miss you girlies so much! Love you all! <3
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I'M BACK. I've been editing and revamping. Expect 'The Playboy who Stole my Heart' to commence! x


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Chapter 55: your one shot is amazing! i hope you make a lot of minyul one shots..

you are really awesome! :)
narsha-everlasting #2
Chapter 53: thx for the fanfic♥♥♥♥
Chapter 54: I spent the whole day reading this from the beginning till the end.. It really worth speding most of my time reading it.. Good job ^^
yurisaranghaeminho #4
Chapter 53: that was amazing i hope you can write more stories about minyul i'll sunscribe!!!. :)
Chapter 54: that was nice....
Chapter 54: Aww its an honour to be able to read a great story!
Im so thankful everything ended well and Minyul are finally able to be together!
Its really a great story! The story flowed really well and it did not felt like it was too sudden!
im so glad to have come across this fanfic!
Thank you for completing it!
I will definitely read any future minyul fics if there were more :D
sweetmelody915 #7
Chapter 54: I really just want to say THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS EPIC STORY!! It was one of the minyul fanfics I have ever read!! And I'm really sad that it ended already... but again Thank you!! Sequel anybody??
Chapter 54: Aaaaw, it's already finish! T^T

I love the ending.....

It's sweet, i literally cried here when Yuri left to go to Sydney, and Minho didn't showed up to her when she's still in Korea.....I was like "Where the hell are you Minho?! Do something!! Stop Josh!" And then poof! When they're in the airport in sydney, and th edriver and the hand writing in English, I was like "Oh! It's Minho! Kyaaaaa!" I was imagining what the hand writing looks like, and i was laughing out loud.....

It's sad it's already finished, maybe a sequel??
bubbleteacraze #9