Unbelievable Unveiling

How The Playboy Stole My Heart.


"Hey! You can't take my phone!" I giggled as I ran around, trying to grab my phone off him. He was a lot faster than me, so this mission was pretty much impossible. He then immediately stopped running, causing me to crash into him. But before I fell to the ground, his arms caught me. I layed watching him intently. His deep drown eyes and black spiky hair. His strong built kept me up as we stared into each others eyes.

"I love you, Yuri." I gasped at his words. Why was he telling me this?

"Josh.." He looked at me.

"I do, Yuri. Leave Minho for me." I stared at him. He was confessing to me while I had Minho.

"Josh..I don't love you. I love Minho." He then scoffed and dropped me to the floor.

"But he doesn't like you like that. I do." I got up.

"You're wrong! You don't know anything about our relationship!" I hadn't realised I shouted at him until I covered my mouth.

"Babe, give it a rest. He doesn't like you like that..well, not after I tell him the truh.." He grinned at me. He wouldn't..

"W..What truth?" He laughed.

"Please. Don't act innocent. I know the REAL reason you left Sydney." I gaped at him. Could he..?

"It's because of my mum wanting a fresh start. To get away from my bullies." He just laughed.

"Nice try, babe. I know the REAL reason.." He came to whisper in my ear. My eyes shot wide.


"I have my ways. Well? What do you say?" I backed away from him.

"No..I can't. I love Minho. I won't be with YOU!" I shouted at him. He smirked.

"Minho will have to find out somehow." He then walked off. I quickly ran and grabbed his arm to turn him around. When I turned him around, it wasn't Josh anymore. It was Minho.

"Let go of me, psycho."

"Minho, I.."

"LEAVE.ME.ALONE." He pushed my hand off and left. Why do I feel so alone..


I woke up to a gasp as Tiffany looked at me intently. 

"I tried waking you up. You kept squirming and struggling in your sleep. Are you okay, sweetie?" I sighed and nodded. 

"Well, get ready. We're leaving in 20 minutes." I nodded and started to get ready. I wore some black jeans and a baggy shirt and had my hair wavy. I was in no mood to "impress" anyone. I didn't want this stalker to find me y..I shivered at the thought. I heard my phone beep with a message. I got myself prepared for what was coming.


Good morning, y.
I will see you today. I CANNOT wait.
You'll love the suprise I will give you ;)

Meet me at your back oval at 8:15am.

See you soon, babe ;)


I started shaking. Is this really going to happen? Was I really going to meet him? Who is HIM anyway? I sent a quick "kk" with shaking fingertips. I wish I could tell Minho. I need to tell him. But, as if he read my mind, he was calling me. I was staring at his caller ID.

Choi Minho <3

I laughed as I remembered how I changed his caller ID from "Boy" to "Choi Minho <3". I took a deep breath and answered.


"Yuri! Thank God you answered! Did you rest well, beautiful?" I widened my eyes at the thought of Josh in my dream.

"Y-yeah..sure." He sighed.

"Are you still meeting him?" I bit my lip.

"Yes." He cleared his throat.



"Where, Yuri?"

"Minho, if I tell you, you'd come and stop me." He gave a tired laugh.

"You know me well."

"Too well." I gave a small laugh.

"Yuri, where is he meeting you?" I sighed.

"Minho, I can't tell you." I can feel his frustration.

"Yuri, please. You need to confide in me. I can help." I suddenly felt my throat close up.

"I..Minho, I don't want you involved.." I could feel him losing his patience.

"YURI. PLEASE TELL ME." He was screaming. Pleading. It killed me bit by bit.


"WHY? YURI. I care for you! I need to protect you. Why won't you let me help you?!" I gasped at his shouting. I've never heard him so..raw. I soon realised I had tears roling down my cheeks.

"I'M SCARED, MINHO. OKAY? I'M SCARED TO THE CORE. I AM AFRAID." My voice slightly cracked. There was silence on Minho's line.

"I need to do this on my own. Please." 

"Yuri, listen. Tell me. I will help. Just TELL ME where and when you're meeting. Please." I took a deep breath to prevent any sobs.

"No..you'll..you'll stop me..I know you will. I..will see you soon, okay?" He protested.

"No, no, no. Don't hang up on me, Yuri." I siged.

"I'm meeting him at school. That's all I'm telling you." He gasped.


"Goodbye Minho. I love you." I hung up. Tiffany came in. I quickly rubbed at  my eyes.

"Ready to go?" I nodded and smiled. She left her arm out, to which I took to link. We laughed our way to her car. We sat in the car and she drove us to school. I looked at my phone at a picture of Minho and I. It was of Minho kissing my cheek. This was during one of our dance practises for Lucifer. I remembered how this photo was taken..

"Yuri-ah. Can I take a picture with you?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Why..?" He chuckled. His laugh was hot.

"Because I want to take a picture with you.." He whispered in my ear, which sent shivers down my spine. I blushed and nodded. He grinned and positioned the camera. We could hear the countdown of the camera, getting ready to take the picture, when he unexpectedley turned and kissed my cheek. I gasped and the photo was taken. I blushed furiously, while Minho grinned. We both looked at the picture.

"I think you look beautiful." I looked at him with shock. He realised what he said and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Oh..th-thank you." He looked at me for what seemed like forever, until I shook my head.

"We..should get back to dancing, right?" He smirked but nodded. We walked into our positions and continued to dance.

 I sighed and checked the time. 8:00am. Not long left.



 10 minutes later.

Tiffany got us to school at 8:10am. I thanked her and ran for the back oval, which was at the other side of the school. As I was running, I bumped into someone. Taemin.

"NOONA." He hugged me. I quickly hugged him, but was in a rush. I let him go to try and rush, but he grabbed my arm. I tried to pull my arm away, but he was stronger than I realised.

"Where have you been? Sooni's been worried SICK. Same wth Key and I. What about Minho?" I stopped struggling and looked at him.

"I know you were trying to protect us, but you're hurting us. Have you met with him, or not?" I shook my head.

"I have to go and find out who he is, Taemin. So let me go." I tried to move away, but he refused to let me budge.

"I can't, Noona." I kept struggling, until I heard someone calling me.

"YURIIIIIIIII." I knew that squeal anywhere. Sooni. Taemin turned to look at her, which gave me the opportunity. I pulled my hand away and made a run for it. I could hear Taemin and Sooni call me in the distance, but I kept runnig. I soon got to the back oval. I looked at my phone. I panted like crazy.


It's already 8:15am? Oh God. I freaked out more by the second. Will I really meet this mystery stalker? Or were they bluffing? Or will they kidnap me? I breathed in slowly, in and out. I fanned my face with my fingers, hpoefully to calm myself down. I then heard a cough. My eyes directed themselves to where I heard the cough; straight ahead. I realise I am clearly seeing a man in a  black and grey hoodie and baggy jeans. He was wearing black Nike shoes. He was quite tall. Like Minho's height, but more buff. I couldn't see his face due to his snapback which had "Chicago Bulls" on it. Although, I could see him smirk fom the distance between us. The tension between us was strong. He soon broke it.

"Yuri, my princess." He said this in perfect English. He clearly had put on a fake deep voice for me to not recognise it. English? I decided to continue this conversation in English.

"Are..are you.." I tried, but I couldn't get the words out. He chuckled.

"Yes. I'm HIM." He put quotations at "him". I breathed in and out, trying to keep my composure.

"Right. Will I know who you are?" He laughed.

"Wh-what's so funny?" He smirked.

"That you STILL haven't figured it out." I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" He smirked and walked closer. I walked backwards to avoid the closeness with him. He kept advancing to me until I bumped into a wall.This gave him the opportunity to close in any apportunity to try and escape. He put his hands on either side of me. He came close, to the point where our lips were only inches apart. I felt like I couldn't leave out a breath. Why do I suddenly feel I know him..

"You don't know who I am, do you? I thought I was a bit obvious.." He smirked and leaned in. I moved my head away quick enough. He stopped and moved back.

"How about I let you do the honours and let you find out who I am?" I gasped at him. Why do I feel like I know who it is? I slowly nodded. He smiled and moved slightly back. I slowly got my fingertips onto his snapback. He brought his arms to my waist. I froze.

"Relax. I won't kiss you..yet." I breathed in and out to try and calm down. He pulled me in closer. I slowly got his hat out of the way, and eventually off. I had my eyes closed. But once I realised his hat was off, I slowly opened my eyes. The sight before me..it can't be.. It's impossible. I am staring back into his deep, brown eyes. I moved back until I hit the wall once more. My jaw dropped open and I just stared in shock. He chuckled.

"Miss me?" His black, spiked hair. His brown eyes and built body. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. Josh.



DUN-DUN-DUN. The stalker is..JOSH.

Yes. The SAME Josh from Sydney. The SAME Josh who was her ex-boyfriend. The SAME..you get the point xD

Was that suprising? Did you like that? Or did you all know it? :O

Hope you liked this chapter! :3


What will he do to Yuri? You'll just have to wait and see.

Goodbye for now, lovelies! <3

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I'M BACK. I've been editing and revamping. Expect 'The Playboy who Stole my Heart' to commence! x


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Chapter 55: your one shot is amazing! i hope you make a lot of minyul one shots..

you are really awesome! :)
narsha-everlasting #2
Chapter 53: thx for the fanfic♥♥♥♥
Chapter 54: I spent the whole day reading this from the beginning till the end.. It really worth speding most of my time reading it.. Good job ^^
yurisaranghaeminho #4
Chapter 53: that was amazing i hope you can write more stories about minyul i'll sunscribe!!!. :)
Chapter 54: that was nice....
Chapter 54: Aww its an honour to be able to read a great story!
Im so thankful everything ended well and Minyul are finally able to be together!
Its really a great story! The story flowed really well and it did not felt like it was too sudden!
im so glad to have come across this fanfic!
Thank you for completing it!
I will definitely read any future minyul fics if there were more :D
sweetmelody915 #7
Chapter 54: I really just want to say THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS EPIC STORY!! It was one of the minyul fanfics I have ever read!! And I'm really sad that it ended already... but again Thank you!! Sequel anybody??
Chapter 54: Aaaaw, it's already finish! T^T

I love the ending.....

It's sweet, i literally cried here when Yuri left to go to Sydney, and Minho didn't showed up to her when she's still in Korea.....I was like "Where the hell are you Minho?! Do something!! Stop Josh!" And then poof! When they're in the airport in sydney, and th edriver and the hand writing in English, I was like "Oh! It's Minho! Kyaaaaa!" I was imagining what the hand writing looks like, and i was laughing out loud.....

It's sad it's already finished, maybe a sequel??
bubbleteacraze #9