
Duel For Heart
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As much as Ravi hoped that N will come and look after Hongbin, the leader doesn't and eventhough he's disappointed by that, he knows he cant force him to do things that he doesn't want so in the end, Ravi has to take care of Hongbin all by himself.Not that he's complaining, of course. Its just that as their leader, N always know the right thing to do and say when they're sick that can make them feel at least a little better so to endure his six ones without N by his side, Ravi can only imagine how horrible Hongbin is feeling. 

"Where's Hakyeon-hyung? "Hongbin asks while his hands fiddles with the bowl of porridge in his hands, not quite eating it. 

"He... He just came home. "Ravi tells him honestly. 

"He won't come and see me? "Hongbin asks almost pitifully and Ravi feels really bad. 

"I think he must still be tired. "He says and Hongbin nods weakly but the disappointment can clearly be seen on his face as be hands the bowl back to Ravi. 

"I'm full. "He mutters, reaching for the glass of water and quickly downing his medicine with it. 

"But you barely eat! "Ravi exclaims because yes, Hongbin has barely eaten a few spoonfuls of the porridge he brought him. 

"I'll throw up if I eat more. "Hongbin says as he lies back down. "You don't have to stay with me. I'll be fine. "He assures but Ravi isn't so sure of that. 

"Its okay. I'll keep you company for tonight. "He offers but Hongbin refuses. 

"Really, Wonshik. Just go. I won'

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63 streak #1
Chapter 33: "We're not a thing. We're together"

VIXX is always 6 in my heart. Huhu. Thank you for this wonderful story.
63 streak #2
Chapter 26: Well this is unexpected haha. Don't mind them authornim. You did great in this story
63 streak #3
Chapter 21: I don't mind but kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I squealed. My Neo heart
63 streak #4
Chapter 7: Hyuk dragging his hyungs makes him maknae on top for real haha.
63 streak #5
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhhhhh oh my god too much fluff. My Neo heart omg. I'm imagining Leo with red cheeks, like damn he's adorable.
63 streak #6
Ohhhhh love triangle huh? This will be an interesting one
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: The title-
myintzuchan #8
Chapter 1: Really good story
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 25: Well maybe now it will be Leobin.