
Cooking for Love

"And so, bx + c...has a gradient of...meaning you need to solve for the constants of a, b and c..." Mr. Park's rambling continued on, as he wrote more things onto the chalkboard.

Is it just me, or does this period feel like an eternity?

I let out a tired sigh, as I found my eyelids becoming more and more heavy, while attempting to listen to the teacher's explanation. Math is one of the most boring subjects there is, and...Ugh, why did this have to be the only subject that I could pick in this line? All it does is make me really sleepy, and some of, (or more like a majority of it) doesn't even make any sense. For example, where the heck does that ‘A’ come from, when all there is, is f(x)!

See what I mean?

As soon as the bell rang, signaling that it was now finally home time, I snapped out of my sleepy state. Everyone in the classroom immediately started to pack away their things, as they chattered amongst themselves.

"So for homework tonight, I want you all to complete exercise 3.04 and 3.05," announced Mr. Park, just before anyone could rush outside.

As usual, there were a few complaints and groaning, which had him smiling as though there was nothing wrong.

I swear, he just loves to torture us with homework.

Shoving my things into my bag, I then picked up my text book, and then exited the room. Now outside, I let out a satisfied sigh, and just when I was about to make my way towards the school gate, I saw my prince charming in the distance.

Gunwoo caught my eye, and started waving at me, which made me do that weird giggle (inside my mind of course) that I usually did.

Come on, Hyeri, walk, walk, walk—move those legs, and just. be. normal!

My jelly-like legs eventually reached him, and as soon as we were in speaking distance, he asked me if I wanted to walk home together with him.

Walk home together with him.

Walk home.


With him.

Oh my God, Gunwoo just asked me what?!

Why is this even a question in the first place, of course the answer is yes!

"...Hyeri? Hyeri-ah, did you hear me?" asked an uncertain voice, which brought me back to reality.

Gunwoo's confused eyes met my blinking ones, and as soon as I took in what was happening, I let out nervous laugh. "Y-Yeah, of course I'd love to walk home with you! Come on, l-let’s go!" And with that, I started to lead the way, trying my best to not end up doing that stupid robot-walk that I always found myself doing, whenever I was around him.


Throughout our walk, we ended up talking about anything and everything, and for once...Seyong didn't come out of nowhere to interrupt our time together!

Woops, maybe I shouldn't think about him, because I might just end up jinxing myself. But really, I'm just so happy that he hasn't shown up to ruin this right now, so maybe, just maybe, things are actually going to go like how they're suppose to go.

"So you're having trouble with your maths?" asked Gunwoo.

I gave him a sheepish smile and pinched my fingers slightly, "Just a little. The formulas confuse me, but I'll eventually get the hang of it."

"Well if you want, I can lend you a hand with them?" he kindly offered.

Oh my God, I swear this just keeps getting better and better.

"R-Really?" I managed to squeak out.

He nodded with a smile, "Yeah, we can head over to the library right now, or plan a day when—"

"Now's good!" I accidentally blurted out.

Oh poo, why did I have to do that?

Taken aback by my enthusiasm, he blinked at me for a bit, (probably wondering why he knows someone like me) just before letting out a chuckle. "Alright then, I guess someone's eager to do well in her studies," he said, and then gave me a playful pat on my back.

Oh yeah...eager with 'studies'...yep...definitely.

I'm totally not eager to spend some more quality time with you at all.

Nope, totally not that.


You know what? I think Gunwoo should be my teacher.

Not only has my understanding towards this subject become so much better, but listening to him talk, and explain things out, was, and is just...amazing. Of course, that is to be expected, from someone so wonderful such as himself. Some of the things he told me made me raise an eyebrow, (like how he would come up with a song for a certain method, just to make remembering it become easier) but it was really useful! The gibberish math equations that I was looking at a while ago, now actually made some sense to me.

Or maybe it was because I wasn't paying as much attention towards Mr. Park as I did with Gunwoo...?

Naaaah, that can't be it, Gunwoo's just a better teacher.


"...So does that make sense now?" asked Gunwoo's voice, which had me nodding.

Looking up at him, I had completely forgotten at how close we were sitting next to each other, which made my cheeks go back to being tinted with a faint pink. Now, the only thing that would complete this is a kiss! Or if I can confess to him, and have him accept my feelings! Or even better...if he asks me to be his girlfriend, because he's always secretly liked me, and then we end up happily together, just like in one of those dramas!

"So what are you guys doing over here?!" exclaimed a voice, which made me gasp.

Oh no...

No no no...


Go away, no one wants you here...shoo! Scram!

"Hey Seyong!" greeted Gunwoo, "We're just working on a bit of some maths. Do you want to join us?"

I shot the red-haired male a glare, hoping that he would get the hint to say no, but the crazy thing shot me back a look that simply said, 'Ha, as if I’d leave!'

So not only has he just bombarded his way into my alone-time-with-Gunwoo out of nowhere, but he just had to go and sit in the empty spot next to me?! Why not in one of the empty spaces from across the room? Or better yet, just...just...oh my goodness, just go home!

I shuffled my chair over next to Gunwoo a little, only to feel a sudden kick on my leg, which made me hiss out an, "Ow!"

Turning back to face the culprit, Seyong's overly angelic face was soon gone, as I quickly returned the gesture. A semi-kicking war gradually broke out, and I really hoped I was winning. We both stopped as soon as Gunwoo piped in and asked if there was something wrong.

Oh, thank goodness you are oblivious to my violent ways...

"Oh no, nothing's wrong," I gave him a tiny smile; "Actually, I was just wondering how to do this question!"

I pointed towards the first question I saw, and he skimmed over it a bit, before he began to explain it to me. Nodding, I was taking in everything that he was saying, until a sudden bump from my left, had snapped me out of my concentration.

"What question is this?" asked Seyong, who then forcefully squeezed himself next to me, as an attempt to see what we were talking about.

"Dude, you're invading my personal bubble here!" I yelled, and then pushed him away.

He ignored my comment, and just pointed to my math equation instead. "Psh, fatty, why are you so dumb? The answer for that is obviously five," he said with a roll of his eyes.

I couldn't help but scoff, knowing full well that he had made the answer up, "How the heck is this five?"

And I have no idea what just happened, but the red-head male beside me suddenly started to explain the solution of the problem, in the most sophisticated why I had ever seen him.

Great, so he sings, raps, can do a back flip, is quite toned, and now he's smart?!

Is there something wrong with this world, or...?

"...And that's how you get the answer," concluded Seyong, as he gave my forehead a flick.

I recoiled back with a twitch, "Ouch, was that even necessary?!"

He shrugged, and then started to effortlessly twirl the biro pen around in his fingers. Gunwoo praised Seyong, saying how he had completely forgotten that mathematics was one of his 'strong' subjects, which had me grumbling to myself. And then, what came out of Gunwoo's mouth next made me gasp, and then frown.

"Y-You're going?" I repeated, hoping he would change his mind.

But—I—, don't go just yet!

"Yeah, I promised to help my parents out with some of the chores around the house," replied the older (and better) male, as he started to pack away his books. "You have Seyong here to help you, so you'll be fine."

My shoulders sank a little as he said this, but I kept on a tiny smile just for his sake.

"See ya, hyung," waved Seyong.

Gunwoo waved at us both, just before exiting the library. I let out a sigh, and then slumped back into my chair, only to straighten back up again, when I was reminded of why he had to leave sooner than I had wanted him to.

"Why do you always have to appear out of nowhere, and ruin everything?" I grumbled to the red-head.

Seyong raised an eyebrow at me, "Isn't that a little harsh?"

I huffed, "Because of you, I can never talk to Gunwoo oppa properly!"

For a split second, I saw how Seyong's jaw had clenched together tightly, as his eyes slightly narrowed at me. I was taken aback by the somewhat, frustrated look in his eyes, as he slowly put down the pen in his hand.

Whoa, this

"You make me sick," muttered the red-head. His voice was so soft, that if it wasn't for the quiet policy that every library had, I probably wouldn't have been able to have heard that. Seeing the surprised-yet-still-quite-annoyed look on my face, he bitterly went on. "It's always 'Gunwoo oppa' this, and 'Gunwoo oppa' that," he spat out.

Where the heck is he going with this?

I crossed my arms and gave him a scrutinizing look, "Ha, what are you, jealous?"

He seemed to be caught off guard at my assumption, but quickly recovered. "Me? Jealous? No way!” he yelled, "It's annoying! It's annoying, because you're so delusional!"

"Delusional?!" I repeated, now with my full attention towards him.

Who does he think he is, going around and calling others 'delusional' just like that, huh?!

"Yes, delusional!" confirmed Seyong, as he angrily threw his arms out. "Don't you realize how stupid your little fan-girl self is? It's lame, and that ‘look’ that you get, when you're all lovey-dovey for Gunwoo hyung, is gross. It’s not like you'll ever get to be his girlfriend, because he will never see you that way!"

By now, every single pair of eyes within the library was on us, and instead of the little chatters that could be heard from certain corners, it was dead silent. It was so quiet, it as though everyone in the place was scared to breathe, like they were afraid that the place would collapse or something. I swallowed down the uncomfortable lump in my throat, as I took in everything that Seyong had just practically yelled at me. A strange, hurtful feeling was beginning to build up within my chest, and I felt numb. I wasn't sure how my face was looking right about now, but it was probably shell-shocked as heck.

Without another word, I turned back to my desk, and hastily packed away my books into a neat pile, not even bothering to shove them into my bag.

"No, wait—Hyeri-ah, I didn't mean—" Seyong reached out a hand towards me, but I ignored it.

Keeping my head low, as to not make any eye contact with anyone, I swung my bag over my shoulder, and was soon out of the place.    


A/N: Uh-oh. So what happens now...? By the way, the next chapter will be in Seyong's point of view, and thanks for reading! :D

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I can't help but imagine Seyong and Hyeri of Girl's Day here. Idk if they had interactions or whatever but they look good together. For me, at least. :> :> And I really like Seyong and I can barely find any MYNAME fics in here so I am looking forward to reading this one! :D
Chapter 42: I feel so sad thst I finished reading.this stoy because it's so cute and funny n.n!

Like I already told you; I love MYNAME and I think more people should write about them :o.

I really enjoyes this story so much! You did an amazing job :D
Dagmar #3
Chapter 42: Sad it's over! :( such a good story!
Chapter 42: Daebak! :D
Chapter 42: It's reaaaaally good! Another seyong? ♡ ;')
i like it :3
write another Seyong fic?
I'm a mess sobbing (that may also be because I just finished watching a depressing Bollywood film) and all the cute make me sqeal and cringe at the same time xD
That lemon fight was just amazing LOL
Thanks for writing such a cute story <333
Chapter 42: So happy you didn't give this up!
It is such a sweet yet funny story it made me laugh and made me feel all fuzzy at the same time!
Thank you for writing this - it is one of the less MYNAME stories that acually worked on me ^.^
justwanttoread #9
Chapter 42: its over????ohh...i really like this fic..
its full of love, friendship, love, fluff, love
hahhhaha... i love seyong n hyeri here!!!
its cute!!!
n auwwww~~~~ cant get enough of them, especially towards the end..
n i glad that u didnt give up on this fic..
thank you for that ^^
*two thumbs up*
hey! new reader here and your fic is interesting :) will be reading the chappies now. :DD