Introducing Key And Bling Bling

The Shining Knight and The Dark Rider

    I walked over to Onew oppa's bed, which is nearer to the window than the other bed. I bend down to have a look at the sleeping Onew oppa. The next thing I did, which I also don't know why I did that, was to wave a hand infront of his face. No reaction. Hmm, he really is asleep.

    I then turned my gaze to the blanket on him. It really is wet! I removed the blanket from him, I need to wash this. Wait, but he'll be cold without the blanket! Then, something caught my attention. A ha! TaeMin's blanket! I then took the blanket from the other bed and put it softly on Onew oppa, ya softly, or at least I thought it was soft, I didn't want to wake him up.

    Just then, the door bell rang, " Ding Dong~ " Hmm, did TaeMin forgot his keys? I took Onew's oppa blanket and slowly closed the bedroom door behind me. I then rushed to the main door and opened it. Two strangers were standing at the door, staring at me with a shocked expression.

    " Who are you?! " The shorter guy asked at the same time the other guy pointed his index finger at me, " What are you doing here?! " I frozed. They looked like they were questioning a criminal and I am the criminal. My heart raced at the sight of these two fierce strangers, I'm scared... I didn't know how to react. I blink a few times, trying to get myself back into senses. I took in a deep breath and answered their questions which I barely remembered " Erm, I... live here? "

    " Live here? " The shorter guy repeated looking shock before turning to the other guy, " Did he move house?! Without telling us?! " He asked in disbelieve, " What kind of friend is he? To think that we came all the way here in the big rain just to visit him when he's sick. "

    Just then, a loud bang was heard with a scream, " AHH! " Onew oppa? ONEW OPPA?! Oh no! I quickly rushed into the room, leaving the two guys standing there with their mouths opened. I opened the door and saw Onew oppa sitting on the floor. " What happened?! Are you ok? " I asked concernly as I rushed to his side, squating down beside him.

    " Ah... " He moaned as he hold on to his toes. " I slipped and accidentally kicked the bed frame. " Aish, it's all my fault for not wiping the floor dry earlier. " Sorry Onew oppa... I should have dried the floor before you woke up. " I apologised, lowering my head in guilt.

    " It's not your fault, it's my fault for being too careless. So don't feel bad, ok? " Onew oppa smiled kindly at me.

    " But it was me who didn't closed the window earlier so the rain came splashing in. " I bit my lip, feeling guiltier than ever. Ahhh, I think I'm going to cry soon. But before Onew oppa could reply, someone else stopped me from crying, " It's the rain fault, ok? So can you two now stop arguing about that? " We turned to look at the person leaning on the bedroom door frame. The two guys had somehow invited themself into the house.

    " What are you guys doing here? " Onew oppa asked them, suprised. " Onew oppa, you... know them? " I asked curiously and he nodded his head saying, " Mmm, they are my friends. "

    " Hey, what is a girl doing in your house anyway? " The taller guy asked, frowning as he crossed his arms.

    " Ahh, you mean JungMi? She is- " But before Onew oppa could even finish his sentence, the shorter guy walked over and bend down infront of me, " Hmm, JungMi, a familar face with a familar name." He then leaned forward, having a closer look of me before asking while tapping his index finger on his chin, pretending to be thinking, " Hmm, perhaps... we've met before? " He gave me a smile and a wink.

    I blinked a few times as I leaned backwards, trying to back away from him. " YAH! Get away from her! " Onew oppa pushed him away. He fell backwards at the same time the other guy came running over and started pulling him away, " What do you think you are doing?! " He shouted at the shorter guy angrily.

    " What? I just thought she look familar. " He gave the taller guy an innocent look.

    " That's a very out-dated way to get to know girls you know! " The other guy 'scolded' him as he smacked his back.

    " Key hyung! Bling Bling hyung! " Someone suddenly shouted excitedly. I turned and saw TaeMin running into the room. He's finally back. I wonder where have he been to all this while. " TaeMinnie! Did you miss hyung? " The shorter guy asked as he put an arm around TaeMin.

    " Of course! Bling Bling hyung, you bringing me out to eat today? " TaeMin asked excitedly, " I don't want to eat chicken again today, please~ "

    " Not today, Onew hyung's sick, we are here to visit him, maybe next time. "

    " Aww~ " TaeMin whined and the shorter guy asked, ignoring his whine, " Erm, TaeMin ah, shouldn't you offically introduce us to JungMi now? "

    " JungMi ah, this is Bling Bling hyung, you can call him Bling Bling oppa. " TaeMin pointed to the shorter guy before he pointed to the other guy, " and this is Key hyung, you can call him Key oppa. "

    " Nice to meet you! Bling Bling oppa and Key oppa. " I greeted as I bowed politely.

    " Let's go out to the living room! " Bling Bling oppa exclaimed as he placed his arm on my shoulder, " This room is getting a little too stuffy, don't you think so? "

    " YAH! Get your hands off her! " Key oppa screamed at Bling Bling oppa as he grabbed his hands and pulled him away. " What are you doing? Let go! " Bling Bling oppa said as he tried to shake off Key oppa's hand.

    " Yah, stop shaking! " Key oppa gave Bling Bling oppa another smack on his arm and tightened the grip. I couldn't help but to laugh at them. " Eh? What are you doing on the floor, Onew hyung? " TaeMin asked innocently as they continued arguing.

    " Aish, don't care about me, take JungMi away from this monster! " Onew oppa replied anxiously as he pointed to Bling Bling oppa. TaeMin stared at him for awhile, trying to make sense of what he is talking about before pushing me out of the room, closing the door behind me.

    " What's wrong? Why is Bling Bling oppa a monster? " I asked TaeMin. He just shrugged and answered, " Not sure, but what Onew hyung said must be right. I will just follow his instructions. "

    " Oh, ok. " I nodded my head in understanding before exclaiming, " Why don't I cook the dinner today? Since Onew oppa is sick. " Right away, a very big smile appeared on his face, " Great! Then I wouldn't need to eat chicken today! " Seeing him jumping around in joy, I laughed. He's just too easily sastisfied.

    " Then, I shall go and cook the dinner now! " I smiled and TaeMin shouted after me, " You can use anything there is in the refrigerator! Prepare a delicious meal! "

    " Ok, no problem, leave it to me! " I shouted back as I gave him a 'ok' sign. I look inside the refrigerator. Hmm, there is vegetables like cabbages and potatoes, carrots, there is also a lot of chickens, Onew oppa's favourite, of course there is fruits like apple and oranges, now, what should I cook?

    Onew oppa is sick, so I should cook something easy to consume, like porridge! Ok, what should I put in the porridge then? Some meat? But there is only chicken! TaeMin would be so disappointed... But having chicken would be better then having no meat, right? I guess so...


    " Ta-Da! My master peice! " I put down the big pot of porridge infront of them on the dining table.

    " Wow! This must be delicious! " TaeMin smiled. Uh-oh... Hope he won't be too disappointed when he found out that it was chicken porridge. Bling Bling oppa then opened the pot cover slowly and they all looked inside hopefully.

    " JungMi... Is that... chic-chicken? " TaeMin asked, his voice trembling. I nodded my head slowly and explained, " TaeMin ah, there is no other type of meat except for chicken... Sorry. "

    " Never mind! Whatever you cook, it must be very delicious! " Key oppa exclaimed and Bling Bling oppa and Onew oppa nodded in agreement. TaeMin just sighed and said, " I know, but... I just... Haiz... " He sighed again.

    " You can just eat the porridge only, we can help you finish up your potion of chicken! " Key oppa suggested, " Right? " He nudged Onew oppa and Bling Bling oppa .

    " Right! Come on, I'll be happy to help you finish it. " Onew oppa smiled, " At most, the next time, I'll cook something different just for you! Ok? "

    " Really? You cannot regret it later! " TaeMin exclaimed as a huge smile suddenly appear on his face, " But I still want my chicken. It is better then eating plain porridge! "

    " Ok! So now, let's eat! " Bling Bling oppa exclaimed, " I wanna sit beside JungMi! " He rushed to my side, but before he could pull out the chair beside mine, Key oppa pulled him over and said, " You are sitting beside me! " He then pushed Bling Bling oppa down onto the chair beside his. Bling Bling oppa tried to stand up but Key oppa held him down. " You are not going anywhere! "

    " What are you doing?! I want to sit with JungMi! " Bling Bling oppa complained.

    " You have no other choice! " Key oppa smirk, " Eat this. " Key oppa ordered as he scopped a bowl of porridge for Bling Bling oppa. " I can do it myself. " Bling Bling oppa stood up and started filling the bowl with porridge. He then offered it to me, smiling. I was about to accept it when Key oppa snatched over the bowl. " Thanks! I'll eat that. " The two of them never fail to make me laugh.

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--doyouhearme #1
Chapter 36: L.JOEEEE <3 *spazzing*
What a coincidence...I'll have to read this soon.^^
angelkitty #3
Chapter 36: Awwww, L.joe and Jungmi is so sweet ^-^ keehehehe. L.joeeee <3333 OMGGGG, MY RICKY APPEARED TOO :DDDDD Three cheers for Ricky :P Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hoorayyyyy ~~
Aww, what about my Taemin? :< He doesnt have a pairing, boohoo T.T
Chapter 36: Kyaaaaaaa~~~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Reading this story for just one night <3333 I looooove it!! /rolls down the mountain/ wiieee~~ L.Joeeeee <3
Chapter 36: Awwwwwwww~~OuO
L.joe How sweet!!<3<3<3
I was Blushing while reading it!!
Anyway the ending was awesome Im sureThat everyone LOVED it!!
This was an Amazing/cute/funny,Awesome Fanfic that i will never forget!!<3<3<3
Chapter 36: Aww~ L.Joe~ ! <33 So sweet and cute~ Plus, it's a happy and good ending for everyone, not only them! ^^
You're welcome! And TeenTop! I love you too~ XD
Chapter 35: Woo~ L.Joe confessed too? XDD
Chapter 35: OMG LJOE!!!!*Fangirl*OuO
OH MY GOOOOD CHUNJI!!!*Jump around like crazy*
Update soon unni!!I can't wait!OuO