The Truth

The Shining Knight and The Dark Rider

    " Did he do anything to you? Are you hurt? " He asked concernly. I shook my head and wiped the tears in my eyes that are threatening to come out any moment, " I'm fine. He didn't managed to do anything to me before you came. " I look up at him and smiled, " Thank you so much, I don't know what he would have done to me if you didn't come in time. " I could somehow sense that he was smiling too, under his helmet.

    His helmet... I tilted my head and asked curiously, " You changed your helmet? It's different from the one you wear everytime we meet. " He touched his helmet and laughed, " Ahh, I left that motorbike at home, I didn't want to scratch it since I thought I wouldn't meet you here tonight. "

    " Why... I mean I could have come here any night, why would you think that I wouldn't come here tonight? " He laughed and answered, " Because you're moving, isn't it? You should be at home with your Dino oppa. " My eyes widen and my smile disappeared. Moving? Dino oppa? How? How did he know? " You... Y-you stalk me? " I look at him suspiciously, " If not there is no way you could have known I was moving. "

    Just then, I remembered the motorbike back at Key oppa's garage. That motorbike, I found it so familar, I thought I have seen it somewhere before, and this is where! At this park! I look up at the dark rider and stared at him. He, he was the one on that motorbike. And only Key oppa would call my oppa Dino! He placed his hands on my shoulders and asked, " Are you ok? You look sick. "

    I opened my mouth slowly and struggled to get the two simple words out, I swallowed my saliva and asked with a shaky voice, " K-key oppa? " He nodded his head and asked, " What's wrong? " My heart skipped a beat when he nodded, and even though I tried very hard not to cry, but tears still forced their way out of my eyes.

    I shook my head and pushed his hands off my shoulders, " T-take off... your helmet? P-please? " He slowly reached up to unbucket the strap under the helmet and I kept praying, please, please don't let him be...

    I turned around and ran off. I ran towards home and covered my mouth with my hand, to stop any sound from ecaping. That is why, why he knew my name, he lied. He lied to me. The scene when he took off his helmet keep repeating itself. Why? Why did he lie? I could hear him screaming out my name asking me what's wrong.

    What's wrong? Does he really don't know what's wrong?


    I opened the main door and took off my shoes quickly before escaping back into my room. I slammed my door unintentionally and leaned on the door. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. Just then someone knocked on my door. " JungMi? Are you ok? " I sighed in relieve after I heard his voice, cause it wasn't Key oppa, it was TaeMin.

    I wiped away my tears and took in a deep breath. I slowly opened the door and there, stood TaeMin with worried written all over his face, " Did something happened? You suddenly came rushing back an- " He stopped half way through his sentence before softly asking, " Did... you cry? Your eyes are all red. "

    I tried to smile, but I couldn't. Tears were at the tip of my eyes and I have to close my eyes to stop them from falling. I lowered my head and quickly used the back of my hand to wipe away the tears that have escape my eye. " JungMi ah... " TaeMin half whispered, " What's wrong? " He pushed my chin up to face him.

    " I-I... " I mumbled as I stared into his eyes. But before I could tell him what happen, the front door opened and in came Key oppa. I gave him a sad annoyed look before quickly retreating back into my room, " I'm really tired. " I gave TaeMin a small assuring smile and closed the door behind me. I climbed into my bed and hugged my bear.

    I made myself comfortable and buried myself under the blanket. I didn't even bother to change my clothes. I can't believe it's just my first day staying here and this kind of thing happened. How can he? Why did he lie? How am I going to face him from now onwards? I am so stupid, how can I not realised?

    I felt like a moron. If L.Joe knows, he must be laughing at me now. My heart feels like it is being tied by a string, and I can't breathe properly. I muffled my sniffs under my pillow and cuddled myself under the blanket. Just then, a knock was heard from outside.

    " JungMi can you open the door? " TaeMin called from outside. I slowly got up from the bed, dried my tears and carried my bear with me to the door, I don't want my bear to leave me now. I opened the door and TaeMin showed me a plate with a cup of banana milk. He smiled, " Drinking banana milk helps when your sad. "

    I smiled a little and step aside for him to come in. I then closed the door behind him, I don't want to see someone else passing by the door. I put the plate down and passed the cup to me. " Try it. It's my favourite brand. "

    " Thank you. " I whispered, almost inaudible. I took the cup and took a sip. I don't really have the appetite to eat or drink anything now. I sat down on the foot of my bed and sighed. I must be the stupidest girl alive on earth. How could I not realise when I saw the motorbike? How could I not realise when Key oppa kept praising himself just like him? How could I not realise when he magically knows my name without me telling? How could I not know...

    Without me knowing, a tear came rolling down my cheek. My eyes sting and my nose blocked. " JungMi? " TaeMin sat down beside me and broke into my train of thoughts, " I can lend you a hug if you want. " I looked up at him and he opened up his arms before adding, " A hug really helps. " I moved forward and he returned my hug.

    " Can... you tell me what happen? " TaeMin's question shocked me.

    I gulped and thought for a while, well, it won't hurt to tell him. I can trust him to not tell anyone, and it always feels better telling people your troubles. I took in a deep breath and told him about him. I didn't mention he was Key oppa though, I just said he turned out to be someone I know, and I felt so... betrayed.

    The more I talk about it, the more the tears came flowing out of my eyes. My voice was shaky and I couldn't stop it. I pulled away and wiped away my tears. " Is he... Key hyung? "

    I looked up at TaeMin with wide eyes, " H-how... " He gave me a small smile and explained, " You looked at him like he was your enemy just now when he came back, and you quickly went back into your room to hide. He too, looks like something was troubling him. "

    I was shocked at how he analysed the situation. He... became matured. Not that he was childish before, but he... grew up. He tilted his head a little and raised his eyebrows, " You are not going to finish the milk? It's quite expensive actually. " He smiled a little and I gave him a small smile in his attempt to make me smile with his little joke.

    I put the glass to my lips and took another sip. A bigger sip. Haiz... I sighed again. I still can't believe this. Am I dreaming? I felt much better after the milk and hug, and of course having TaeMin here beside me. I don't know if this is counted, but the dark rider was sort of my first ever crush. But it just have to end this way. Why?

    The stinging of my eyes are coming back, I rubbed my eyes and tried forcing the tears back in. I turn to TaeMin and whispered, " Can you lend me your shoulders? " The crying has made my throat really dry and I feel really tired, can't seem to talk any louder.

    " Sure. " He smiled and I slowly lowered my head until it reached his shoulders. I closed my eyes and relaxed. " TaeMin ah, can we have ice-cream on Monday after school? "

    I can feel him nodding his head, " Of course. You treated me ice-cream when I was down, now it's time that I treat you some ice-cream. "

    All the crying have made my eyelids heavy and I didn't even bother to try and open my eyes once I closed them. With my bear on my laps and my hands around the cup of milk, I felt warm and safe. Also, the fact that TaeMin is beside me made me feel even more secure. I know I can trust him, he won't tell my secrets and I know he won't lie or betray me, neither would he annoy me like L.Joe does.

    I don't know since when, but I fell asleep. Without me knowing myself...

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--doyouhearme #1
Chapter 36: L.JOEEEE <3 *spazzing*
What a coincidence...I'll have to read this soon.^^
angelkitty #3
Chapter 36: Awwww, L.joe and Jungmi is so sweet ^-^ keehehehe. L.joeeee <3333 OMGGGG, MY RICKY APPEARED TOO :DDDDD Three cheers for Ricky :P Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hoorayyyyy ~~
Aww, what about my Taemin? :< He doesnt have a pairing, boohoo T.T
Chapter 36: Kyaaaaaaa~~~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Reading this story for just one night <3333 I looooove it!! /rolls down the mountain/ wiieee~~ L.Joeeeee <3
Chapter 36: Awwwwwwww~~OuO
L.joe How sweet!!<3<3<3
I was Blushing while reading it!!
Anyway the ending was awesome Im sureThat everyone LOVED it!!
This was an Amazing/cute/funny,Awesome Fanfic that i will never forget!!<3<3<3
Chapter 36: Aww~ L.Joe~ ! <33 So sweet and cute~ Plus, it's a happy and good ending for everyone, not only them! ^^
You're welcome! And TeenTop! I love you too~ XD
Chapter 35: Woo~ L.Joe confessed too? XDD
Chapter 35: OMG LJOE!!!!*Fangirl*OuO
OH MY GOOOOD CHUNJI!!!*Jump around like crazy*
Update soon unni!!I can't wait!OuO