New Project Work

The Shining Knight and The Dark Rider

    Haiz, so I didn't get to see his face after all. He rushed off right after a phone call, saying that it was urgent. He didn't even tell me how to contact him or he should at least tell me his name or something, but no, he didn't. Now I just wonder if we'll ever meet again. The mysterious dark rider.

     " Kim JungMi. " The teacher called, waking me up from my daze.

    I quickly stand up and walked over to the teacher to recieve my Science test results. I flipped over my paper and took a peek at the top right hand side of the paper - 87/100. That's pretty good~ I went back to my seat and waited for IU to come back with her paper.

    " Hey! How much did you get JungMi? " IU got back almost immediately after me.

    " 87, how about you? "

    " 91. "

    " Waahh~ You're so good! " ChunJi suddenly cut into our conversation, " I just passed! 59! " He then glared at us, half playfully, half angrily, " And it's all your fault! "

    " Our fault? Why is it our fault? " I asked, " We didn't force you to just pass you know? "

    " It's all because you two disappeared on the day you guys promised us to tutor us on Science! " L.Joe complained. Oopps, that's the day IU and I decided to go and look for the wise Old Man. Aish, but they could have studied on their own right? It isn't totally our fault. " How can you blame it all on us? We just have a sudden appointment on that day~ "

    " Psh, a sudden appointment and you just ditched us like that? " ChunJi tsked.

    " It was an important appointment ok? " IU pouted.

    " Anyway, how much did you get, L.Joe? " I asked curiously.

    " 70- What? L.Joe? "

    " What? Isn't your name L.Joe? "

    " No, you're suppose to call me 'op-pa' " He emphasized on the word 'oppa'. IU's eyes widen, " Oppa? "

    " Aish, you- "

    " Manners~ Mind your manners. " L.Joe smirked and I glared at him. This guy, how annoying can he get? Oppa? Psh, there is no way I am going to call him that again. ChunJi then interupted our 'glaring contest' , " If he's oppa, then what about me? I am older than all of you ok? Call me oppa too! "

    " What?! " Now him too? This two best friends are really good at irritating me. Seriously, these guys, they are really getting on my nerves. " No ChunJi! I am NOT going to call anyone oppa. And that's it, no more arguements. "

    " Why~ ? You have to be respectful~ Quick! Call me oppa~ " ChunJi whined, " You called L.Joe oppa, you have to call me oppa too! That guy is younger than me! "

    " Well, in that case, call me noona! I am born earlier than anyone of you here ok? " IU crossed her arms in front of her chest. Just then, I saw TaeMin with his head on his table and his science test paper at the side. He has been sitting there quietly the whole day, without talking to us. I am really worried about him. He looks... sad... Is it his marks? ... Or something else? Well, there is only one way to find out~

    I left ChunJi and IU there arguing with each other and walked over to TaeMin's seat. I squat down beside his desk and place my chin on the back of my hands which is on the side of his table, " Hi TaeMin, how much did you get for your science test? "

    " I got 63... "

    " It's not that bad~ "

    " Mmm, it's quite good... "

    It's quite good? That means he wasn't sad about the test results... Which means... Haiz... How should I do about TaeMin? He need to stop being so sad and restless about the noona already. He looks like the wind could blow him away any moment. " Actually TaeMin- "

    " Ok, enough talking! Go back to your seats and we'll continue with our lessons! " Mr Park hollered. I went back to my table and sighed. I have to help TaeMin somehow, but the only problem is - How? He has helped me a lot since the day I arrived in Korea, and now it's time I finally do something to help him. Not simple things like cooking porridge or buying groceries or applying medicine or taking care of Onew oppa, although it's quite a failed attempt, considering the fact that he fell and hurt his toes... But something that is REALLY going to help him. Well, I'll figure it out somehow, someday, somewhere.

    " Listen class, we're going to have a project work that you have to hand it up to me after 2 weeks. " The teacher announced as soon as the class quiet down, " So now please group yourself into fives. "

    IU and ChunJi immendiately turned around to face us, " You, me, IU, L.Joe and TaeMin. Just nice, 5 of us. "

    We all turn to TaeMin and motion him to come over, " Here TaeMin! Join us! "


    " So we need some assorted coloured construction paper, camera, black and white films, 3 glass jars, dog biscuits or any other treat that dogs likes and a dog, any age, any gender, any breed and healthy. " IU read it out for us from the paper Mr Park handed us. Every group have a different experiment to conduct and ours is called ' Are Dogs Colourblind? '.

    " Let's start by buying the needed equipments then. How should we distribute our workload? " ChunJi asked.

    " I have left over coloured construction paper from last year's project work, we can use that. " L.Joe suggested. IU then place the instruction paper onto the table and pointed to the camera and black and white films, " I have those, using mine can save us a lot of money! "

    Mr Park gave us a budget and we're not suppose to exceed it. ChunJi nodded and grinned, " I'm sure I could dig out 3 glass jar from my house too~ That left us with the dog and dog food. "

    " Do you still have any dog food left in your house TaeMin? " IU asked, " You used to have a lot of pet dogs isn't it? "

    No response.

    " TaeMin? "

    Still no response.

    " Yah, TaeMin, we're talking to you! " L.Joe shook him and that snapped him out of his daze, " Huh? "

    " We asked you if you have any dog food left. " ChunJi repeated the question. TaeMin shook his head slightly and puts his head back down onto the table. We exchanged glances and sighed. " Erm, I could help look for a place to rent a dog for 2 weeks, and TaeMin could help buy the food! TaeMin is the only one familar with dog food, right? "

    IU nodded enthusiastically and smiled, " Right! So TaeMin you can buy the food right? "

    No response.

    Haiz... All of us sighed and ChunJi half-shouted, " TaeMin! " He looked up at us and L.Joe told him what he have to do. He nodded his head slowly and ChunJi sighed, " Are you sure you can do it alone? You don't have to if you don't want, we can help you with it, you can just tell us if you prefer to go home and rest- "

    " It's ok, I'll go with him. " I volunteered.

    " Ok then, so it's all settled! We'll go home and look for the things we need and then meet up this weekend to finish it up! " IU concluded. We all nod our heads then proceed to pack our bags.


    TaeMin and I are silently walking down the street, looking for a dog snack shop where we can buy the dog snack. " TaeMin, do you know where to buy the most delicious dog snack? " I tried to break the silence, but TaeMin still didn't talk. He just shook his head. He didn't even look at me, he continued staring at the ground and kicking the pebbles as we walked.

    I can tell he's REALLY upset. What can I do to cheer him up? What do I like to do when I'm upset? Hmm, I like to hug my bear, I like to eat something sweet... like... ICE-CREAM! I turned my head and saw an ice-cream shop. " Hey! TaeMin, do you want some ice-cream? " 

   He shook his head, but like I'm going to care. I'm still going to have ice-cream with him! " Doesn't matter, I want to have one! Let's go! " I pulled him inside the ice-cream shop and went to the counter, " Can I have a Strawberry Ice-cream and a Banana Ice-cream? "

    " Sure! Please do take a seat, the Ice-cream will be served shortly. "

    " Thank you! " I thanked the unnie behind the counter and then pulled TaeMin to a seat by the window, " You like banana milk, so I assumed you will like banana ice-cream too, do you like banana ice-cream? "

    TaeMin nods his head. " Are you really listening to me or just randomly nodding your head? " He nods his head again. " Are you stupid? "

    I thought TaeMin would just nods his head like before, or shakes his head if he really is listening, but he suprised me by finally talking, " Yes, I am stupid. I should have known, I shouldn't have trusted her. "

    " T-TaeMin ah, you know that's not what I mean. " Aish, what have I done? Making TaeMin call himself stupid.

    Just then, the ice-cream arrived, " Here's your ice-cream orders, a total of $8 please. " I passed her the money after she puts down the ice-cream and thank her.

    I looked at Taemin and saw him smashing his ice cream with the spoon. This is not how the TaeMin I know is. I got serious, I knew I have to, " Look, TaeMin, if you know you're stupid to have trusted her, aren't you being even more stupid to be sulking over her now? "

    He frozed for a few seconds, probably shocked by what I've said. " You should move on and show her that you can be happier without her. " He probably thought it over and finally realised that what I've been telling him makes sense, so without even looking up at me, he started eating his half-melted and smashed banana ice cream. I smiled.


    After we left the ice cream shop, we continued on our way in silence until TaeMin finally spoke up. " JungMi... "

    " Y-yes? " I turned to him, surprised. He turned and looked up at me " Thank you. "

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--doyouhearme #1
Chapter 36: L.JOEEEE <3 *spazzing*
What a coincidence...I'll have to read this soon.^^
angelkitty #3
Chapter 36: Awwww, L.joe and Jungmi is so sweet ^-^ keehehehe. L.joeeee <3333 OMGGGG, MY RICKY APPEARED TOO :DDDDD Three cheers for Ricky :P Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hoorayyyyy ~~
Aww, what about my Taemin? :< He doesnt have a pairing, boohoo T.T
Chapter 36: Kyaaaaaaa~~~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Reading this story for just one night <3333 I looooove it!! /rolls down the mountain/ wiieee~~ L.Joeeeee <3
Chapter 36: Awwwwwwww~~OuO
L.joe How sweet!!<3<3<3
I was Blushing while reading it!!
Anyway the ending was awesome Im sureThat everyone LOVED it!!
This was an Amazing/cute/funny,Awesome Fanfic that i will never forget!!<3<3<3
Chapter 36: Aww~ L.Joe~ ! <33 So sweet and cute~ Plus, it's a happy and good ending for everyone, not only them! ^^
You're welcome! And TeenTop! I love you too~ XD
Chapter 35: Woo~ L.Joe confessed too? XDD
Chapter 35: OMG LJOE!!!!*Fangirl*OuO
OH MY GOOOOD CHUNJI!!!*Jump around like crazy*
Update soon unni!!I can't wait!OuO