Back in School

The Shining Knight and The Dark Rider

    " Ahhh, such a beautiful morning ~ " I stretched out my hands and look outside the windows. To think that I even got up before my alarm clock goes off, this is a good start to a wonderful day. I quickly got myself ready and went outside my room to have my breakfast " Oh! Good morning, Onew oppa! " I greeted with a huge smile as I approached the table where he is having his sandwich. " Good morning, JungMi ! You're early today! " He replied as he handed me a glass of milo. " Ready to go to school? "

    " Yup, of course! I'm all fine now! We'll leave right after I finish this " I guestured to the glass of milo I was holding. After staying at Onew oppa's house for this long, I've only realised now that this is the first time he's walking me to school. It's nice having his company on the way to school. He's always looking out for me and treating me like a princess. He'll remind me to look out for cars everytime we cross the road and he'll ask if I'm hungry once in a while when we pass by those road side food stalls. He even helped me with my books and files, willing to do it for me even though it's a pink hello kitty file we're talking about. I feel important when I'm with him.

    " We're here already, Oppa. "

    " Remember to take your lunch, ok? Oh. And do you have enough money for lunch? " He asked. "Of course I do. Don't worry oppa! You should go already, you'll be late for work if you don't leave now. "

    " It's okay, I want to see you go in first. I'll leave right after. " He gave a warm smile. " Ok then. See you later! " I waved and went inside the school, giving another wave and a smile before going inside the building. 


    " JUNGMI!!! I MISSED YOU!!! " IU tackled me with a huge hug once I entered the classroom. " Aww, I missed you too! Is everything ok yesterday? " I asked once she released me from her bear hug. " You girls are being over exaggerated. It's only been a day since you two last met. " ChunJi looked at us like we're crazy. " Hey! We are best friends ok? And best friends are inseparable! " IU retorted back.

    ChunJi pretended to puke before asking " Then what about MY best friends? Where exactly are they? " He looked around the room.

    " If you are talking about TaeMin, he slept at Key Oppa's house last night, so I didn't see him today. " I answered . ChunJi opened  his mouth to speak but got cut off by IU who pointed to the classroom door and stated sarcastically " There, your bestfriends ~ " We turned our heads towards the door and there they are, walking into the classroom. L.Joe and TaeMin. TaeMin rushed over the moment his eyes landed on me " JungMi ah! Have you recovered? Are you no longer sick? "

    I nodded my head and smiled " How can I still be sick when all of you have been taking such good care of me? "

    " Now I don't have to get scolded by Key Hyung anymore! Yay! " TaeMin cheered before turning to me " You don't know JungMi, how Key Hyung treated me last night, I really wanted to go home, but Hyungs insisted that it was too late and I have to spent the night there. I would never ever go there again! You shouldn't too, JungMi! You wouldn't want to experience what I did last night! "

    We all laughed at TaeMin's cute complain of Key Oppa. Just then, I remembered something, I turned to IU and announced " I almost forgot to tell you, I found my Oppa yesterday! "

    TaeMin, L.Joe, ChunJi and IU all gave me shocked faces. I then explained " Actually, Bling Bling Oppa - a friend of Onew Oppa is my long lost Oppa! "  TaeMin's jaw dropped and his eyes widen. " I want to meet him! I want to meet him! " IU jumped around in excitement.

    " Seriously? Bling Bling Hyung? " TaeMin asked as he snapped out of his daze but still in shocked. I nodded my head again and said " I wouldn't have believed it too! But he got the exactly same name as my Oppa, and the necklace that only me and my Oppa have in the whole wide world! " Just then, the teacher came in " Settle down! Settle down! Lessons are starting soon! "

     We all went back to our places. I opened my bag and took out all the necessary items for the lesson, I then took out L.joe's writing materials that was left in my house yesterday and placed them on his table. L.Joe stared at the things before turning to me " I thought I told you that I will collect it later after school? Why did you bring it to school? "

     " Well, it will be troublesome for you to follow me back home again just to get these, so I thought- "

     " Why can't you listen? I already said I don't mind following you back home to get my things back right? Why don't you understand? Can't you just listen to me for once? " L.Joe shorten my sentence as he glared at me. I blinked and gulped " I- "

     " Forget it. "

     Why is he so angry? I mean I didn't do anything wrong right? He don't have the right to be angry when his words don't even make any sense! Well, at least for me. Fine then, forget it. It isn't my fault anyway. I turn back to the teacher and tried to focus on the lessons, but I just can't. What's wrong with me? And what's wrong with him?


    " JungMi ah, what's wrong with you? You look distracted. " IU asked concernly during lunch break. I shook my head and gave her an assuring smile " Nothing. Maybe I haven't fully recovered from the headache last night. Don't worry, it will be gone soon. "

    " If your headache gets any worser, just tell me OK? I will help you inform the teacher. " IU suggested concernly. I nodded and smiled, glad that I have such a good friend. " Hey! Let's go follow TaeMin again today! I accidentally overheard TaeMin's phone conversation with that Noona, I think they are meeting again after school! " ChunJi interrupted out conversation.

     " But, JungMi- "

     " No, I'm fine! Really! I don't want to spoil your plans. " I assured IU. IU sighed and turn back to ChunJi " Even if JungMi is fine with it, wouldn't it be bad to follow him everytime they have a date? It's their privacy anyway. Further more, are you sure you accidentally overheard their conversation? " IU gave ChunJi a face, emphasizing on the word "accidentally" .

    ChunJi let out a small laughter and stated " It doesn't matter now, it is TaeMin's innocence at sake! "

    " But- " IU started but was cutted off by TaeMin who just came back from the toilet with L.joe " What is at sake? " We all turn to him, shocked at his sudden appearance. ChunJi was the first one to react, " Ahh ~ It was a game we were talking about! We are suppose to look for this treasure, but IU couldn't find it, so I told her the answer that it is at a place called The Sake! Yup! That's it! "

    I gave ChunJi that ' seriously? ' face, and ChunJi returned with a ' Any-better-ideas? ' face. Well, at least TaeMin believed the story.


    The rest of the lessons is pretty quiet, well, considering the fact that L.Joe and I aren't talking to each other, it's pretty normal. I wasn't angry with him anymore, but I wouldn't give in, I wanted to let him know that I am not someone he can ' bully ' like that.

    Just before the lessons end, L.Joe finally spoke " JungMi, are you angry with me? "

    I shook my head 'no' . " Really? " I nod my head 'yes' . " Then why are you not talking to me? " I kept silent. " JungMi? " I turn to him and opened my mouth " It wasn't my fault, it doesn't make any sense that you want to travel back home with me just to get that few writing materials, so I brought it with me, I was just being nice. "

    " I'm sorry OK? Please forgive me, I know you are just being nice, but sometimes there are always some things that you won't understand... " L.Joe apologised and explained.

    " How would I understand if you don't explain? "

    " Well, it isn't time yet. I can't explain to you now, I am not ready yet. If I explain it to you now, things might get awkward between us, you might be angry with me, we might not be able to be friends anymore... " L.Joe tried his best to explain.

    " So, you did something bad? "

    " No! It isn't something bad, but it just isn't time to let you know yet, OK? " I raised my eyebrows and bit my lips. I nodded my head confusingly, I still don't quite understand but what can I do? I don't think he know how to further explain, so I decided I should just let the matter go. " So, still friends? " I held out my hand for a handshake.

    L.Joe looked stared for a second and slipped his hand into mine with a smile on his face " Friends. "

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--doyouhearme #1
Chapter 36: L.JOEEEE <3 *spazzing*
What a coincidence...I'll have to read this soon.^^
angelkitty #3
Chapter 36: Awwww, L.joe and Jungmi is so sweet ^-^ keehehehe. L.joeeee <3333 OMGGGG, MY RICKY APPEARED TOO :DDDDD Three cheers for Ricky :P Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hoorayyyyy ~~
Aww, what about my Taemin? :< He doesnt have a pairing, boohoo T.T
Chapter 36: Kyaaaaaaa~~~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Reading this story for just one night <3333 I looooove it!! /rolls down the mountain/ wiieee~~ L.Joeeeee <3
Chapter 36: Awwwwwwww~~OuO
L.joe How sweet!!<3<3<3
I was Blushing while reading it!!
Anyway the ending was awesome Im sureThat everyone LOVED it!!
This was an Amazing/cute/funny,Awesome Fanfic that i will never forget!!<3<3<3
Chapter 36: Aww~ L.Joe~ ! <33 So sweet and cute~ Plus, it's a happy and good ending for everyone, not only them! ^^
You're welcome! And TeenTop! I love you too~ XD
Chapter 35: Woo~ L.Joe confessed too? XDD
Chapter 35: OMG LJOE!!!!*Fangirl*OuO
OH MY GOOOOD CHUNJI!!!*Jump around like crazy*
Update soon unni!!I can't wait!OuO