Chapter 25

♥You Are My Destiny♥


It had been about three months since I debuted. As I am officially an SM ent. Artist, I was supposed to move to a dorm like other SM artists. Manager asked me to meet him at the office to sign some papers regarding the new dorm.

After signing he gave me a key to my new apartment. As I walked out of the office a thought struck my mind.

 “How am I going to move my stuffs to my new apartment, Othokey, how am I going to manage it myself? I sighed and walked through the corridor. I then peeped into Super Junior’s practice room and nobody were inside it.

“Where did everyone go?” I wondered and walked out of the building to get a cab to reach my apartment. After paying the driver I noticed two cars in front of my house.

“Whose cars could it be? It looks familiar though”I thought to myself and saw the door was wide open. I suddenly went inside to see who it was and I literally laughed when I saw both Siwon and Kyuhyun working really hard to move my cupboard while Seohyun unnie instructing them the way to move it.

She wore a pink top and shorts and sat on the table while Siwon was just wearing Vest and jeans he looked really y in his wet outfit (he was sweating xD) while Kyuhyun wore a tshirt and jeans. He looked unusually hot with his tight outfit ( am I being so ert right now?)

I stood their staring at them with my arms crossed.

“Aww Sunny ( A/N : SeonHi’s English name is Sunny ^^) you are here already?” Seohyun embraced me.

“How did you guys get in here?” I asked them and they pointed Kyuhyun.

“Oppa? How…u?” I wondered

“Yah, SeonHi, how can you forget things so easily? Did you forget that night when I came here and you hid the key behind the flower pot ” He asked.

“Bwo? You came here late at night? Kyuhyun ah what happened that day?” Siwon was serious.

“Oppaaa you came here at NIGHT??? Saeng ah..!!!!!!!  “Seohyun let out a squeal.

“omo its not what you think unnie, he came to drop me back at home after my practice.” I replied and walked towards my closet. My room was almost empty, my bed, bag  and many other stuffs were not around. “Unnie, where are my things?” I shouted from the bedroom,

“It all shifted to your new Aparttttmeentnttttttt!!” She shouted back.

How did they manage to do all this within this short time? I wondered. I then went and helped them to shift my things.


We took almost 2 and half hours to completely shift all my things.

“Shiwon Oppa , please drop me in my apartment will you? Seohyun asked Siwon.

“Me?  Ermm I think Kyu is free, Kyuhyun ah ….” He called.

“I AM BUSYYYYYYYYY”  Kyuhyun shouted .

“Oppa kaja its getting late, Kaja.~…!” Seohyun pulled Siwon to his car.

“Kyu Oppa drop her in her new apartment ne? “ She winked at us.

“Aigo this kid” Kyuhyun chuckled.


“Seo, Kaja lets move out ne” He said while walking out.

I slowly walked out with a sigh. “The moments when I first came here with friends, the time we enjoyed here , the way we cooked  and many more , Goodbye my sweet home , Thanks for giving me soo many sweet memories” I gave last glimpse at the apartment and got inside the car.

“Jagiya, don’t be sad Im sure your new dorm will gift you with many more sweet memories “ He said caressing my hair. “I hope it will” I gave him a fainted smile.



We reached the new building within a couple of minutes. The building was pretty big; it was a 20 storey building. There were many fans near the building so he instructed me to get out first. I then got out of the car and waiting for him near the lift. Fans were really wild when they saw him; all were screaming and taking his pics. He then joined me and we went to Floor 13.

He walked first and I followed him. My room number 1314 . When I got inside the room Taemin and his friend were busy cleaning and setting the things.

“Omo, Jeongmal kamsahamniida Oppa” I gave them a 90 degree bow. “I think everyone can leave now,  I’ll take care of it” I said while snatching the broom from taemin.

They soon cleared the room and Kyu and Siwon came to see if everything was alright. I still had to fix the kitchen stuffs so he helped me to do it, while Siwon was busy cleaning my bedroom.

“Oppa you look soo tired, you can take bath in my toilet” I told him.

" I wont" He replied.

"Wae?? But you stinkk!!!!" I said cupping my face.

"Arasso, I will, but before than give me a kiss" He demanded.

"Yahh, why do you always demand kiss for everything? Okk better dont bath ne?" He scoffed.

"Jagiyaa...~~ " He pouted.

"Arasso, Arasso " I gave a peck on his cheek and pushed him inside the toilet.

I then went to bedroom to see what Siwon was doing. My EYES widened as round as saucers and I stood their frozen with open-mouthed surprise. Siwon was TOPLESS…………………!!!!!!!!!!



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omg i love how Taemin is a bit conniving
Hanuel_ELF #2
pls make SeonHi and kyu closer....dat dey know thir love each otha durring the picnic......:D
Hanuel_ELF #3
Ahhhh.....atlast ur back SeonHi..........keeep going.......welll done.....!!!!!!!!promise to support 4eva...... :D
I'll shall comment from now on :)
Gah Taeminnie is upto something -.- Poor jealous Kyuhyunnie *pinches cheeks*
stupid taemin.... i agree. but the dream part was actually a bit sad and scary..... so, are you seeing the future :) and who's that at the last pic? rooling crazily on the bed?
whoa...... taemin's sure being mischevious.... lol :P stupid yoona.. (i love her in real life though)
kekekeke Taemin's such a rascal! xD baha~ -w - update soon! Kyuhyunnie is being a jealous monster~~~ xDDD kekekeke
Taemin oppa how could you?! :O YOU ERT!!!!!!!!!! :O!!
Bwahaha!! Kyuhyun oppa jealous!! :P
Loved the chappy! <3
Update soon!
WonKyu_AngELF #10
and also chingu the gifs are soo perfectly fitting the scene and also te vdo its all soo perfect
i can see how much trouble u myt have taken to search them all!!
Proud of u chingu!!!
keep it yup, and do update the next chappy soon ok.