I was just teasing You.

♥You Are My Destiny♥

Authors POV

"Who are You?.Get the heck out of me" You shouted trying to get rid of his strong arms around you. He finally loosed his arms and you turned to see who it was. 

 It was none other than Cho Kyuhyun.


"Oppa " You cried in surprise. "What are you doing here late at night?? You questioned him.

"Seo I need to talk to you" He said gazing at You. 

"Talk? Late at night? You gone crazy ? You giggled.

"Seo I need to talk to you...about what happend today morning" He added.

"No ! Not Again " You denied and turned back.

"Seo, Wait! " He said as he grabbed your wrist and Dragged you to the nearby park.

"Oppa ! Leave my hand! It Hurts! " you screamed in a rather annoyed tone.

"Aishh this girl," He said as he left you hand.

"Ouch! Look, its red.. Were you trying to prove you wer strong? you asked.


"keke that was not a joke" He smirked.

"Sit here " He said pointing the bench he was sitting.

"Aishh Oppa tell me what you wanna say, I wanna go back home. Its already 12"  You urged. 

Just then You saw a group of youngesters noticing us. 

"Omo, they mus-t be my fangirls" He said as he pulled you closer to him, such then you sat on his lap (xD)You then saw a few girls from that group came towards you.

"Shisus, I bet this is going to be tomorrow's headline" He then pulled closer to his face. Our nose met eachother and pretented as if we were kissing.

I heard the girls murmuring


Girl1 :"Hey look doesn't look like Super Junior's Kyuhyun?"


Girl2 :"Aish shut up, Its not Kyu Oppa, he is not like the guy you think- He is Mr Simple"  


Girl 3 :"They must be couples, Look at them they are kissing at moonlight. Thats romantic I envy them"


Girl4: " Hey lets dont disturb them" and so on...


"Are the gone?" You asked him.


"Aniyo they are still here". He lied as he pulled you more closer and he wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"What are you doing??" I cant breathe" You complained.

"Just be  in this position for a while Arasso??" He smirked.

He then looked deeply into your eyes. Aish this is killing me >_< you thought.

"Oppa??" You called.

"Neh "he said as he gazed away. "Waeyo?" he asked.

"Are they still here" You asked again.

"Yeah..They are still here. Be close to me. " He giggled.

"Ehh?? I smell somthing fishy." You said as you turned back to see whether they've gone. 

"Shisus There is not even a bird here." You exclaimed. And you pushed him away and stood up. You then gave him a what-the-heck-were-you-doing-look !

"Ahh..! They've gone ??? But i saw them just now.May be the left a few seconds ago"." He stated.

"I knew it, You ert Kyuhyun." You mocked.

'Ya! dont call me that. Im not a ert, Anyway Get to the point. Im sorry for what happened today morning.I.... I... just made up those stories..! Just to tease you. " He explained.

"Tease me? So you mean Siwon Oppa never told he love me??"  You asked with wide eyes.

"Neh,He didn't" He replied with a sigh.


Yah ! I told he didnt,! he roared.

ASDFGHJKL !!!!!!!!!! You hugged him tightly, Kamsahae ! You winked.

"Ehh? Whats wrong with  her?" He mumbled.

You were about to leave when you saw Kyuhyun sigh.

"Waeyo? Anything wrong? You asked him.

"Ani," He replied coldly rubbing his tummy.

"Are you hungry?" You asked.

" How come I wont , I've not eaten anything from morning" He complained.

"You've not eaten anything from MORNING???? What were you doing all these time?? Dont tell me you were busy with schedules. I know Super Junior is on hiatus now". You asked.

Aishh!!! I this girl! I was not busy. I was waiting for you here. He said rubbing his tummy.

You must be kidding me ! You giggled.

I am not !! Listen my tummy is growling ! >_< he pointed out.

Omo! Oppa are you that hungry?? Come with me ! You asked him.

Come with you were?? Do you think there'll be any restaurent open at this time."? He said.

"Not to restaurent, to my apartment" You chuckled. You then held his wrist and dragged him to your apartment.

You slowly opened the door. Likely everyone where sleeping . 

"Oppa wash your hands and be seated ,I'll serve you food." You whispered as you opened the bag which your omma gave you.

"Woah, Kimchi Bokumbap? Deobbokhi? Kimbap? Ramen? did you prepare it yourself Jagiya?" He asked with surprise.



"hehe Aniyo, Omma prepared it for me" You chucked.

"Lets eat together then" He suggested.

"Aniyo, I am not hungry" You replied.

"Then i am not hungry too" He pouted.

"Aigoo, I'll eat with me Oppa" You pinched his cheecks and sat beside him.




After 20 minutes you both were done eating.

"Are you full Oppa? You chuckled 

"Aniyo I want more " He pouted

"What? You ate almost all and you are still hungry? You are really a hungry KYU" You giggled..

 "Kamsahe Jagiya, he thanked you as he pulled you for a hug.He broke the hug and gave a peck on your cheeks and giggled.

He bidgoodbye and drove back to his dorm.

You were still looking at the car until it vanished in the dark.


What are you doing here Seo? You heard a voice ask.

You suddenly turned back and saw Haneul standing beside you with her messy look.

"Ahh you scared me " You pushed her and went to your bedroom. While Haneul stood there frozen and confused.

You took a warm bath and wore your favourite pajama and took the diary from the drawer. You then wrote :

Had an awesome day with the ones i LOVE.!

Thanks to Taemin Oppa for the hug , 

Seohyun unnie and Yonghwa oppa for all the fun..


Kyuhyun Oppa for ............................ nothing :P


You giggled and went to bed. "Kyu Oppa meet me in Dreamland Arasso??" You whispered and slowly drifted to sleep.


 -To be Continued-






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omg i love how Taemin is a bit conniving
Hanuel_ELF #2
pls make SeonHi and kyu closer....dat dey know thir love each otha durring the picnic......:D
Hanuel_ELF #3
Ahhhh.....atlast ur back SeonHi..........keeep going.......welll done.....!!!!!!!!promise to support 4eva...... :D
I'll shall comment from now on :)
Gah Taeminnie is upto something -.- Poor jealous Kyuhyunnie *pinches cheeks*
stupid taemin.... i agree. but the dream part was actually a bit sad and scary..... so, are you seeing the future :) and who's that at the last pic? rooling crazily on the bed?
whoa...... taemin's sure being mischevious.... lol :P stupid yoona.. (i love her in real life though)
kekekeke Taemin's such a rascal! xD baha~ -w - update soon! Kyuhyunnie is being a jealous monster~~~ xDDD kekekeke
Taemin oppa how could you?! :O YOU ERT!!!!!!!!!! :O!!
Bwahaha!! Kyuhyun oppa jealous!! :P
Loved the chappy! <3
Update soon!
WonKyu_AngELF #10
and also chingu the gifs are soo perfectly fitting the scene and also te vdo its all soo perfect
i can see how much trouble u myt have taken to search them all!!
Proud of u chingu!!!
keep it yup, and do update the next chappy soon ok.