My Love Is Different .....

♥You Are My Destiny♥

SeonHi's POV

I was sitting in the garden thinking about Kyuhyun...... 

Why do i have strange feelings towards him...?  I dont know much about him....And He dont know that i EXIST  ! What made me feel for him... Aigoo T_T

Suddenly SeonHi's crush comes and sits near her...

Taemin : Seonhi yah...Why are you sitting alone here? Where did your friends go?

SeonHi : Um.. Oppa....they went to cafe and im not hungry so thought of coming here.. :)

Taemin : Nae....isnt sweet here... Its soo Romantic.. keke Sad that its our last day tomorrow^^  

SeonHi : *Blush*  neh...but ill come and visit here....i cant miss this beautiful garden.. :)

Taemin : Well I have something to sa you....

SeonHi : Whats that Oppa ??

Taemin : SeonHi..ahhh ...I ..I ... LOVE  He was cut by SeonHi..

She spoke...I know what you are going to talk about ...But Oppa I am already in Love. I love Kyu...

Taemin : SeonHi ...Are you crazy?? Do you think you could ever meet him and express your feelings?  Get a Life...! He is just an idol ! 

SeonHi : I dont now ! But im sure i'll meet him and he will love me too ^^  

Oppa sorry ...

i have to go bye..


Taemin's POV 


I cant believe what she said..I really love her. But why cant she understand that i truly love her..and there is no use of loving a kpop idol ! Aish this girl.. I know you will come back to me... I will wait for you SeonHi.... Saranghae..... * a tear fell from his eyes*



SeonHi's POV 


Ahh..... God why Am i like this??? Why did i leave the boy who love me...! Im Crazy...really crazy... ! 

She talked to herself looking at the mirror... : 

Yah Cho Kyuhyun...

 Instead of hand in hand walking in the park, I stay at home…with my computer…watching your performance…



Instead of going to concerts together, I stay at home…let your voice raise me up…Instead of going out to eat, I stay at home…just looking at your pictures…but that made me feel so full…


Instead of watching movie in the cinema, I stay at home…watch again and again your drama…




I don’t know since when you’ve become a part of my life.You control my life, my feeling, my emotions, all that belongs to me.I can’t do anything but loving you more and more.

My friends asked me why I can have such an unreal love, one-side love, sad love and hopeless love like that …Why I can love someone that I may not have a chance to face them one time in my life…



How can I answer them?How can I express my feeling?How can I tell them that they’re totally wrong?

Because, they’re never once an E.L.F, they won’t understand this kind of feeling.




Why do they call it’s unreal when my heart is telling the true…?Why do they call it’s one-side when the one i love, they love me too…?Why do they call it’s hopeless when this love give me strength…give me power to get over my life’s difficuties..make me hope..make me dream..?

But there’s one thing my friends are right.This is a sad love…a saddest loveThis love hurt me a lot…

I started loving you because of your smile, all your shows are very funny and humorous…Those shows made me laugh a lot…













But the more I love you, the more I cry …


I cry when you won the first time…the moment that I was supposed to smile happily…but i don’t know why tears keep falling down out of my control.I cry when you had a car accident and wonder why I can’t be the one who had accident instead of you…I cry when you’re devided…I cry when I see thousands of E.L.F fight for you, but I’m just here, helpless…I cry when you actually come back after 1 year and 6 months…I cry when I miss Bummie so much…I cry when you won 1st Mutizen after coming back…I cry …


Maybe i will never know how a love can be so painfully..If I don’t love you…In my next life, I won’t love all of you. Because in my next life, I won’t be an ELF anymore.In my next life, there won’t be ELF, there won’t be Super Junior.In the next life, I only wish you were yourselves.....
















Please show some love.. This is my first chapter...! I shall make it interesting next time ^^

So please Comment and Subscribe ^^

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omg i love how Taemin is a bit conniving
Hanuel_ELF #2
pls make SeonHi and kyu closer....dat dey know thir love each otha durring the picnic......:D
Hanuel_ELF #3
Ahhhh.....atlast ur back SeonHi..........keeep going.......welll done.....!!!!!!!!promise to support 4eva...... :D
I'll shall comment from now on :)
Gah Taeminnie is upto something -.- Poor jealous Kyuhyunnie *pinches cheeks*
stupid taemin.... i agree. but the dream part was actually a bit sad and scary..... so, are you seeing the future :) and who's that at the last pic? rooling crazily on the bed?
whoa...... taemin's sure being mischevious.... lol :P stupid yoona.. (i love her in real life though)
kekekeke Taemin's such a rascal! xD baha~ -w - update soon! Kyuhyunnie is being a jealous monster~~~ xDDD kekekeke
Taemin oppa how could you?! :O YOU ERT!!!!!!!!!! :O!!
Bwahaha!! Kyuhyun oppa jealous!! :P
Loved the chappy! <3
Update soon!
WonKyu_AngELF #10
and also chingu the gifs are soo perfectly fitting the scene and also te vdo its all soo perfect
i can see how much trouble u myt have taken to search them all!!
Proud of u chingu!!!
keep it yup, and do update the next chappy soon ok.