Chapter 6


Haneul’s POV

We got off the taxi and again she paid for it. I feel I owe Rikku sshi a lot today. She helped me with the bag of snacks and even offered to carry my bag which I politely declined. Why is she so nice to me, makes me happy but also afraid. I don’t wanna be close to her cause Im afraid of getting hurt. What if she’s like Yiseul…?

We were walking to the lobby in comfortable silence when Rikku bumped into someone. Her head came crashing into the person’s chest. She was about to fall on the ground when that person caught her. ‘Its late’ the husky voice spoke. I was a little afraid but I grabbed all the courage I had and pulled Rikku sshi away from that creeper. I heard a soft giggle and turn to see Rikku sshi covering and shaking from controlling her laughter.

‘Its okay Haneul ah~’ she stood in front of me and wrapped her arms around the stranger’s waist.

‘Mianhe..’ I heard her spoke in his chest and that stranger wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her closer and placed a gentle kiss on her head. I stood there feeling really awkward and I was blushing at their public display of affection. I looked down at my feet because of my flushing face and I wanted to give them some space.

‘Haneul, its okay, its Daehyun. He is harmless. Come on lets go. Its getting cold’ she gentle wrap her arms around shoulder and brought me closer. I feel so much warmer and…loved? Like I belonged … I saw Daehyun sshi took off his jacket and place it over Rikku sshi’s shoulders/ he took the plastic bags from my hand and Rikku’s hand bag from her. He walked ahead of us to give us some space. Rikku sshi took off her scraf and wrapped it around my neck.

‘You will need this more than me.’ with that we made our way to the lift lobby. The way she takes care of me makes me feel all warm and fizzy on the inside. This is the kinda love that Im missing…would it… last. Im kinda envious of the kind of love that Daehyun sshi and Rikku sshi has. The things he is willing to do for her.. will someone ever do something like this for me? I was in a daze when I felt someone gently pat my head.

‘Haneul ah~ what are you thinking…?’ I shooked my head. We entered the lift and Daehyun was about to close the door when suddenly someone put their hand in between the lift door to stop it from closing. Rikku sshi turned and hugged me in a protective manner and Daehyun stood in front of us. Protecting us from any harm.

‘Hyung…’ Daehyun said in a monotone manner.

‘Ah~ Daehyunnie! Just got back from a date? Where’s Rikku?’ He gently punched Daehyun on the arm and looks around from Rikku sshi.

‘Yah! Yonggukkie!! YOU!!’ Rikku pushed pass Daehyun and stood in front of Yongguk sshi.

‘Do you know how scared we were?!’ she yelled and hit him on the head with her knuckles.

‘Yah You-’ he was about to attack her but Daehyun sshi stood in front of her and held his wrist before he could land a blow. They totally forgot about my presence. Somehow, I feel jealous that they have such close friendship. Yongguk sshi actually allows Rikku to play with him and Daehyun protects her still even if she hit a little too hard. This is something we don’t get to see everyday. He was arguing with Rikku sshi with Daehyun standing in between them preventing them to actually hit each other. He pressed the button to our destined floor.

Yongguk sshi was arguing and teasing her when he noticed me standing in the back looking right back at him. I started to feel a little hot and the heat spread to my cheeks. I looked away from him while he cleared his throat. He stepped away from Rikku and started scratching his neck again. Rikku sshi noticed that and started teasing him about being shy around strangers and pretty girls. They were bickering all the way up to our floor.

Rikku stepped away from Yongguk before giving him a little shove. She turned to give Daehyun a look before he quietly pass her the stuffs he was carrying. She was about to pass him back the jacket but he stopped her and plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. They bid goodbye to us and they were just living next door.

Rikkus sshi turned and beamed at me before entering the passcode to her apartment. She allowed me to enter first and then she the lights. She placed the bags of snacks on the small white dinning table. She took off the jacket and coat placing it on the coat hanger. She walked towards a daze me who was looking at her beautiful and cosy apartment. She helped me removed the scarf and got me to sit down on her comfy sofa.

While she went to prepare us some tea. Her apartment was really cozy and bright. She used a lot of pastel colors giving the place a very comfy feeling. Her place was also very neatly organized and in place. I guess she was the kind of neat and tidy person. The vibe that her apartment gives me is different from my own house. A place where I call my home that stopped feeling like a long time ago. I felt my phone vibrate in my blazer pocket. I flip it open…

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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
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Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD